2024-08-07 10:31:42 +08:00

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<s-layout title="确认订单">
<!-- TODO这个判断先删除 v-if="state.orderInfo.need_address === 1" -->
<view class="bg-white address-box ss-m-b-14 ss-r-b-10" @tap="onSelectAddress">
<s-address-item :item="state.addressInfo" :hasBorderBottom="false">
<view class="ss-rest-button">
<text class="_icon-forward" />
<!-- 商品信息 -->
<view class="order-card-box ss-m-b-14">
v-for="item in state.orderInfo.items"
:skuText="item.properties.map((property) => property.valueName).join(' ')"
<view class="order-item ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between ss-p-x-20 bg-white ss-r-10">
<view class="item-title">订单备注</view>
<view class="ss-flex ss-col-center">
<!-- 价格信息 -->
<view class="bg-white total-card-box ss-p-20 ss-m-b-14 ss-r-10">
<view class="total-box-content border-bottom">
<view class="order-item ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between">
<view class="item-title">商品金额</view>
<view class="ss-flex ss-col-center">
<text class="item-value ss-m-r-24">
¥{{ fen2yuan(state.orderInfo.price.totalPrice) }}
<!-- TODO 芋艿:接入积分 -->
class="order-item ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between"
v-if="state.orderPayload.order_type === 'score'"
<view class="item-title">扣除积分</view>
<view class="ss-flex ss-col-center">
<text class="item-value ss-m-r-24">{{ state.orderInfo.score_amount }}</text>
<view class="order-item ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between">
<view class="item-title">运费</view>
<view class="ss-flex ss-col-center">
<text class="item-value ss-m-r-24">
+¥{{ fen2yuan(state.orderInfo.price.deliveryPrice) }}
<!-- 优惠劵:只有 type = 0 普通订单(非拼团、秒杀、砍价),才可以使用优惠劵 -->
class="order-item ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between"
v-if="state.orderInfo.type === 0"
<view class="item-title">优惠券</view>
<view class="ss-flex ss-col-center" @tap="state.showCoupon = true">
<text class="item-value text-red" v-if="state.orderPayload.couponId > 0">
-¥{{ fen2yuan(state.orderInfo.price.couponPrice) }}
:class="state.couponInfo.length > 0 ? 'text-red' : 'text-disabled'"
state.couponInfo.length > 0 ? state.couponInfo.length + ' 张可用' : '暂无可用优惠券'
<text class="_icon-forward item-icon" />
class="order-item ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between"
v-if="state.orderInfo.price.discountPrice > 0"
<view class="item-title">活动优惠</view>
<view class="ss-flex ss-col-center">
<!-- @tap="state.showDiscount = true" TODO 芋艿:后续要把优惠信息打进去 -->
<text class="item-value text-red">
-¥{{ fen2yuan(state.orderInfo.price.discountPrice) }}
<text class="_icon-forward item-icon" />
class="order-item ss-flex ss-col-center ss-row-between"
v-if="state.orderInfo.price.vipPrice > 0"
<view class="item-title">会员优惠</view>
<view class="ss-flex ss-col-center">
<text class="item-value text-red">
-¥{{ fen2yuan(state.orderInfo.price.vipPrice) }}
<view class="total-box-footer ss-font-28 ss-flex ss-row-right ss-col-center ss-m-r-28">
<view class="total-num ss-m-r-20">
共{{ state.orderInfo.items.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item.count, 0) }}件
<view class="total-num text-red"> ¥{{ fen2yuan(state.orderInfo.price.payPrice) }} </view>
<!-- 选择优惠券弹框 -->
@close="state.showCoupon = false"
<!-- 满额折扣弹框 TODO 芋艿:后续要把优惠信息打进去 -->
@close="state.showDiscount = false"
<!-- 底部 -->
<su-fixed bottom :opacity="false" bg="bg-white" placeholder :noFixed="false" :index="200">
<view class="footer-box border-top ss-flex ss-row-between ss-p-x-20 ss-col-center">
<view class="total-box-footer ss-flex ss-col-center">
<view class="total-num ss-font-30 text-red">
{{ fen2yuan(state.orderInfo.price.payPrice) }}
class="ss-reset-button ui-BG-Main-Gradient ss-r-40 submit-btn ui-Shadow-Main"
<script setup>
import { reactive } from 'vue';
import { onLoad } from '@dcloudio/uni-app';
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import { isEmpty } from 'lodash';
import OrderApi from '@/sheep/api/trade/order';
import CouponApi from '@/sheep/api/promotion/coupon';
import { fen2yuan } from '@/sheep/hooks/useGoods';
const state = reactive({
orderPayload: {},
orderInfo: {
items: [], // 商品项列表
price: {}, // 价格信息
addressInfo: {}, // 选择的收货地址
showCoupon: false, // 是否展示优惠劵
couponInfo: [], // 优惠劵列表
showDiscount: false, // 是否展示营销活动
// 选择地址
function onSelectAddress() {
uni.$once('SELECT_ADDRESS', (e) => {
// 更改收货人地址&计算订单信息
async function changeConsignee(addressInfo = {}) {
if (!isEmpty(addressInfo)) {
state.addressInfo = addressInfo;
await getOrderInfo();
// 选择优惠券
async function onSelectCoupon(couponId) {
state.orderPayload.couponId = couponId || 0;
await getOrderInfo();
state.showCoupon = false;
// 提交订单
function onConfirm() {
if (!state.addressInfo.id) {
// 创建订单&跳转
async function submitOrder() {
const { code, data } = await OrderApi.createOrder({
items: state.orderPayload.items,
couponId: state.orderPayload.couponId,
addressId: state.addressInfo.id,
deliveryType: 1, // TODO 芋艿:需要支持【门店自提】
pointStatus: false, // TODO 芋艿:需要支持【积分选择】
combinationActivityId: state.orderPayload.combinationActivityId,
combinationHeadId: state.orderPayload.combinationHeadId,
seckillActivityId: state.orderPayload.seckillActivityId
if (code !== 0) {
// 更新购物车列表,如果来自购物车
if (state.orderPayload.items[0].cartId > 0) {
// 跳转到支付页面
sheep.$router.redirect('/pages/pay/index', {
id: data.payOrderId,
// 检查库存 & 计算订单价格
async function getOrderInfo() {
// 计算价格
const { data, code } = await OrderApi.settlementOrder({
items: state.orderPayload.items,
couponId: state.orderPayload.couponId,
addressId: state.addressInfo.id,
deliveryType: 1, // TODO 芋艿:需要支持【门店自提】
pointStatus: false, // TODO 芋艿:需要支持【积分选择】
combinationActivityId: state.orderPayload.combinationActivityId,
combinationHeadId: state.orderPayload.combinationHeadId,
seckillActivityId: state.orderPayload.seckillActivityId
if (code !== 0) {
state.orderInfo = data;
// 设置收货地址
if (state.orderInfo.address) {
state.addressInfo = state.orderInfo.address;
// 获取可用优惠券
async function getCoupons() {
const { code, data } = await CouponApi.getMatchCouponList(
state.orderInfo.items.map((item) => item.spuId),
state.orderPayload.items.map((item) => item.skuId),
state.orderPayload.items.map((item) => item.categoryId),
if (code === 0) {
state.couponInfo = data;
onLoad(async (options) => {
if (!options.data) {
state.orderPayload = JSON.parse(options.data);
await getOrderInfo();
await getCoupons();
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