id, user_id, order_no, buy_price, discount_price, logistics_price, present_price, pay_amount, payment_time, delivery_time, receiver_time, closing_time, has_return_exchange, status, remark, create_time, update_time, `deleted` , order_no = #{orderNo} , buy_price = #{buyPrice} , discount_price = #{discountPrice} , logistics_price = #{logisticsPrice} , logistics_price = #{logisticsPrice} , present_price = #{presentPrice} , pay_amount = #{payAmount} , delivery_time = #{deliveryTime} , payment_time = #{paymentTime} , receiver_time = #{receiverTime} , closing_time = #{closingTime} , has_return_exchange = #{hasReturnExchange} , status = #{status} , remark = #{remark} , `deleted` = #{deleted} , create_time = #{createTime} , update_time = #{updateTime} UPDATE `orders` WHERE id = #{id} UPDATE `orders` , pay_amount = #{updateObj.payAmount} , payment_time = #{updateObj.paymentTime} , status = #{updateObj.status} WHERE id = #{id} AND status = #{status} AND `status` = #{status} AND `user_id` = #{userId} AND `id` = #{id} AND `order_no` = #{orderNo} AND `has_return_exchange` = #{hasReturnExchange} AND `create_time` >= #{startCreateTime} AND `create_time` <= #{endCreateTime}