移出多余的 onemall 归档模块
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
如下是 onemall 的功能列表。
* 当功能被完成时,会标记已完成。
* 未完成的功能,欢迎一起来开发,特别是【待认领】的任务。
- [x] 首页
- [x] 首页广告
- [x] 商品推荐(手动)
- 商品相关
- [x] 分类列表
- [x] 商品搜索
- [x] 商品列表(基于分类)
- [ ] 商品列表(基于促销活动)
- [x] 商品详情
- [ ] 商品收藏 @笑笑生
- 订单相关
- [x] 下单(直接购买)
- [x] 下单(购物车购买)
- [ ] 下单(拼团) @大太阳
- [x] 订单列表
- [x] 订单详情
- [x] 支付
- [ ] 退款
- [x] 购物车
- [x] 收获地址
- 营销相关
- [x] 优惠劵
- [ ] 优惠码【待认领】
- 用户相关
- [x] 登陆
- [x] 注册
- [x] 个人信息
- [ ] 手机改绑
- [ ] 微信登陆 @To0R𓃰
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
如下是 onemall 的功能列表。
* 当功能被完成时,会标记已完成。
* 未完成的功能,欢迎一起来开发,特别是【待认领】的任务。
- [ ] 概述 TODO【待认领】
- [ ] 数据分析【待认领】
- [ ] 商品分析 【@zhenxianyimeng】
- [ ] 店铺资产【待认领】
- [ ] 支付单 20% 【待认领】
- [ ] 退款单 20% 【待认领】
- TODO 需要补充
- [ ] 店铺装修【迫切需要靠谱前端一起做】
- [ ] H5 装修
- [ ] 小程序装修
- [ ] 自定义页面
- [ ] 商品管理
- [x] 发布商品
- [x] 商品列表
- [x] 展示类目
- [ ] 品牌管理【开发中 @黑子】
- [ ] 商品标签
- [X] 商品规格页面
- [ ] 订单管理
- [x] 销售单
- [x] 售后单
- [ ] 订单评价【开发中 @wang171776704】
- [ ] 会员管理
- [ ] 会员资料 【开发中 @nengjie】
- [ ] 会员等级
- [ ] 会员积分
- [ ] 用户标签
- TODO 需要补充
- [ ] 营销管理
- [x] 首页广告
- [x] 商品推荐
- [x] 优惠劵
- [ ] 优惠码【开发中 @native8623 2019-05-17】
- [ ] 满减送 20% 【待认领】
- [ ] 限制折扣 20% 【待认领】
- [ ] 多人拼团【认领 @mijiu 2019-06-05】
- [ ] 积分商城
- [ ] 问卷调查
- [ ] 幸运大转盘
- [ ] 分销管理
- [ ] 分销设置
- [ ] 分销员管理
- [ ] 提现管理
- [ ] 系统管理
- [x] 员工管理
- [x] 角色管理 <!--【前端页面需要细化下】-->
- [x] 权限管理 <!--【前端页面需要细化下】-->
- [x] 部门管理 <!--【员工页面部门搜索需要优化】-->
- [x] 数据字典
- [x] 短信管理
- [X] 短信模板
- [ ] 短信发送日志【研发中 小范】
- [ ] 员工操作日志
- [ ] 访问日志【待认领】
- [ ] 异常日志【待认领】
@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
> 艿艿:本文暂时会写的比较简洁,如果有不懂的地方,请来[「交流群」](http://www.iocoder.cn/mall-user-group/?vip&gitee),艿艿来帮你解决。
> 交流群,我们提供了我们自己在使用的开发环境,搭建调试环境会更简便。
# 1. 概述
> 艿艿:本文暂时会写的比较简洁,如果有不懂的地方,请来[「交流群」](http://www.iocoder.cn/mall-user-group/?vip&gitee),艿艿来帮你解决。
* 后端
* JDK 8+
* Maven
* IntelliJ IDEA
* 前端
# 2. 源码拉取
使用 IntelliJ IDEA 从 <https://gitee.com/zhijiantianya/onemall> 。拉取完成后,Maven 会下载依赖包,可能会花费一些时间,耐心等待下。
> 艿艿:也不要瞎等,咱继续顺着本文往下走。
# 3. MySQL
① 安装 MySQL 数据库
* Windows :参考 [《Windows 安装 MySQL》](https://juejin.im/post/5bdab0645188251e753c66f8)
* Mac :参考 [《Mac 下安装与配置 MySQL》](https://www.jianshu.com/p/a8e4068a7a8a)
② 导入 SQL
将 [docs/sql](https://gitee.com/zhijiantianya/onemall/tree/master/docs/sql) 下的 SQL ,逐个导入到数据库中。
③ 修改项目中的 MySQL 配置
在 IDEA 中,搜索每个 `xxx-service-impl` 项目下的 `application.yaml` 文件,将数据库配置修改成连接你的。如下:
# datasource
url: jdbc:mysql://s1.iocoder.cn:3306/mall_product?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8 # 请修改成你本地的 MySQL url
driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
username: root # 请修改成你本地的 MySQL username
password: zhuyang # 请修改成你本地的 MySQL password
# 4. Zookeeper
① 安装 Zookeeper
* Windows :参考 [《Windows 下 ZooKeeper 的配置和启动步骤 —— 单机模式》](https://www.jianshu.com/p/66857cbccbd3)
* Mac :参考 [《Zookeeper 安装及配置(Mac)》](https://www.jianshu.com/p/0ba61bf7149f)
② 修改项目中的 Zookeeper 配置
在 IDEA 中,搜索每个 `xxx-service-impl` 项目下的 `application.yaml` 文件,将 Zookeeper 配置修改成连接你的。如下:
# dubbo
name: product-service
address: zookeeper:// # 请修改成你本地的 Zookeeper url
port: -1
name: dubbo
base-packages: cn.iocoder.mall.product.service
# 5. RocketMQ
① 安装 RocketMQ
* Windows :参考 [《RocketMQ 入门 —— 安装以及快速入门》](http://www.iocoder.cn/RocketMQ/start/install/?vip&gitee)
* Mac :参考 [《RocketMQ 入门 —— 安装以及快速入门》](http://www.iocoder.cn/RocketMQ/start/install/?vip&gitee)
② 修改项目中的 RocketMQ 配置
在 IDEA 中,搜索每个 `xxx-service-impl` 项目下的 `application.yaml` 文件,将 RocketMQ 配置修改成连接你的。如下:
name-server: # 请修改成你本地的 RocketMQ url
group: product-producer-group
# 6. XXL-Job
> 艿艿:这个中间件的安装,是可选项。如果不安装,只是定时任务无法执行。
TODO 未完成。建议先跳过。
① 安装 XXL-Job
参考 [《分布式任务调度平台 XXL-JOB》](http://www.xuxueli.com/xxl-job/#/) 官方文档。
② 修改项目中的 XXL-Job 配置
在 IDEA 中,搜索每个 `xxx-service-impl` 项目下的 `application-dev.yaml` 文件,将 XXL-Job 配置修改成连接你的。如下:
# xxl-job
addresses: # 请修改成你本地的 XXL-Job url
appname: pay-job-executor
port: 0
logpath: /Users/yunai/logs/xxl-job/ # 请修改成你希望存放日志的目录
logretentiondays: 1
③ 配置项目中的每个作业
TODO 芋艿,需要完善
# 7. Elasticsearch
① 安装 Elasticsearch
* Windows :参考 [《ElasticSearch 入门 第一篇:Windows 下安装ElasticSearch》](http://www.cnblogs.com/ljhdo/p/4887557.html)
* Mac :参考 [《mac 安装 ElasticSearch 笔记》](https://www.jianshu.com/p/81b0b3a60c01)
因为需要中文分词,所以需要安装 [elasticsearch-analysis-ik](https://github.com/medcl/elasticsearch-analysis-ik) 插件。
② 修改项目中的 Elasticsearch 配置
在 IDEA 中,搜索`search-service-impl` 项目下的 `application.yaml` 文件,将 Elasticsearch 配置修改成连接你的。如下:
# es
cluster-name: elasticsearch
cluster-nodes: # 请修改成你本地的 Elasticsearch url
enable: true
# 8. 启动后端项目
在 IDEA 中,右键运行每个 `XXXApplication.java` 。例如说,`admin` 项目是 AdminApplication 。
是否启动成功,请查看 IDEA 输出的日志。
* SystemApplication
* UserApplication
* ProductApplication
* PayApplication
> 因为支付服务,涉及三方支付平台的配置。所以,需要艿艿后续提供简便的方案。TODO
* PromotionApplication
* OrderApplication
* SearchApplication
# 9. 启动前端项目
① 启动商城 H5 项目
在 `mobile-web` 项目下,执行 `npm start` 。
启动成功后,浏览器访问 <> 。
② 启动管理后台项目
在 `admin-web` 项目下,执行 `npm run start:no-mock` 。
启动成功后,浏览器访问 <> 。
# 10. 数据配置
# 233. 彩蛋
> 艿艿:本文暂时会写的比较简洁,如果有不懂的地方,请来[「交流群」](http://www.iocoder.cn/mall-user-group/?vip&gitee),艿艿来帮你解决。
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for order_cancel
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `order_cancel`;
CREATE TABLE `order_cancel` (
`order_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '订单id',
`order_no` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '订单编号',
`reason` int(2) NOT NULL,
`other_reason` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '其他原因',
`create_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for order_exchange
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `order_exchange`;
CREATE TABLE `order_exchange` (
`order_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`order_no` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`sku_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`exchange_sku_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '换货商品id',
`exchange_order_logistics_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '换货物流id',
`receiver_order_logistics_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '收件地址',
`order_reason_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '换货原因',
`reason` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '换货原因 (其他的时候)',
`payment_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '付款时间',
`delivery_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '发货时间',
`receiver_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '收货时间',
`closing_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '成交时间',
`create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
`delete` smallint(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '删除状态',
`order_type` int(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '订单类型 0、为 Order 订单 1、为 OrderItem 订单',
`status` int(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '状态 申请换货、申请成功、申请失败、换货中、换货成功',
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for order_logistics
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `order_logistics`;
CREATE TABLE `order_logistics` (
`area_no` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT '地区编号',
`name` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '名称',
`mobile` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '手机号',
`address` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '详细地址',
`logistics` int(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '物流商家',
`logistics_no` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '物流单号',
`create_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of order_logistics
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `order_logistics` VALUES (24, '110101', 'Andy', '13302925934', '中二环,光电大厦11F 前台收', 1, '23123124123', '2019-04-11 22:50:31', NULL);
INSERT INTO `order_logistics` VALUES (34, '110101', 'Andy', '13302925934', '中二环,光电大厦11F 前台收', 1, '314123123123', '2019-04-12 19:23:42', NULL);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for order_logistics_detail
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `order_logistics_detail`;
CREATE TABLE `order_logistics_detail` (
`order_logistics_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '物流编号',
`logistics_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '物流时间',
`logistics_information` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '物流信息',
`create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for order_recipient
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `order_recipient`;
CREATE TABLE `order_recipient` (
`order_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '订单id',
`area_no` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '区域编号',
`name` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '收件人名称',
`mobile` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '手机号',
`type` int(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '快递方式',
`address` varchar(250) NOT NULL COMMENT '地址详细',
`create_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for order_return
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `order_return`;
CREATE TABLE `order_return` (
`service_number` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '服务号',
`order_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '订单编号',
`order_no` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '订单号',
`order_logistics_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '物流 id',
`refund_price` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '退回金额',
`reason` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '退货原因',
`describe` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '换货原因 (其他的时候)',
`create_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`approval_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '同意时间',
`refuse_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '拒绝时间',
`logistics_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '物流时间(填写物流单号时间)',
`receiver_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '收货时间',
`closing_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '成交时间',
`service_type` int(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' 1、退货 2、退款',
`update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
`status` int(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '状态 申请换货、申请成功、申请失败、退货中、退货成功',
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for undo_log
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `undo_log` (
`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`branch_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`xid` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`rollback_info` longblob NOT NULL,
`log_status` int(11) NOT NULL,
`log_created` datetime NOT NULL,
`log_modified` datetime NOT NULL,
`ext` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `ux_undo_log` (`xid`,`branch_id`)
@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<description>Maven Bom,定义 Onemall 项目的所有依赖的版本</description>
<!-- 属性 -->
<!-- 统一依赖管理 -->
<!-- Web 相关 -->
<!-- DB 相关 -->
<!-- RPC 相关 -->
<!-- MQ 相关 -->
<!-- Job 相关 -->
<!-- Transaction 相关 -->
<!-- 云服务相关 -->
<!-- 监控相关 -->
<!-- 工具类相关 -->
<!-- 依赖管理 -->
<!-- 统一依赖管理 -->
<!-- 通用相关 -->
<!-- DB 相关 -->
<!-- 自动化配置 Spring Data Jest -->
<!-- Web 相关 -->
<!-- RPC 相关 -->
<!-- <version>2.7.8</version>-->
<dependency> <!-- TODO 需要思考下,归类到哪里 -->
<artifactId>mall-spring-boot-starter-system-error-code</artifactId> <!-- 错误码 -->
<!-- MQ 相关 -->
<!-- Job 相关 -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.alibaba.nacos/nacos-client -->
<!-- <dependency>-->
<!-- <groupId>com.alibaba.nacos</groupId>-->
<!-- <artifactId>nacos-client</artifactId>-->
<!-- <version>1.3.1</version>-->
<!-- </dependency>-->
<!-- Transaction 相关 -->
<!-- 监控相关 -->
<!-- Test 相关 -->
<!--- 日志相关 -->
<!-- 云服务相关 -->
<artifactId>qiniu-java-sdk</artifactId> <!-- 七牛文件服务器 -->
<artifactId>aliyun-java-sdk-core</artifactId> <!-- 阿里云文件服务 -->
<!-- 工具类相关 -->
<artifactId>mapstruct</artifactId> <!-- use mapstruct-jdk8 for Java 8 or higher -->
<!-- <dependency>-->
<!-- <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>-->
<!-- <artifactId>jackson-annotations</artifactId>-->
<!-- <version>${jackson.version}</version>-->
<!-- </dependency>-->
<!-- <dependency>-->
<!-- <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>-->
<!-- <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>-->
<!-- <version>${jackson.version}</version>-->
<!-- </dependency>-->
<!-- hutool 工具类-->
<!-- 提供给 mapstruct 使用 -->
<source>${java.version}</source> <!-- or higher, depending on your project -->
<target>${java.version}</target> <!-- or higher, depending on your project -->
<!-- 打包 -->
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.product;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.PageResult;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.product.vo.spu.ProductSpuCreateReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.product.vo.spu.ProductSpuPageReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.product.vo.spu.ProductSpuRespVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.product.vo.spu.ProductSpuUpdateReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.manager.product.ProductSpuManager;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiImplicitParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
import javax.validation.Valid;
import java.util.List;
import static cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult.success;
* 商品 SPU Controller
@Api(tags = "商品 SPU")
public class ProductSpuController {
private ProductSpuManager productSpuManager;
@ApiOperation("获得商品 SPU 分页")
public CommonResult<PageResult<ProductSpuRespVO>> pageProductSpu(ProductSpuPageReqVO pageVO) {
// 全部:无搜索条件
// 在售中:visible = true && hasQuantity = true
// 已售罄:visible = true && hasQuantity = false
// 仓库中:visible = false
return success(productSpuManager.pageProductSpu(pageVO));
// TODO 芋艿,删除功能暂时不做。主要原因是,关联的数据太多。删除带来的问题会比较大
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.product.vo.spu;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.PageParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
@ApiModel("商品 SPU分页 Request VO")
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class ProductSpuPageReqVO extends PageParam {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "SPU 名字", notes = "模糊匹配", example = "艿艿")
private String name;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "分类编号", example = "1024")
private Integer cid;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "是否上架商品", example = "true")
private Boolean visible;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "是否有库存", example = "true")
private Boolean hasQuantity;
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
### /user/page 成功
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Bearer yudaoyuanma
dubbo-tag: {{dubboTag}}
### /user/update 成功
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Bearer yudaoyuanma
dubbo-tag: {{dubboTag}}
### /user/update-status 成功
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Bearer yudaoyuanma
dubbo-tag: {{dubboTag}}
### /user/update-status 失败,参数缺失
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Bearer yudaoyuanma
dubbo-tag: {{dubboTag}}
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.user;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.PageResult;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.user.vo.UserPageReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.user.vo.UserRespVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.user.vo.UserUpdateInfoReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.user.vo.UserUpdateStatusReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.manager.user.UserManager;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiImplicitParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
import javax.validation.Valid;
import java.util.List;
import static cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult.success;
* 用户 Controller
@Api(tags = "用户")
public class UserController {
private UserManager userManager;
public CommonResult<Boolean> updateUserInfo(@Valid UserUpdateInfoReqVO updateInfoReqVO) {
return success(true);
public CommonResult<Boolean> updateUserStatus(@Valid UserUpdateStatusReqVO updateStatusReqVO) {
return success(true);
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "userId", value = "用户编号", required = true)
public CommonResult<UserRespVO> getUser(@RequestParam("userId") Integer userId) {
return success(userManager.getUser(userId));
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "userIds", value = "用户编号列表", required = true)
public CommonResult<List<UserRespVO>> listUsers(@RequestParam("userIds") List<Integer> userIds) {
return success(userManager.listUsers(userIds));
public CommonResult<PageResult<UserRespVO>> pageUser(UserPageReqVO pageVO) {
return success(userManager.pageUser(pageVO));
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.user.vo;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.PageParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
@ApiModel("用户分页 Request VO")
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class UserPageReqVO extends PageParam {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "昵称", example = "丑艿艿", notes = "模糊匹配")
private String nickname;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "状态", example = "1", notes = "见 CommonStatusEnum 枚举")
private Integer status;
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.user.vo;
import lombok.*;
import io.swagger.annotations.*;
import java.util.*;
@ApiModel("用户 Response VO")
public class UserRespVO {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "用户编号", required = true, example = "1")
private Integer id;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "昵称", example = "丑艿艿")
private String nickname;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "头像", example = "http://www.iocoder.cn/xxx.jpg")
private String avatar;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "状态", required = true, example = "1", notes = "见 CommonStatusEnum 枚举")
private Integer status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "手机号", required = true, example = "15601691399")
private String mobile;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "注册 IP", required = true, example = "")
private String createIp;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间", required = true)
private LocalDateTime createTime;
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.user.vo;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import lombok.Data;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
@ApiModel("用户更新信息 Request VO")
public class UserUpdateInfoReqVO {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "用户编号", required = true, example = "1")
@NotNull(message = "用户编号不能为空")
private Integer id;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "昵称", example = "臭艿艿")
private String nickname;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "头像", example = "http://www.iocoder.cn/nainainai.jpg")
private String avatar;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "手机号", example = "15601691300")
private String mobile;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "密码", example = "123456")
private String password;
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.user.vo;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.enums.CommonStatusEnum;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.validator.InEnum;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import lombok.Data;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
@ApiModel("用户更新状态 Request VO")
public class UserUpdateStatusReqVO {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "用户编号", required = true)
@NotNull(message = "用户编号不能为空")
private Integer userId;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "状态", required = true, example = "1", notes = "见 CommonStatusEnum 枚举")
@NotNull(message = "状态不能为空")
@InEnum(value = CommonStatusEnum.class, message = "修改状态必须是 {value}")
private Integer status;
@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.manager.product;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.PageResult;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.product.vo.attr.*;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.convert.product.ProductAttrConvert;
import cn.iocoder.mall.productservice.rpc.attr.ProductAttrFeign;
import cn.iocoder.mall.productservice.rpc.attr.dto.ProductAttrKeyRespDTO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.productservice.rpc.attr.dto.ProductAttrValueRespDTO;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.util.List;
* 商品规格 Manager
public class ProductAttrKeyManager {
private ProductAttrFeign productAttrFeign;
* 创建商品规格键
* @param createVO 创建商品规格键 VO
* @return 商品规格键
public Integer createProductAttrKey(ProductAttrKeyCreateReqVO createVO) {
CommonResult<Integer> createProductAttrKeyResult = productAttrFeign.createProductAttrKey(
return createProductAttrKeyResult.getData();
* 更新商品规格键
* @param updateVO 更新商品规格键 VO
public void updateProductAttrKey(ProductAttrKeyUpdateReqVO updateVO) {
CommonResult<Boolean> updateProductAttrKeyResult = productAttrFeign.updateProductAttrKey(
* 获得商品规格键
* @param productAttrKeyId 商品规格键编号
* @return 商品规格键
public ProductAttrKeyRespVO getProductAttrKey(Integer productAttrKeyId) {
CommonResult<ProductAttrKeyRespDTO> getProductAttrKeyResult = productAttrFeign.getProductAttrKey(productAttrKeyId);
return ProductAttrConvert.INSTANCE.convert(getProductAttrKeyResult.getData());
* 获得商品规格键列表
* @param productAttrKeyIds 商品规格键编号列表
* @return 商品规格键列表
public List<ProductAttrKeyRespVO> listProductAttrKeys(List<Integer> productAttrKeyIds) {
CommonResult<List<ProductAttrKeyRespDTO>> listProductAttrKeyResult = productAttrFeign.listProductAttrKeys(productAttrKeyIds);
return ProductAttrConvert.INSTANCE.convertList(listProductAttrKeyResult.getData());
* 获得商品规格键分页
* @param pageVO 商品规格键分页查询
* @return 商品规格键分页结果
public PageResult<ProductAttrKeyRespVO> pageProductAttrKey(ProductAttrKeyPageReqVO pageVO) {
CommonResult<PageResult<ProductAttrKeyRespDTO>> pageProductAttrKeyResult = productAttrFeign.pageProductAttrKey(
return ProductAttrConvert.INSTANCE.convertPage(pageProductAttrKeyResult.getData());
* 创建商品规格值
* @param createVO 创建商品规格值 VO
* @return 商品规格值
public Integer createProductAttrValue(ProductAttrValueCreateReqVO createVO) {
CommonResult<Integer> createProductAttrValueResult = productAttrFeign.createProductAttrValue(
return createProductAttrValueResult.getData();
* 更新商品规格值
* @param updateVO 更新商品规格值 VO
public void updateProductAttrValue(ProductAttrValueUpdateReqVO updateVO) {
CommonResult<Boolean> updateProductAttrValueResult = productAttrFeign.updateProductAttrValue(
* 获得商品规格值
* @param productAttrValueId 商品规格值编号
* @return 商品规格值
public ProductAttrValueRespVO getProductAttrValue(Integer productAttrValueId) {
CommonResult<ProductAttrValueRespDTO> getProductAttrValueResult = productAttrFeign.getProductAttrValue(productAttrValueId);
return ProductAttrConvert.INSTANCE.convert(getProductAttrValueResult.getData());
* 获得商品规格值列表
* @param queryReqVO 商品规格值的列表查询条件 VO
* @return 商品规格值列表
public List<ProductAttrValueRespVO> listProductAttrValues(ProductAttrValueListQueryReqVO queryReqVO) {
CommonResult<List<ProductAttrValueRespDTO>> listProductAttrValueResult = productAttrFeign.listProductAttrValues(
return ProductAttrConvert.INSTANCE.convertList02(listProductAttrValueResult.getData());
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.manager.user;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.PageResult;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.user.vo.UserPageReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.user.vo.UserRespVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.user.vo.UserUpdateInfoReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.controller.user.vo.UserUpdateStatusReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.managementweb.convert.user.UserConvert;
import cn.iocoder.mall.userservice.rpc.user.UserFeign;
import cn.iocoder.mall.userservice.rpc.user.dto.UserRespDTO;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.util.List;
* 用户 Manager
public class UserManager {
private UserFeign userFeign;
* 更新用户信息
* @param updateInfoReqVO 更新用户信息 VO
public void updateUserInfo(UserUpdateInfoReqVO updateInfoReqVO) {
CommonResult<Boolean> updateUserResult = userFeign.updateUser(UserConvert.INSTANCE.convert(updateInfoReqVO));
* 更新用户状态
* @param updateStatusReqVO 更新用户状态 VO
public void updateUserStatus(UserUpdateStatusReqVO updateStatusReqVO) {
CommonResult<Boolean> updateUserResult = userFeign.updateUser(UserConvert.INSTANCE.convert(updateStatusReqVO));
* 获得用户
* @param userId 用户编号
* @return 用户
public UserRespVO getUser(Integer userId) {
CommonResult<UserRespDTO> getUserResult = userFeign.getUser(userId);
return UserConvert.INSTANCE.convert(getUserResult.getData());
* 获得用户列表
* @param userIds 用户编号列表
* @return 用户列表
public List<UserRespVO> listUsers(List<Integer> userIds) {
CommonResult<List<UserRespDTO>> listUserResult = userFeign.listUsers(userIds);
return UserConvert.INSTANCE.convertList(listUserResult.getData());
* 获得用户分页
* @param pageVO 用户分页查询
* @return 用户分页结果
public PageResult<UserRespVO> pageUser(UserPageReqVO pageVO) {
CommonResult<PageResult<UserRespDTO>> pageUserResult = userFeign.pageUser(UserConvert.INSTANCE.convert(pageVO));
return UserConvert.INSTANCE.convertPage(pageUserResult.getData());
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.comment;
* 评论回复类型
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-06-01 10:30:00
public enum OrderCommentRelpyTypeEnum {
REPLY_REPLY(0, "回复的回复"),
COMMENT_REPLY(1, "评论的回复");
* 状态值
private Integer value;
* 状态名
private String name;
OrderCommentRelpyTypeEnum(Integer value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
public Integer getValue() {
return value;
public String getName() {
return name;
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.comment;
* 订单评论状态
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-06-15 14:26
public enum OrderCommentStatusEnum {
WAIT_COMMENT(0, "待评论"),
* 状态值
private Integer value;
* 状态名
private String name;
OrderCommentStatusEnum(Integer value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
public Integer getValue() {
return value;
public String getName() {
return name;
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.comment;
* 评论回复 - 回复的用户的类型
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-05-19 15:19
public enum OrderReplyUserTypeEnum {
USER(0, "普通用户"),
MERCHANT(1, "商家");
* 状态值
private Integer value;
* 状态名
private String name;
OrderReplyUserTypeEnum(Integer value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
public Integer getValue() {
return value;
public String getName() {
return name;
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.order;
* 字典 keys 定义
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-04-14 17:46
public class DictKeyConstants {
* 订单 - status
public static final String ORDER_STATUS = "order_status";
* 订单 - 物流商家
public static final String ORDER_LOGISTICS_COMPANY = "logistics_company";
* 订单 - 退货原因
public static final String ORDER_RETURN_REASON = "order_return_reason";
* 订单退货 - 退货类型
public static final String ORDER_RETURN_SERVICE_TYPE = "order_return_service_type";
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.order;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.enums.ModuleErrorCodeInterval;
* 错误码区间
* 当前模块化区间:[1-008-000-000 ~ 1-008-000-000]
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-23 11:35
public class ErrorCodeInterval extends ModuleErrorCodeInterval {
// OrderErrorCodeEnum 错误码区间 [1-008-000-000 ~ 1-008-000-000]
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.order;
* 物流信息
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-30 22:33
public enum LogisticsEnum {
LOGISTICS_1(1, "顺丰快递"),
LOGISTICS_2(2, "圆通快递"),
LOGISTICS_3(3, "申通快递"),
LOGISTICS_4(4, "韵答快递"),
LOGISTICS_5(5, "天天快递"),
LOGISTICS_6(6, "EMS中国邮政"),
* 状态值
private Integer value;
* 状态名
private String name;
LogisticsEnum(int value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
public int getValue() {
return value;
public String getName() {
return name;
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.order;
* MQ 订阅消息
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-16 15:04
public class MQConstants {
* 订单 - 创建成功 消息
public static final String ORDER_CREATE_SUCCESS = "order.orderCreateSuccess";
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.order;
* 订单取消原因
* order_cancel_reasons
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-30 15:08
public enum OrderCancelReasonsEnum {
CANCEL_1(1, "无法联系上买家"),
CANCEL_2(2, "买家误拍或重拍了"),
CANCEL_3(3, "买家无诚意完成交易"),
CANCEL_4(4, "已通过银行线下汇款"),
CANCEL_5(5, "已通过同城见面交易"),
CANCEL_6(6, "已通过货到付款交易"),
CANCEL_7(7, "已通过网上银行直接汇款"),
CANCEL_8(8, "已经缺货无法交易"),
CANCEL_20(20, "其他"),
// 无法联系上买家
// 买家误拍或重拍了
// 买家无诚意完成交易
// 已通过银行线下汇款
// 已通过同城见面交易
// 已通过货到付款交易
// 已通过网上银行直接汇款
// 已经缺货无法交易
private final int code;
private final String message;
OrderCancelReasonsEnum(int code, String message) {
this.code = code;
this.message = message;
public String toString() {
return "OrderCancelEnum{" +
"code=" + code +
", message='" + message + '\'' +
public int getCode() {
return code;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.order;
* 发货类型/发货方式
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-04-05 16:03
public enum OrderDeliveryTypeEnum {
NONE(1, "未选择"),
ORDER_ONLINE(2, "快递"),
NO_DELIVERY(4, "无物流信息"),
private Integer value;
private String name;
OrderDeliveryTypeEnum(Integer value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return "OrderRecipientTypeEnum{" +
"value=" + value +
", name='" + name + '\'' +
public Integer getValue() {
return value;
public String getName() {
return name;
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.order;
* 订单换货原因
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-20 21:17
public enum OrderExchangeReasonEnum {
REASON_000(0, "其他"),
REASON_001(1, "尺码不合适"),
REASON_002(2, "质量问题"),
REASON_003(3, "不喜欢"),
private Integer value;
private String name;
OrderExchangeReasonEnum(Integer value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return "OrderCommonReasonEnum{" +
"value=" + value +
", name=" + name +
public Integer getValue() {
return value;
public String getName() {
return name;
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.order;
* 订单状态 status
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-16 14:32
public enum OrderPayStatus {
REFUND_PAYMENT(2, "退款成功"),
private final int value;
private final String name;
OrderPayStatus(int value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
public int getValue() {
return value;
public String getName() {
return name;
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.order;
* 订单收件信息 type(配送信息)
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-04-05 16:03
public enum OrderRecipientTypeEnum {
EXPRESS(1, "快递")
private Integer value;
private String name;
OrderRecipientTypeEnum(Integer value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return "OrderRecipientTypeEnum{" +
"value=" + value +
", name='" + name + '\'' +
public Integer getValue() {
return value;
public String getName() {
return name;
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.order;
* 订单退货原因
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-20 21:17
public enum OrderReturnReasonEnum {
/// 未发货情况
REASON_000(0, "其他"),
REASON_001(1, "拍错/勿拍/多拍"),
REASON_002(2, "缺货"),
/// 已发货情况
REASON_020(20, "七天无理由"),
REASON_021(21, "质量问题"),
REASON_022(22, "不想要了"),
// TODO: 2019-03-20 Sin 已发货情况 补全,需要对照一下 淘宝
private Integer value;
private String name;
OrderReturnReasonEnum(Integer value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return "OrderCommonReasonEnum{" +
"value=" + value +
", name=" + name +
public Integer getValue() {
return value;
public String getName() {
return name;
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.enums.order;
* 订单退货 - returnType
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-04-27 11:53
public enum OrderReturnServiceTypeEnum {
* 状态
* - 1、退货退款
* - 2、退款
RETURN_REFUND(1, "退货退款"),
REFUND(2, "退款")
private final int value;
private final String name;
OrderReturnServiceTypeEnum(int value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
public int getValue() {
return value;
public String getName() {
return name;
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.convert;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
* 评论回复 convert
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-05-31 18:30
public interface OrderCommentReplyConvert {
OrderCommentReplyConvert INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(OrderCommentReplyConvert.class);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderCommentReplyDO convert(OrderCommentReplyCreateDTO orderCommentReplyCreateDTO);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderCommentReplyCreateBO convert(OrderCommentReplyDO orderCommentReplyDO);
// @Mappings({})
// List<OrderCommentMerchantReplyBO> convert(List<OrderCommentReplyDO> orderCommentReplyDOList);
// @Mappings({})
// List<OrderCommentReplyPageBO.OrderCommentReplayItem> convertOrderCommentReplayItem(
// List<OrderCommentReplyDO> orderCommentReplyDOList);
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.convert;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
* 订单物流 convert
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-23 14:39
public interface OrderLogisticsConvert {
OrderLogisticsConvert INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(OrderLogisticsConvert.class);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderLogisticsDO convert(OrderDeliveryDTO orderDelivery);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderLogisticsDO convert(OrderLogisticsUpdateDTO orderLogisticsDTO);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderLogisticsDO convert(OrderRecipientDO orderRecipientDO);
// @Mappings({})
// List<OrderLogisticsInfoWithOrderBO.Logistics> convertLogistics(
// List<OrderLogisticsDO> orderLogisticsDOList);
// @Mappings({})
// List<OrderLogisticsInfoWithOrderBO.LogisticsDetail> convertLogisticsDetail(
// List<OrderLogisticsDetailDO> orderLogisticsDOList);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderLogisticsInfoBO convert(OrderLogisticsDO orderLogisticsDO);
// @Mappings({})
// List<OrderLogisticsInfoBO.LogisticsDetail> convert(
// List<OrderLogisticsDetailDO> orderLogisticsDetailDOList);
// @Mappings({})
// @Named(value = "orderLastLogisticsInfoBO")
// OrderLastLogisticsInfoBO convertOrderLastLogisticsInfoBO(OrderLogisticsDO orderLogisticsDO);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderLastLogisticsInfoBO.LogisticsDetail convertLastLogisticsDetail(
// OrderLogisticsDetailDO orderLogisticsDetailDO);
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.convert;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
* 订单物流 convert
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-23 14:39
public interface OrderLogisticsDetailConvert {
OrderLogisticsDetailConvert INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(OrderLogisticsDetailConvert.class);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderInfoBO.LogisticsDetail convertLogisticsDetail(
// OrderLogisticsDetailDO orderLogisticsDetailDO);
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.convert;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
* 订单收件人信息
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-31 12:50
public interface OrderRecipientConvert {
OrderRecipientConvert INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(OrderRecipientConvert.class);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderRecipientDO convert(OrderCreateDTO orderCreateDTO);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderRecipientDO convert(UserAddressBO userAddressBO);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderRecipientBO convert(OrderRecipientDO orderRecipientDO);
// @Mappings({})
// List<OrderRecipientBO> convert(List<OrderRecipientDO> orderRecipientDOList);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderInfoBO.Recipient convertOrderInfoRecipient(OrderRecipientDO orderRecipientDO);
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.convert;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
* 订单 return
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-30 15:46
public interface OrderReturnConvert {
OrderReturnConvert INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(OrderReturnConvert.class);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderReturnDO convert(OrderReturnCreateDTO orderReturnCreate);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderReturnDO convert(OrderReturnApplyDTO orderReturnApplyDTO);
// @Mappings({})
// OrderReturnInfoBO.ReturnInfo convert(OrderReturnDO orderReturnDO);
// @Mappings({})
// List<OrderReturnInfoBO.OrderItem> convert(List<OrderItemDO> orderItemDOList);
// @Mappings({})
// List<OrderReturnListBO.OrderReturn> convertListBO(List<OrderReturnDO> orderReturnDOList);
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.convert.comment;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.bo.comment.OrderCommentInfoBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.bo.comment.OrderCommentPageBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.comment.OrderCommentDO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment.OrderCommentAddDTO;
import java.util.List;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
* 订单评论转换
* @author xiaofeng
* @version 1.0
* @date 2020/05/19 23:06
public interface OrderCommentConvert {
OrderCommentConvert INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(OrderCommentConvert.class);
* 参数转成 DO
* @param orderCommentAddDTO
* @return
OrderCommentDO convert(OrderCommentAddDTO orderCommentAddDTO);
* 参数转成BO
* @param orderCommentList
* @return
List<OrderCommentPageBO> convert(List<OrderCommentDO> orderCommentList);
* @param orderCommentDO
* @return
OrderCommentInfoBO convert(OrderCommentDO orderCommentDO);
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.comment;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
* 订单评论 mapper
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-05-16 20:52
public interface OrderCommentMapper{
// /**
// * 插入订单评论
// * @param orderCommentDO
// * @return
// */
// void insert(OrderCommentDO orderCommentDO);
// /**
// * 根据 sku id 查询评论总条数
// * @param productSkuId
// * @return
// */
// int selectCommentTotalCountByProductSkuId(@Param("productSkuId") Integer productSkuId);
// /**
// * 分页获取评论
// * @param orderCommentPageDTO
// * @return
// */
// List<OrderCommentDO> selectCommentPage(OrderCommentPageDTO orderCommentPageDTO);
// /**
// * 根据评论 id 查询评论详情
// * @param id
// * @return
// */
// OrderCommentDO selectCommentInfoByCommentId(@Param("id") Integer id);
// /**
// * 订单评论状态信息详情
// * @param orderCommentStateInfoPageDTO
// * @return
// */
//// List<OrderCommentDO> selectOrderCommentStateInfoPage(
//// OrderCommentStateInfoPageDTO orderCommentStateInfoPageDTO);
// /**
// * 订单评论状态总数
// * @param userId,commentState
// * @return
// */
// int selectOrderCommentStateInfoTotal(@Param("userId") Integer userId,
// @Param("commentState") Integer commentState);
// /**
// * 订单评论超时分页
// * @param orderCommentTimeOutPageDTO
// * @return
// */
// List<OrderCommentDO> selectOrderCommentTimeOutPage(
// @Param("commentTimeOut") OrderCommentTimeOutPageDTO orderCommentTimeOutPageDTO);
// /**
// * 批量更新订单评论状态
// * @param orderCommentTimeOutBOList
// * @param commentState
// */
// void updateBatchOrderCommentState(@Param("commentState") Integer commentState,
// @Param("list") List<OrderCommentTimeOutBO> orderCommentTimeOutBOList);
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.comment;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
* 订单评论回复 mapper
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-05-16 21:33
public interface OrderCommentReplayMapper {
// /**
// * 插入订单评论回复
// * @param orderCommentReplyDO
// * @return
// */
// void insert(OrderCommentReplyDO orderCommentReplyDO);
// /**
// * 根据评论 id 和用户类型获取商家回复
// * @param commentId,userType
// * @return
// */
// List<OrderCommentReplyDO> selectCommentMerchantReplyByCommentIdAndUserType(
// @Param("commentId") Integer commentId,
// @Param("userType") Integer userType);
// /**
// * 分页获取评论回复
// * @param orderCommentReplyPageDTO
// * @return
// */
// List<OrderCommentReplyDO> selectCommentReplyPage(
// OrderCommentReplyPageDTO orderCommentReplyPageDTO);
// /**
// * 根据评论 id 和用户类型获取评论回复总数
// * @param commentId,userType
// * @return
// */
// int selectCommentReplyTotalCountByCommentId(@Param("commentId") Integer commentId,
// @Param("userType") Integer userType);
// /**
// * 根据评论 id 查询最新的商家回复
// * @param commentIds
// * @return
// */
// List<OrderCommentReplyDO> selectCommentNewMerchantReplyByCommentIds(
// @Param("commentIds") Collection<Integer> commentIds,
// @Param("userType") Integer userType);
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.order;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderCancelDO;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
* 订单取消 mapper
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-30 16:27
public interface OrderCancelMapper {
int insert(OrderCancelDO orderCancelDO);
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.order;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderItemDO;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* 订单 item mapper
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-16 15:09
public interface OrderItemMapper {
* 插入数据
* @param orderItemDOList
void insert(@Param("list") List<OrderItemDO> orderItemDOList);
* 更新 - 根据Id
* @param orderItemDO
void updateById(@Param("orderItemDO") OrderItemDO orderItemDO);
* 更新 - 根据 orderId
* @param orderId
* @param orderItemDO
void updateByOrderId(
@Param("orderId") Integer orderId,
@Param("orderItemDO") OrderItemDO orderItemDO
* 更新 - 根据Ids
* @param ids
* @param orderItemDO
void updateByIds(
@Param("ids") List<Integer> ids,
@Param("orderItemDO") OrderItemDO orderItemDO
* 获取 - 根据 ids 查询
* @param ids
* @return
List<OrderItemDO> selectByIds(@Param("ids") Collection<Integer> ids);
* 查询 - 根据 orderIds 和 status
* @param orderIds
* @param deleted
* @return
List<OrderItemDO> selectByDeletedAndOrderIds(
@Param("orderIds") Collection<Integer> orderIds,
@Param("deleted") Integer deleted
* 查询 - 根据 orderId 下的 item
* @param orderId
* @return
List<OrderItemDO> selectByDeletedAndOrderId(
@Param("deleted") Integer deleted,
@Param("orderId") Integer orderId
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.order;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderLogisticsDetailDO;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* 订单物流 - 物流详细信息
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-04-12 21:35
public interface OrderLogisticsDetailMapper {
* 插入
* @param orderLogisticsDetailDO
* @return
int insert(OrderLogisticsDetailDO orderLogisticsDetailDO);
* 查询 - 根据 物流id
* @param orderLogisticsId
* @return
List<OrderLogisticsDetailDO> selectByOrderLogisticsId(
@Param("orderLogisticsId") Integer orderLogisticsId
* 查询 - 根据 物流ids
* @param orderLogisticsIds
* @return
List<OrderLogisticsDetailDO> selectByOrderLogisticsIds(
@Param("orderLogisticsIds") Collection<Integer> orderLogisticsIds
* 查询 - 获取最新的物流信息
* @param orderLogisticsIds
* @return
OrderLogisticsDetailDO selectLast(
@Param("orderLogisticsIds") Collection<Integer> orderLogisticsIds
* 查询 - 根据 last 根据物理id
* @param orderLogisticsId
* @return
OrderLogisticsDetailDO selectLastByLogisticsId(
@Param("orderLogisticsId") Integer orderLogisticsId
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.order;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderLogisticsDO;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* 订单 item mapper
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-16 15:09
public interface OrderLogisticsMapper {
* 插入数据
* @param orderLogisticsDO
void insert(OrderLogisticsDO orderLogisticsDO);
* 更新 - 根据id
* @param orderLogisticsDO
void updateById(OrderLogisticsDO orderLogisticsDO);
* 查询 - 根据 ids
* @param id
* @return
OrderLogisticsDO selectById(
@Param("id") Integer id
* 查询 - 根据 ids
* @param ids
* @return
List<OrderLogisticsDO> selectByIds(
@Param("ids") Collection<Integer> ids
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.order;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderRecipientDO;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* 订单收件人 信息
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-31 12:16
public interface OrderRecipientMapper {
* 插入 - 订单收件人
* @param orderRecipient
* @return
int insert(OrderRecipientDO orderRecipient);
* 查询 - 根据 orderId
* @param orderId
* @return
OrderRecipientDO selectByOrderId(
@Param("orderId") Integer orderId
* 查询 - 根据 orderIds
* @param orderIds
* @return
List<OrderRecipientDO> selectByOrderIds(
@Param("orderIds") Collection<Integer> orderIds
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.order;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
* 订单退货 mapper
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-30 15:36
public interface OrderReturnMapper {
// /**
// * 插入 - 退货信息
// *
// * @param orderReturnDO
// * @return
// */
// int insert(OrderReturnDO orderReturnDO);
// /**
// * 更新 - 根据 orderId
// *
// * @param orderReturnDO
// * @return
// */
// int updateById(OrderReturnDO orderReturnDO);
// /**
// * 查询 - 根据 orderId
// *
// * @param orderId
// * @return
// */
// OrderReturnDO selectByOrderId(
// @Param("orderId") Integer orderId
// );
// /**
// * 列表查询 - queryDTO
// *
// * @param queryDTO
// * @return
// */
// int selectListCount(OrderReturnQueryDTO queryDTO);
// /**
// * 列表查询 - queryDTO
// *
// * @param queryDTO
// * @return
// */
// List<OrderReturnDO> selectList(OrderReturnQueryDTO queryDTO);
// /**
// * 查询 - 根据 id 查询
// *
// * @param id
// * @return
// */
// OrderReturnDO selectById(Integer id);
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject;
import cn.iocoder.mall.mybatis.core.dataobject.BaseDO;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* 商品评价回复表
* // TODO FROM 芋艿 TO wtz 商品评价回复表 =》订单评论回复表
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-05-14 21:00
@Accessors(chain = true)
@TableName(value = "order_comment_replay")
public class OrderCommentReplyDO extends BaseDO {
* 回复 id
private Integer id;
* 评论 id
private Integer commentId;
* 回复的类型 // TODO FROM 芋艿 TO wtz 记得加下枚举类
private Integer replyType;
* 父 id
private Integer parentId;
* 回复目标用户 id
private Integer parentUserId;
* 回复目标用户昵称
private String parentUserNickName;
* 回复目标用户头像
private String parentUserAvatar;
* 回复的内容
private String replyContent;
* 回复用户 id
private Integer replyUserId;
* 回复用户昵称
private String replyUserNickName;
* 回复用户头像
private String replyUserAvatar;
* 回复用户身份 // TODO FROM 芋艿 TO wtz 【提示】userType 和 UserTypeEnum 记录保持一致。
private Integer userType;
* 回复点赞数
private Integer replyLikeCount;
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject;
import cn.iocoder.mall.mybatis.core.dataobject.DeletableDO;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* 换货订单
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-19 19:48
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderExchangeDO extends DeletableDO {
* id
private Integer id;
* 订单id
private Integer orderId;
* 订单编号
private String orderNo;
* 订单 item 编号
private Integer orderItemId;
* 商品id(保存一个冗余,如果一个订单下存在多个商品,会有很大的作用)
private String skuId;
* 换货商品id
private String exchangeSkuId;
* 换货物流id
private Integer exchangeOrderLogisticsId;
* 收件物流id
private Integer receiverOrderLogisticsId;
/// 原因
* 原因 (关联字典)
* {@link cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.constants.OrderExchangeReasonEnum}
private Integer orderReasonId;
* 原因(如果选择其他,原因保存在这)
* {@link cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.constants.OrderExchangeReasonEnum#REASON_000}
private String reason;
/// 时间信息
* 创建时间
* supper baseDO
// private LocalDateTime createTime;
* 付款时间
private LocalDateTime paymentTime;
* 发货时间
private LocalDateTime deliveryTime;
* 收货时间
private LocalDateTime receiverTime;
* 成交时间
private LocalDateTime closingTime;
/// 其他
* 订单类型
* - 0、为 Order 订单 (对整个订单退货)
* - 1、为 OrderItem 订单 (对订单某一个商品退货)
private Integer orderType;
* 状态
* - 申请换货
* - 申请成功
* - 申请失败
* - 换货中
* - 换货成功
private Integer status;
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject;
import cn.iocoder.mall.mybatis.core.dataobject.BaseDO;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* 订单物流信息
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-19 20:47
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderLogisticsDO extends BaseDO {
* id
private Integer id;
* 收件区域编号
private String areaNo;
* 收件人名称
private String name;
* 收件手机号
private String mobile;
* 收件详细地址
private String address;
* 物流 (字典)
private Integer logistics;
* 物流编号
private String logisticsNo;
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject;
import cn.iocoder.mall.mybatis.core.dataobject.DeletableDO;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* 订单物流 - 详细信息
* - 同步第三方物流信息
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-19 20:48
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderLogisticsDetailDO extends DeletableDO {
* id
private Integer id;
* 物流id
private Integer orderLogisticsId;
* 物流时间
private LocalDateTime logisticsTime;
* 物流信息
private String logisticsInformation;
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject;
import cn.iocoder.mall.mybatis.core.dataobject.BaseDO;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* 退货订单
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-19 19:48
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderReturnDO extends BaseDO {
// TODO FROM 芋艿 TO 小范,存储下支付中心的退款单号
* 编号自动增长
private Integer id;
* 服务号
// TODO FROM 芋艿 to 小范,换个名字,看着怪怪的 哈哈哈哈。
private String serviceNumber;
* 订单编号
private Integer orderId;
* 订单号 (保存一个冗余)
private String orderNo;
* 物流id
private Integer orderLogisticsId;
/// 退货原因
* 退货金额
private Integer refundPrice;
* 退货原因(字典值)
* {@link cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.constants.OrderReturnReasonEnum}
private Integer reason;
* 问题描述
// TODO FROM 芋艿 to 小范,describe 是动词,换成名词 description
private String describe;
/// 时间信息
* 同意时间
private LocalDateTime approvalTime;
* 拒绝时间
private LocalDateTime refuseTime;
* 物流时间(填写物流单号时间)
private LocalDateTime logisticsTime;
* 收货时间
private LocalDateTime receiverTime;
* 成交时间(确认时间)
private LocalDateTime closingTime;
* 服务类型
* - 1、退货退款
* - 2、退款
private Integer serviceType;
* 状态
* - 1、退货申请
* - 2、申请成功
* - 3、申请失败
* - 4、退货中
* - 5、已收货
* - 6、退货成功
private Integer status;
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
## 订单
1. 商家未发货,退货原因
- 拍错/勿拍/多拍
- 缺货
2. 商家已发货,退货原因
- 七天无理由
- 质量问题
- 不想要了
- 其他
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.comment;
import cn.iocoder.mall.mybatis.core.dataobject.BaseDO;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Document;
* 订单评论 MONGODB
* @author xiaofeng
* @version 1.0
* @date 2020/05/19 22:30
@Accessors(chain = true)
@Document(collection = "order_comment")
public class OrderCommentDO extends BaseDO {
private Integer id;
* 订单 id
private Integer orderId;
* 订单编号
private String orderNo;
* 商品 id
private Integer productSpuId;
* 商品名称
private String productSpuName;
* 商品 sku id
private Integer productSkuId;
* 商品 sku 属性
private String productSkuAttrs;
* 商品 sku 价格
private Integer productSkuPrice;
* 商品 sku url
private String productSkuPicUrl;
* 用户id
private Integer userId;
* 用户头像
private String userAvatar;
* 用户的真实姓名
private String userNickName;
* 评价星
private Integer star;
* 商品描述
private Integer productDescriptionStar;
* 物流评价
private Integer logisticsStar;
* 商家评价
private Integer merchantStar;
* 回复条数
private Integer replayCount;
* 点赞数
private Integer likeCount;
* 评论的内容
private String commentContent;
* 评论的图片地址
private String commentPics;
* 订单评论状态
private Integer commentState;
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment;
import java.io.Serializable;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotEmpty;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* 订单评论创建
* @author wtz
* @update xiaofeng
* @time 2019-05-15 20:42
* @update time 2020-05-13 0:07
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderCommentAddDTO implements Serializable {
@NotNull(message = "订单 id 不能为空")
private Integer orderId;
@NotEmpty(message = "订单编号不能为空")
private String orderNo;
@NotNull(message = "商品的 spu id 不能为空")
private Integer productSpuId;
@NotEmpty(message = "商品的 spu name 不能为空")
private String productSpuName;
@NotNull(message = "商品的 sku id 不能为空")
private Integer productSkuId;
@NotEmpty(message = "商品的 sku attrs 不能为空")
private String productSkuAttrs;
@NotNull(message = "商品的 sku price 不能为空")
private Integer productSkuPrice;
@NotEmpty(message = "商品的 sku url 不能为空")
private String productSkuPicUrl;
private Integer userId;
private String userAvatar;
@NotEmpty(message = "用户昵称不能为空")
private String userNickName;
private Integer star;
private Integer productDescriptionStar;
private Integer logisticsStar;
private Integer merchantStar;
private String commentContent;
private String commentPics;
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.PageParam;
import java.io.Serializable;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* 订单评论 page
* @author xiaofeng
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderCommentPageDTO extends PageParam implements Serializable {
* 商品 sku id
private Integer productSkuId;
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.io.Serializable;
* 订单回复评论创建
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-05-16 19:07
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderCommentReplyCreateDTO implements Serializable {
* 评论 id
private Integer commentId;
* 评论目标对象 id
private Integer parentId;
* 评论目标用户 id
private Integer parentUserId;
* 评论目标用户昵称
private String parentUserNickName;
* 评论目标用户头像
private String parentUserAvatar;
* 回复内容
private String replyContent;
* 回复用户 id
private Integer replyUserId;
* 回复用户昵称
private String replyUserNickName;
* 回复用户头像
private String replyUserAvatar;
* 回复用户类型
private Integer userType;
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
* 订单评论信息详情 query
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-05-19 10:16
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderCommentReplyPageDTO implements Serializable {
* 评论 id
private Integer commentId;
* 用户类型
private Integer userType;
* 页码
private Integer pageNo;
* 每页条数
private Integer pageSize;
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.io.Serializable;
* 订单评论状态分页信息 query
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-06-07 10:45
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderCommentStateInfoPageDTO implements Serializable {
* 用户 id
private Integer userId;
* 评论状态
private Integer commentState;
* 页码
private Integer pageNo;
* 每页条数
private Integer pageSize;
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.io.Serializable;
* 订单评论超时
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-06-15 10:59
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderCommentTimeOutPageDTO implements Serializable {
* 超过的天数
private Integer overDay;
* 评论的状态
private Integer commentState;
* 页码
private Integer pageNo;
* 每页条数
private Integer pageSize;
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.order;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import java.util.List;
* 计算订单价格 DTO
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class CalcOrderPriceDTO {
@NotNull(message = "用户编号不能为空")
private Integer userId;
* 优惠劵编号
private Integer couponCardId;
@NotNull(message = "商品数组不能为空")
private List<Item> items;
@Accessors(chain = true)
public static class Item {
* SKU 编号
private Integer skuId;
* 数量
private Integer quantity;
* 是否选中
* 注意下,目前只有在购物车的时候,才可能出现该属性为 false 。其它情况下,都会为 true 为主。
private Boolean selected;
public Item() {
public Item(Integer skuId, Integer quantity, Boolean selected) {
this.skuId = skuId;
this.quantity = quantity;
this.selected = selected;
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.order;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import javax.validation.constraints.Max;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
* 订单创建
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-16 14:42
@Accessors(chain = true)
// TODO FROM 芋艿 to xiaofeng:辛苦后续补充下 Validation 注解哈
public class OrderCreateDTO implements Serializable {
* 用户id
private Integer userId;
* 用户地址
private Integer userAddressId;
* 优惠劵编号
private Integer couponCardId;
* 备注
private String remark;
* ip信息
private String ip;
/// order item
private List<OrderItem> orderItems;
@Accessors(chain = true)
public static class OrderItem {
* 商品编号
private Integer skuId;
* 数量
@Max(value = 1000)
private Integer quantity;
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.order;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
* 订单发货
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-30 22:31
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderDeliveryDTO implements Serializable {
* 订单id
private Integer orderId;
// TODO 芋艿,物流方式。会存在无需物流的情况
* 物流公司 (字典)
private Integer logistics;
* 物流单编号
private String logisticsNo;
/// 物理信息是跟 orderItem 走
* 订单 orderItemId
private List<Integer> orderItemIds;
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.order;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-23 10:22
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderItemDeletedDTO implements Serializable {
* 订单id
private Integer orderId;
* 订单item id
private List<Integer> orderItemIds;
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.order;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import java.io.Serializable;
* 订单更新
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-16 14:46
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderItemUpdateDTO implements Serializable {
* 编号
private Integer id;
* 商品编号
private Integer skuId;
* 数量
private Integer quantity;
* 金额(分)
private Integer price;
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.order;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
import java.io.Serializable;
* 订单收件人信息
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-17 20:22
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderLogisticsUpdateDTO implements Serializable {
* 订单 id
private Integer id;
* 收件区域编号
private String areaNo;
* 收件人名称
private String name;
* 收件手机号
@Size(max = 11, min = 11)
// TODO: 2019-03-17 Sin 此处需要添加 手机号校验,需要添加新的注解
private String mobile;
* 收件详细地址
@Size(max = 250, min = 10, message = "收件地址应该在 10 ~ 250 个字符之间")
private String address;
* 物流编号
private String logisticsNo;
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.order;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
* 订单 query
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-23 14:15
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderQueryDTO implements Serializable {
* id
private Integer id;
* 订单号
private String orderNo;
* 用户 id
private Integer userId;
* 物流id
private Integer orderLogisticsId;
* 是否退换货
private Integer hasReturnExchange;
* 付款时间(待发货)
private LocalDateTime startPaymentTime;
private LocalDateTime endPaymentTime;
* 创建时间
private LocalDateTime startCreateTime;
private LocalDateTime endCreateTime;
* 删除状态
private Integer deleted;
* 状态
private Integer status;
private Integer pageNo;
private Integer pageSize;
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.order;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-04-25 21:06
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderReturnApplyDTO implements Serializable {
* 订单编号
private Integer orderId;
* 退货原因(字典值)
private Integer reason;
* 问题描述
private String describe;
* 退款类型
* - 1、退货退款
* - 2、退款
private Integer returnType;
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.order;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.io.Serializable;
* 订单退货 - 创建
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-30 15:34
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderReturnCreateDTO implements Serializable {
* 订单编号
private Integer orderId;
* 订单 item 编号
private Integer orderItemId;
* 退货原因(字典值)
private Integer orderReason;
* 原因(如果选择其他,原因保存在这)
private String otherReasons;
* 订单类型
* - 0、为 Order 订单 (对整个订单退货)
* - 1、为 OrderItem 订单 (对订单某一个商品退货)
private Integer orderType;
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.order;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
* 订单退货 查询 po
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-05-06 21:36
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderReturnQueryDTO implements Serializable {
* 订单id
private Integer orderId;
* 订单编号
private Integer orderNo;
* 服务号
private String serviceNumber;
* 创建时间 - 开始
private LocalDateTime startCreateTime;
* 创建时间 - 结束
private LocalDateTime endCreateTime;
* 状态
private Integer status;
/// 分页信息
* 分页 index
private Integer index;
* 分页大小
private Integer pageSize;
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.order;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
* 用户订单 page
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-04-08 17:50
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderUserPageDTO implements Serializable {
* id
private Integer id;
* 订单号
private String orderNo;
* 用户 id
private Integer userId;
* 付款时间(待发货)
private LocalDateTime startPaymentTime;
private LocalDateTime endPaymentTime;
* 创建时间
private LocalDateTime startCreateTime;
private LocalDateTime endCreateTime;
* 状态
private Integer status;
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service;
* 订单评论回复模块
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-05-29 14:30
public interface OrderCommentReplyService {
// /**
// * 分页获取评论回复
// * @param orderCommentReplyPageDTO
// * @return
// */
// OrderCommentReplyPageBO getOrderCommentReplyPage(
// OrderCommentReplyPageDTO orderCommentReplyPageDTO);
// /**
// * 评论回复创建
// * @param orderCommentReplyCreateDTO
// * @return
// */
// OrderCommentReplyCreateBO createOrderCommentReply(
// OrderCommentReplyCreateDTO orderCommentReplyCreateDTO);
// /**
// * 获取商家评论回复
// * @param commentId
// * @return
// */
// List<OrderCommentMerchantReplyBO> getOrderCommentMerchantReply(Integer commentId);
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service;
* 订单评论模块
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-05-14 22:10
public interface OrderCommentService {
// /**
// * 评论创建
// * @param orderCommentCreateDTO
// * @return
// */
// OrderCommentCreateBO createOrderComment(OrderCommentCreateDTO orderCommentCreateDTO);
// /**
// * 获取评论列表的分页
// * @param orderCommentPageDTO
// * @return
// */
// OrderCommentPageBO getOrderCommentPage(OrderCommentPageDTO orderCommentPageDTO);
// /**
// * 获取评论详情
// * @param commentId
// * @return
// */
// OrderCommentInfoBO getOrderCommentInfo(Integer commentId);
// /**
// * 获取订单评论状态详情
// * @param orderCommentStateInfoPageDTO
// * @return
// */
// OrderCommentStateInfoPageBO getOrderCommentStateInfoPage(
// OrderCommentStateInfoPageDTO orderCommentStateInfoPageDTO);
// /**
// * 获取订单评论超时分页
// * @param orderCommentTimeOutPageDTO
// * @return
// */
// List<OrderCommentTimeOutBO> getOrderCommentTimeOutPage(
// OrderCommentTimeOutPageDTO orderCommentTimeOutPageDTO);
// /**
// * 批量更新订单评论状态
// * @param orderCommentTimeOutBOList
// */
// void updateBatchOrderCommentState(List<OrderCommentTimeOutBO> orderCommentTimeOutBOList);
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service;
* 订单物流信息
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-04-12 21:29
public interface OrderLogisticsService {
// /**
// * 获取物流信息 - 根据id
// *
// * @param id
// * @return
// */
// CommonResult<OrderLogisticsInfoBO> getLogisticsInfo(Integer id);
// /**
// * 获取 last 物流信息 - 根据id
// *
// * @param id
// * @return
// */
// CommonResult<OrderLastLogisticsInfoBO> getLastLogisticsInfo(Integer id);
// /**
// * 获取物流信息 - 根据 orderId
// *
// * @param userId
// * @param orderId
// * @return
// */
// CommonResult<OrderLogisticsInfoWithOrderBO> getOrderLogisticsInfo(Integer userId,
// Integer orderId);
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service;
* 订单退货
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-30 15:33
public interface OrderReturnService {
// /**
// * 订单 - 退货
// *
// * @param orderReturnApplyDTO
// * @return
// */
// CommonResult orderReturnApply(OrderReturnApplyDTO orderReturnApplyDTO);
// /**
// * 更新退款成功
// *
// * 如果成功,则返回 success
// * 如果失败,则返回具体原因
// *
// * @param orderId 订单编号
// * @param refundPrice 退款金额
// * @return 支付结果
// */
// String updateRefundSuccess(String orderId, Integer refundPrice);
// /**
// * 订单申请信息
// *
// * @param orderId
// * @return
// */
// CommonResult<OrderReturnInfoBO> orderApplyInfo(Integer orderId);
// /**
// * 订单退货 - 列表
// *
// * @param queryDTO
// * @return
// */
// CommonResult<OrderReturnListBO> orderReturnList(OrderReturnQueryDTO queryDTO);
// /**
// * 订单退货 - 接受
// *
// * @param id
// * @return
// */
// CommonResult orderReturnAgree(Integer id);
// /**
// * 订单退货 - 拒绝
// *
// * @param id
// * @return
// */
// CommonResult orderReturnRefuse(Integer id);
// /**
// * 订单退货 - 确认收货
// *
// * @param id
// * @return
// */
// CommonResult confirmReceipt(Integer id);
// /**
// * 订单退货 - 确认订单
// *
// * @param id
// * @return
// */
// CommonResult refund(Integer id, String ip);
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service.comment;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.PageResult;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.bo.comment.OrderCommentInfoBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.bo.comment.OrderCommentPageBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.bo.comment.OrderCommentStateInfoPageBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.bo.comment.OrderCommentTimeOutBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment.OrderCommentAddDTO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment.OrderCommentPageDTO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment.OrderCommentStateInfoPageDTO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment.OrderCommentTimeOutPageDTO;
import java.util.List;
import javax.validation.Valid;
import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;
* 订单评论业务
* @author xiaofeng
* @version 1.0
* @date 2020/05/17 15:24
public interface OrderCommentService {
* 添加订单评论
* @param orderCommentAddDTO
* @return
Boolean addOrderComment(@Valid OrderCommentAddDTO orderCommentAddDTO);
* 分页
* @param orderCommentPageDTO
* @return
PageResult<OrderCommentPageBO> page(OrderCommentPageDTO orderCommentPageDTO);
* 获取订单评论信息
* @param commentId
* @return
OrderCommentInfoBO getOrderCommentInfo(Integer commentId);
* 获取订单评论状态详情
* @param orderCommentStateInfoPageDTO
* @return
OrderCommentStateInfoPageBO getOrderCommentStateInfoPage(
OrderCommentStateInfoPageDTO orderCommentStateInfoPageDTO);
* 获取订单评论超时分页
* @param orderCommentTimeOutPageDTO
* @return
List<OrderCommentTimeOutBO> getOrderCommentTimeOutPage(
OrderCommentTimeOutPageDTO orderCommentTimeOutPageDTO);
* 批量更新订单评论状态
* @param orderCommentTimeOutBOList
void updateBatchOrderCommentState(List<OrderCommentTimeOutBO> orderCommentTimeOutBOList);
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service.comment;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.util.CollectionUtil;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.PageResult;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.bo.comment.OrderCommentInfoBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.bo.comment.OrderCommentPageBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.bo.comment.OrderCommentStateInfoPageBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.bo.comment.OrderCommentTimeOutBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.convert.comment.OrderCommentConvert;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.comment.OrderCommentDO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment.OrderCommentAddDTO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment.OrderCommentPageDTO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment.OrderCommentStateInfoPageDTO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment.OrderCommentTimeOutPageDTO;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import javax.validation.Valid;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Sort;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Sort.Direction;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoTemplate;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query.Criteria;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query.Query;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
* OrderCommentServiceImpl
* @author xiaofeng
* @version 1.0
* @date 2020/05/17 15:32
public class OrderCommentServiceImpl implements OrderCommentService {
private final MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public OrderCommentServiceImpl(final MongoTemplate mongoTemplate) {
this.mongoTemplate = mongoTemplate;
public Boolean addOrderComment(
@Valid OrderCommentAddDTO orderCommentAddDTO) {
OrderCommentDO orderCommentDO = mongoTemplate
return null != orderCommentDO ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
public PageResult<OrderCommentPageBO> page(
OrderCommentPageDTO orderCommentPageDTO) {
Query query = new Query();
query.with(Sort.by(Direction.ASC, "_id"));
List<OrderCommentDO> orderCommentList = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
if (orderCommentPageDTO.getPageNo() == 1) {
} else {
final int offset = orderCommentPageDTO.getOffset();
List<OrderCommentDO> list = mongoTemplate.find(query, OrderCommentDO.class);
if (!CollectionUtil.isEmpty(list)) {
// 获取最后一条记录
OrderCommentDO orderCommentDO = list.get(orderCommentList.size() - 1);
final Integer orderCommentId = orderCommentDO.getId();
// 从上一页最后一条开始查
// 重新赋值
orderCommentList = mongoTemplate.find(query, OrderCommentDO.class);
PageResult<OrderCommentPageBO> pageResult = new PageResult<>();
return pageResult;
public OrderCommentInfoBO getOrderCommentInfo(
Integer commentId) {
OrderCommentDO orderCommentDO = mongoTemplate
.findOne(new Query(Criteria.where("_id").is(commentId)), OrderCommentDO.class);
return OrderCommentConvert.INSTANCE.convert(orderCommentDO);
public OrderCommentStateInfoPageBO getOrderCommentStateInfoPage(
OrderCommentStateInfoPageDTO orderCommentStateInfoPageDTO) {
return null;
public List<OrderCommentTimeOutBO> getOrderCommentTimeOutPage(
OrderCommentTimeOutPageDTO orderCommentTimeOutPageDTO) {
return null;
public void updateBatchOrderCommentState(
List<OrderCommentTimeOutBO> orderCommentTimeOutBOList) {
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service.impl;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.comment.OrderCommentReplayMapper;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service.OrderCommentReplyService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
* 订单评论回复 service impl
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-05-31 18:30
@org.apache.dubbo.config.annotation.Service(validation = "true",version = "${dubbo.provider.OrderCommentReplyService.version}")
public class OrderCommentReplyServiceImpl implements OrderCommentReplyService {
private OrderCommentReplayMapper orderCommentReplayMapper;
// /**
// * 分页获取评论回复
// * @param orderCommentReplyPageDTO
// * @return
// */
// @Override
// public OrderCommentReplyPageBO getOrderCommentReplyPage(OrderCommentReplyPageDTO orderCommentReplyPageDTO) {
// OrderCommentReplyPageBO orderCommentReplyPageBO=new OrderCommentReplyPageBO();
// //评论回复总数
// Integer totalCount=orderCommentReplayMapper.selectCommentReplyTotalCountByCommentId(orderCommentReplyPageDTO.getCommentId(),
// orderCommentReplyPageDTO.getUserType());
// //分页获取评论回复
// List<OrderCommentReplyDO> orderCommentReplyDOList=orderCommentReplayMapper.selectCommentReplyPage(orderCommentReplyPageDTO);
// orderCommentReplyPageBO.setTotal(totalCount);
// orderCommentReplyPageBO.setOrderCommentReplayItems(OrderCommentReplyConvert.INSTANCE.convertOrderCommentReplayItem(orderCommentReplyDOList));
// return orderCommentReplyPageBO;
// }
// /**
// * 创建评论回复
// * @param orderCommentReplyCreateDTO
// * @return
// */
// @Override
// public OrderCommentReplyCreateBO createOrderCommentReply(OrderCommentReplyCreateDTO orderCommentReplyCreateDTO) {
// OrderCommentReplyDO orderCommentReplyDO=OrderCommentReplyConvert.INSTANCE.convert(orderCommentReplyCreateDTO);
// orderCommentReplyDO.setCreateTime(new Date());
// Integer replyType=orderCommentReplyCreateDTO.getCommentId()==orderCommentReplyCreateDTO.getParentId()?
// OrderCommentRelpyTypeEnum.COMMENT_REPLY.getValue():OrderCommentRelpyTypeEnum.REPLY_REPLY.getValue();
// orderCommentReplyDO.setReplyType(replyType);
// orderCommentReplayMapper.insert(orderCommentReplyDO);
// return OrderCommentReplyConvert.INSTANCE.convert(orderCommentReplyDO);
// }
// /**
// * 获取商家评论回复
// * @param commentId
// * @return
// */
// @Override
// public List<OrderCommentMerchantReplyBO> getOrderCommentMerchantReply(Integer commentId) {
// List<OrderCommentReplyDO> orderCommentReplyDOList=orderCommentReplayMapper.selectCommentMerchantReplyByCommentIdAndUserType(commentId,
// OrderReplyUserTypeEnum.MERCHANT.getValue());
// return OrderCommentReplyConvert.INSTANCE.convert(orderCommentReplyDOList);
// }
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service.impl;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.comment.OrderCommentMapper;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.comment.OrderCommentReplayMapper;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service.OrderCommentService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
* 订单评论 service impl
* @author wtz
* @time 2019
@org.apache.dubbo.config.annotation.Service(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.provider.OrderCommentService.version}")
public class OrderCommentServiceImpl implements OrderCommentService {
private OrderCommentMapper orderCommentMapper;
private OrderCommentReplayMapper orderCommentReplayMapper;
// @Override
// public OrderCommentCreateBO createOrderComment(OrderCommentCreateDTO orderCommentCreateDTO) {
// OrderCommentDO orderCommentDO=OrderCommentConvert.INSTANCE.convertOrderCommentDO(orderCommentCreateDTO);
// orderCommentDO.setCreateTime(new Date());
// orderCommentMapper.insert(orderCommentDO);
// return OrderCommentConvert.INSTANCE.convertOrderCommentCreateBO(orderCommentDO);
// }
// @Override
// public OrderCommentPageBO getOrderCommentPage(OrderCommentPageDTO orderCommentPageDTO) {
// OrderCommentPageBO orderCommentPageBO=new OrderCommentPageBO();
// //分页内容
// List<OrderCommentDO> orderCommentDOList=orderCommentMapper.selectCommentPage(orderCommentPageDTO);
// //分页评论的 id
// List<Integer> commentIds=orderCommentDOList.stream().map(x->x.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
// //获取商家最新的评论回复
// List<OrderCommentReplyDO> orderCommentReplyDOList=orderCommentReplayMapper.selectCommentNewMerchantReplyByCommentIds(commentIds,
// OrderReplyUserTypeEnum.MERCHANT.getValue());
// //评论组装
// List<OrderCommentPageBO.OrderCommentItem> orderCommentItemList=orderCommentDOList.stream()
// .flatMap(x->orderCommentReplyDOList.stream()
// .filter(y->x.getId()==y.getCommentId())
// .map(y->new OrderCommentPageBO.OrderCommentItem(x.getId(),x.getUserAvatar(),x.getUserNickName(),x.getStar(),
// x.getCommentContent(),x.getCommentPics(),x.getReplayCount(),x.getLikeCount(),x.getCreateTime(),y.getReplyContent()))
// ).collect(Collectors.toList());
// //总数
// int totalCount=orderCommentMapper.selectCommentTotalCountByProductSkuId(orderCommentPageDTO.getProductSkuId());
// orderCommentPageBO.setOrderCommentItems(orderCommentItemList);
// orderCommentPageBO.setTotal(totalCount);
// return orderCommentPageBO;
// }
// @Override
// public OrderCommentInfoBO getOrderCommentInfo(Integer commentId) {
// //查询评论详情
// OrderCommentDO orderCommentDO=orderCommentMapper.selectCommentInfoByCommentId(commentId);
// return OrderCommentConvert.INSTANCE.convertOrderCommentInfoBO(orderCommentDO);
// }
// @Override
// public OrderCommentStateInfoPageBO getOrderCommentStateInfoPage(OrderCommentStateInfoPageDTO orderCommentStateInfoPageDTO) {
// OrderCommentStateInfoPageBO orderCommentStateInfoPageBO=new OrderCommentStateInfoPageBO();
// //总数
// int total=orderCommentMapper.selectOrderCommentStateInfoTotal(orderCommentStateInfoPageDTO.getUserId(),
// orderCommentStateInfoPageDTO.getCommentState());
// //查询评论状态详情
// List<OrderCommentDO> orderCommentDOList=orderCommentMapper.selectOrderCommentStateInfoPage(orderCommentStateInfoPageDTO);
// //转化评论状态详情
// List<OrderCommentStateInfoPageBO.OrderCommentStateInfoItem> orderCommentStateInfoItemList=
// OrderCommentConvert.INSTANCE.convertOrderCommentStateInfoItems(orderCommentDOList);
// orderCommentStateInfoPageBO.setTotal(total);
// orderCommentStateInfoPageBO.setOrderCommentStateInfoItems(orderCommentStateInfoItemList);
// return orderCommentStateInfoPageBO;
// }
// @Override
// public List<OrderCommentTimeOutBO> getOrderCommentTimeOutPage(OrderCommentTimeOutPageDTO orderCommentTimeOutPageDTO) {
// List<OrderCommentDO> orderCommentDOList=orderCommentMapper.selectOrderCommentTimeOutPage(orderCommentTimeOutPageDTO);
// return OrderCommentConvert.INSTANCE.convertOrderCommentTimeOutBOList(orderCommentDOList);
// }
// @Override
// public void updateBatchOrderCommentState(List<OrderCommentTimeOutBO> orderCommentTimeOutBOList) {
// orderCommentMapper.updateBatchOrderCommentState(OrderCommentStatusEnum.SUCCESS_COMMENT.getValue(),orderCommentTimeOutBOList);
// }
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service.impl;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service.OrderLogisticsService;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
* 订单物流
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-04-12 21:32
@org.apache.dubbo.config.annotation.Service(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.provider.OrderLogisticsService.version}")
public class OrderLogisticsServiceImpl implements OrderLogisticsService {
// @Autowired
// private OrderMapper orderMapper;
// @Autowired
// private OrderItemMapper orderItemMapper;
// @Autowired
// private OrderLogisticsMapper orderLogisticsMapper;
// @Autowired
// private OrderLogisticsDetailMapper orderLogisticsDetailMapper;
// @Override
// public CommonResult<OrderLogisticsInfoBO> getLogisticsInfo(Integer id) {
// OrderLogisticsDO orderLogisticsDO = orderLogisticsMapper.selectById(id);
// if (orderLogisticsDO == null) {
// return CommonResult.success(null);
// }
// List<OrderLogisticsDetailDO> orderLogisticsDetailDOList = orderLogisticsDetailMapper
// .selectByOrderLogisticsId(orderLogisticsDO.getId());
// // 转换数据结构
// List<OrderLogisticsInfoBO.LogisticsDetail> logisticsDetails
// = OrderLogisticsConvert.INSTANCE.convert(orderLogisticsDetailDOList);
// OrderLogisticsInfoBO orderLogisticsInfo2BO = OrderLogisticsConvert.INSTANCE.convert(orderLogisticsDO);
// orderLogisticsInfo2BO.setDetails(logisticsDetails);
// return CommonResult.success(orderLogisticsInfo2BO);
// }
// @Override
// public CommonResult<OrderLastLogisticsInfoBO> getLastLogisticsInfo(Integer id) {
// OrderLogisticsDO orderLogisticsDO = orderLogisticsMapper.selectById(id);
// if (orderLogisticsDO == null) {
// return CommonResult.success(null);
// }
// OrderLogisticsDetailDO orderLastLogisticsDetailDO = orderLogisticsDetailMapper.selectLastByLogisticsId(id);
// // 转换数据结构
// OrderLastLogisticsInfoBO.LogisticsDetail lastLogisticsDetail
// = OrderLogisticsConvert.INSTANCE.convertLastLogisticsDetail(orderLastLogisticsDetailDO);
// OrderLastLogisticsInfoBO lastLogisticsInfoBO = OrderLogisticsConvert
// .INSTANCE.convertOrderLastLogisticsInfoBO(orderLogisticsDO);
// lastLogisticsInfoBO.setLastLogisticsDetail(lastLogisticsDetail);
// return CommonResult.success(lastLogisticsInfoBO);
// }
// @Override
// public CommonResult<OrderLogisticsInfoWithOrderBO> getOrderLogisticsInfo(Integer userId, Integer orderId) {
// OrderDO orderDO = orderMapper.selectById(orderId);
// if (orderDO == null) {
// return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(OrderErrorCodeEnum.ORDER_NOT_EXISTENT.getCode());
// }
// if (!userId.equals(orderDO.getUserId())) {
// return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(OrderErrorCodeEnum.ORDER_NOT_USER_ORDER.getCode());
// }
// // 获取订单所发货的订单 id
// List<OrderItemDO> orderItemDOList = orderItemMapper.selectByDeletedAndOrderId(
// DeletedStatusEnum.DELETED_NO.getValue(), orderId);
// // 获取物流 信息
// Set<Integer> orderLogisticsIds = orderItemDOList.stream()
// .filter(o -> o.getOrderLogisticsId() != null)
// .map(o -> o.getOrderLogisticsId())
// .collect(Collectors.toSet());
// List<OrderLogisticsDO> orderLogisticsDOList = Collections.emptyList();
// List<OrderLogisticsDetailDO> orderLogisticsDetailDOList = Collections.emptyList();
// if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(orderLogisticsIds)) {
// orderLogisticsDOList = orderLogisticsMapper.selectByIds(orderLogisticsIds);
// orderLogisticsDetailDOList = orderLogisticsDetailMapper.selectByOrderLogisticsIds(orderLogisticsIds);
// }
// // 转换 return 的数据
// List<OrderLogisticsInfoWithOrderBO.Logistics> logistics
// = OrderLogisticsConvert.INSTANCE.convertLogistics(orderLogisticsDOList);
// List<OrderLogisticsInfoWithOrderBO.LogisticsDetail> logisticsDetails
// = OrderLogisticsConvert.INSTANCE.convertLogisticsDetail(orderLogisticsDetailDOList);
// logisticsDetails.stream().map(o -> {
// o.setLogisticsTimeText(DateUtil.format(o.getLogisticsTime(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"));
// return o;
// }).collect(Collectors.toList());
// Map<Integer, List<OrderLogisticsInfoWithOrderBO.LogisticsDetail>> logisticsDetailMultimap
// = logisticsDetails.stream().collect(
// Collectors.toMap(
// o -> o.getOrderLogisticsId(),
// item -> Lists.newArrayList(item),
// (oldVal, newVal) -> {
// oldVal.addAll(newVal);
// return oldVal;
// }
// )
// );
// logistics.stream().map(o -> {
// if (logisticsDetailMultimap.containsKey(o.getId())) {
// o.setDetails(logisticsDetailMultimap.get(o.getId()));
// }
// return o;
// }).collect(Collectors.toList());
// return CommonResult.success(
// new OrderLogisticsInfoWithOrderBO()
// .setOrderId(orderId)
// .setOrderNo(orderDO.getOrderNo())
// .setLogistics(logistics)
// );
// }
@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service.impl;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service.OrderReturnService;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
* 订单退货 service
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-30 15:35
@org.apache.dubbo.config.annotation.Service(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.provider.OrderReturnService.version}")
public class OrderReturnServiceImpl implements OrderReturnService {
// @Autowired
// private OrderMapper orderMapper;
// @Autowired
// private OrderItemMapper orderItemMapper;
// @Autowired
// private OrderReturnMapper orderReturnMapper;
// @Autowired
// private OrderLogisticsService orderLogisticsService;
// @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.consumer.PayRefundService.version}")
// private PayRefundService payRefundService;
// @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.consumer.DataDictService.version}")
// private DataDictService dataDictService;
// @Override
// public CommonResult orderReturnApply(OrderReturnApplyDTO orderReturnDTO) {
// OrderDO checkOrder = orderMapper.selectById(orderReturnDTO.getOrderId());
// // 检查订单是否 存在
// if (checkOrder == null) {
// return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(OrderErrorCodeEnum.ORDER_NOT_EXISTENT.getCode());
// }
// // 转换 DO
// OrderReturnDO orderReturnDO = OrderReturnConvert.INSTANCE.convert(orderReturnDTO);
// orderReturnDO
// .setOrderId(checkOrder.getId())
// // TODO: 2019-04-27 Sin 服务号生成规则
// .setServiceNumber(UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", "").substring(0, 16))
// .setOrderNo(checkOrder.getOrderNo())
// .setStatus(OrderReturnStatusEnum.RETURN_APPLICATION.getValue())
// .setCreateTime(new Date());
// // 保存申请信息
// orderReturnMapper.insert(orderReturnDO);
// return CommonResult.success(null);
// }
// @Override
// public String updateRefundSuccess(String orderId, Integer refundPrice) {
// return "success";
// }
// @Override
// public CommonResult<OrderReturnInfoBO> orderApplyInfo(Integer orderId) {
// // 检查订单是否退货
// OrderReturnDO orderReturnDO = orderReturnMapper.selectByOrderId(orderId);
// if (orderReturnDO == null) {
// return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(OrderErrorCodeEnum.ORDER_RETURN_NO_RETURN_APPLY.getCode());
// }
// List<OrderItemDO> orderItemDOList = orderItemMapper
// .selectByDeletedAndOrderId(DeletedStatusEnum.DELETED_NO.getValue(), orderId);
// // 订单不存在
// if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(orderItemDOList)) {
// return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(OrderErrorCodeEnum.ORDER_NOT_EXISTENT.getCode());
// }
// // 转换 returnInfo
// OrderReturnInfoBO.ReturnInfo returnInfo = OrderReturnConvert.INSTANCE.convert(orderReturnDO);
// List<OrderReturnInfoBO.OrderItem> itemList = OrderReturnConvert.INSTANCE.convert(orderItemDOList);
// // 物流信息
// CommonResult<OrderLastLogisticsInfoBO> lastLogisticsCommonResult = orderLogisticsService
// .getLastLogisticsInfo(orderReturnDO.getOrderLogisticsId());
// if (lastLogisticsCommonResult.isError()) {
// return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(OrderErrorCodeEnum.ORDER_LOGISTICS_INVOKING_FAIL.getCode());
// }
// OrderLastLogisticsInfoBO lastLogisticsInfoBO = lastLogisticsCommonResult.getData();
// OrderReturnInfoBO orderReturnInfoBO = new OrderReturnInfoBO()
// .setOrderItems(itemList)
// .setReturnInfo(returnInfo)
// .setLastLogisticsInfo(lastLogisticsInfoBO);
// return CommonResult.success(orderReturnInfoBO);
// }
// @Override
// public CommonResult<OrderReturnListBO> orderReturnList(OrderReturnQueryDTO queryDTO) {
// int totalCount = orderReturnMapper.selectListCount(queryDTO);
// if (totalCount <= 0) {
// return CommonResult.success(
// new OrderReturnListBO()
// .setData(Collections.EMPTY_LIST)
// .setIndex(queryDTO.getIndex())
// .setPageSize(queryDTO.getPageSize())
// .setTotalCount(0)
// );
// }
// List<OrderReturnDO> orderReturnDOList = orderReturnMapper.selectList(queryDTO);
// List<OrderReturnListBO.OrderReturn> orderReturnListBOList
// = OrderReturnConvert.INSTANCE.convertListBO(orderReturnDOList);
// return CommonResult.success(
// new OrderReturnListBO()
// .setData(orderReturnListBOList)
// .setIndex(queryDTO.getIndex())
// .setPageSize(queryDTO.getPageSize())
// .setTotalCount(totalCount)
// );
// }
// @Override
// public CommonResult orderReturnAgree(Integer id) {
// OrderReturnDO orderReturnDO = orderReturnMapper.selectById(id);
// if (orderReturnDO == null) {
// return ServiceExceptionUtil
// .error(OrderErrorCodeEnum.ORDER_RETURN_NOT_EXISTENT.getCode());
// }
// orderReturnMapper.updateById(
// new OrderReturnDO()
// .setId(id)
// .setApprovalTime(new Date())
// .setStatus(OrderReturnStatusEnum.APPLICATION_SUCCESSFUL.getValue())
// );
// return CommonResult.success(null);
// }
// @Override
// public CommonResult orderReturnRefuse(Integer id) {
// OrderReturnDO orderReturnDO = orderReturnMapper.selectById(id);
// if (orderReturnDO == null) {
// return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(OrderErrorCodeEnum.ORDER_RETURN_NOT_EXISTENT.getCode());
// }
// orderReturnMapper.updateById(
// new OrderReturnDO()
// .setId(id)
// .setRefuseTime(new Date())
// .setStatus(OrderReturnStatusEnum.APPLICATION_FAIL.getValue())
// );
// return CommonResult.success(null);
// }
// @Override
// public CommonResult confirmReceipt(Integer id) {
// OrderReturnDO orderReturnDO = orderReturnMapper.selectById(id);
// if (orderReturnDO == null) {
// return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(OrderErrorCodeEnum.ORDER_RETURN_NOT_EXISTENT.getCode());
// }
// orderReturnMapper.updateById(
// new OrderReturnDO()
// .setId(id)
// .setReceiverTime(new Date())
// .setStatus(OrderReturnStatusEnum.ORDER_RECEIPT.getValue())
// );
// return CommonResult.success(null);
// }
// @Override
// @Transactional
// public CommonResult refund(Integer id, String ip) {
// OrderReturnDO orderReturnDO = orderReturnMapper.selectById(id);
// if (orderReturnDO == null) {
// return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(OrderErrorCodeEnum.ORDER_RETURN_NOT_EXISTENT.getCode());
// }
// // TODO: 2019/5/8 sin, 发送 MQ 消息,申请退货成功!
// // TODO: 2019/5/8 sin 退款:支付系统退款
// // TODO: 2019/5/8 sin 退货+退款:退回商品签收后,支付系统退款
// // TODO: 2019/5/8 sin 事务一致性 [重要]
// CommonResult<DataDictBO> dataDictResult = dataDictService
// .getDataDict(DictKeyConstants.ORDER_RETURN_REASON, orderReturnDO.getReason());
// if (dataDictResult.isError()) {
// return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(OrderErrorCodeEnum.DICT_SERVER_INVOKING_FAIL.getCode());
// }
// // 支付退款
// String orderDescription = dataDictResult.getData()
// .getDisplayName() + "(" + orderReturnDO.getDescribe() + ")";
// CommonResult payResult = payRefundService.submitRefund(
// new PayRefundSubmitDTO()
// .setAppId(PayAppId.APP_ID_SHOP_ORDER)
// .setOrderId(String.valueOf(orderReturnDO.getOrderId()))
// .setPrice(orderReturnDO.getRefundPrice())
// .setOrderDescription(orderDescription)
// .setCreateIp(ip)
// );
// if (!payResult.isSuccess()) {
// return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(OrderErrorCodeEnum.ORDER_RETURN_REFUND_FAILED.getCode());
// }
// // 更新 订单退货 信息
// orderReturnMapper.updateById(
// new OrderReturnDO()
// .setId(id)
// .setClosingTime(new Date())
// .setStatus(OrderReturnStatusEnum.RETURN_SUCCESS.getValue())
// );
// // 更新订单
// orderMapper.updateById(
// new OrderDO()
// .setId(orderReturnDO.getOrderId())
// .setClosingTime(new Date())
// .setStatus(OrderStatusEnum.COMPLETED.getValue())
// );
// // 更新订单
// orderItemMapper.updateByOrderId(
// orderReturnDO.getOrderId(),
// new OrderItemDO()
// .setClosingTime(new Date())
// .setStatus(OrderStatusEnum.COMPLETED.getValue())
// );
// return CommonResult.success(null);
// }
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.comment.OrderCommentMapper">
<sql id="FIELDS">
<insert id="insert" parameterType="OrderCommentDO" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyColumn="id" keyProperty="id">
INSERT INTO order_comment(order_id,order_no,product_spu_id,product_spu_name,product_sku_id,
VALUES (#{orderId},#{orderNo},#{productSpuId},#{productSpuName},#{productSkuId},#{productSkuAttrs},
#{productDescriptionStar},#{logisticsStar},#{merchantStar},#{commentContent},#{commentPics},#{commentState},#{createTime}, #{updateTime});
<!--根据 sku id 获取评论总数-->
<select id="selectCommentTotalCountByProductSkuId" parameterType="Integer" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
FROM order_comment
product_sku_id = #{productSkuId}
<select id="selectCommentPage" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderCommentDO">
<include refid="FIELDS" />
FROM order_comment
product_sku_id = #{productSkuId}
ORDER BY create_time DESC
LIMIT ${pageNo*pageSize},${pageSize}
<!--根据评论 id 获取用户详情-->
<select id="selectCommentInfoByCommentId" parameterType="Integer" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderCommentDO">
<include refid="FIELDS" />
FROM order_comment
id = #{id}
<select id="selectOrderCommentStateInfoPage" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderCommentDO">
<include refid="FIELDS" />
FROM order_comment
user_id = #{userId}
comment_state = #{commentState}
ORDER BY create_time DESC
LIMIT ${pageNo*pageSize},${pageSize}
<select id="selectOrderCommentStateInfoTotal" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
FROM order_comment
user_id = #{userId}
comment_state = #{commentState}
<select id="selectOrderCommentTimeOutPage" parameterType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.api.dto.OrderCommentTimeOutPageDTO" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderCommentDO">
<include refid="FIELDS" />
FROM order_comment
comment_state = #{commentTimeOut.commentState}
TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY,create_time,NOW()) > #{commentTimeOut.overDay}
LIMIT ${commentTimeOut.pageNo*commentTimeOut.pageSize},${commentTimeOut.pageSize}
<update id="updateBatchOrderCommentState">
UPDATE order_comment
comment_state = #{commentState}
<if test="list !=null">
<foreach collection="list" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.comment.OrderCommentReplayMapper">
<sql id="FIELDS">
<insert id="insert" parameterType="OrderCommentReplyDO" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyColumn="id" keyProperty="id">
INSERT INTO order_comment_replay(comment_id,reply_type,parent_id,parent_user_id,parent_user_nick_name,parent_user_avatar,reply_content,reply_user_id,
VALUES (#{commentId},#{replyType},#{parentId},#{parentUserId},#{parentUserNickName},#{parentUserAvatar},#{replyContent},#{replyUserId},
<!--根据评论 id 和用户类型获取商家回复列表-->
<select id="selectCommentMerchantReplyByCommentIdAndUserType" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderCommentReplyDO">
<include refid="FIELDS" />
FROM order_comment_replay
comment_id = #{commentId}
user_type = #{userType}
ORDER BY create_time DESC
<!--根据评论 id 和用户类型获取评论总数-->
<select id="selectCommentReplyTotalCountByCommentId" parameterType="Integer" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
FROM order_comment_replay
comment_id = #{commentId}
user_type = #{userType}
<select id="selectCommentReplyPage" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderCommentReplyDO">
<include refid="FIELDS" />
FROM order_comment_replay
comment_id = #{commentId}
user_type = #{userType}
ORDER BY create_time DESC
LIMIT ${pageNo*pageSize},${pageSize}
<!--根据评论 id 查询商家最新的评论列表-->
<select id="selectCommentNewMerchantReplyByCommentIds" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderCommentReplyDO">
<include refid="FIELDS" />
FROM order_comment_replay
MAX(create_time) AS maxtime,comment_id
FROM order_comment_replay
comment_id IN
<foreach collection="commentIds" item="commentId" separator="," open="(" close=")">
GROUP BY comment_id ) AS a)
comment_id IN
<foreach collection="commentIds" item="commentId" separator="," open="(" close=")">
user_type = #{userType}
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.order.OrderLogisticsDetailMapper">
<sql id="FIELDS">
<insert id="insert" parameterType="CartItemDO" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyColumn="id" keyProperty="id">
INSERT INTO cart_item (order_logistics_id, logistics_time, logistics_information,
create_time, update_time)
VALUES (#{orderLogisticsId}, #{logisticsTime}, #{logisticsInformation},
#{createTime}, #{updateTime})
查询 - 根据 物流id
<select id="selectByOrderLogisticsId"
<include refid="FIELDS"/>
FROM order_logistics_detail
WHERE order_logistics_id = #{orderLogisticsId}
查询 - 根据 物流ids
<select id="selectByOrderLogisticsIds"
<include refid="FIELDS"/>
FROM order_logistics_detail
WHERE order_logistics_id IN
<foreach collection="orderLogisticsIds" item="orderLogisticsId" separator="," open="(" close=")">
查询 - 最新的物流信息
<select id="selectLast" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderLogisticsDetailDO">
<include refid="FIELDS"/>
FROM order_logistics_detail
WHERE order_logistics_id IN
<foreach collection="orderLogisticsIds" item="orderLogisticsId" separator="," open="(" close=")">
ORDER BY create_time DESC
LIMIT 0, 1
查询 - 根据 last 根据物理id
<select id="selectLastByLogisticsId"
<include refid="FIELDS"/>
FROM order_logistics_detail
WHERE order_logistics_id = #{orderLogisticsId}
ORDER BY create_time DESC
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.order.OrderLogisticsMapper">
<sql id="FIELDS">
id, area_no, `name`, mobile, address, logistics, logistics_no, create_time, update_time
<insert id="insert" parameterType="OrderLogisticsDO" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyColumn="id" keyProperty="id">
INSERT INTO `order_logistics` (
area_no, `name`, mobile, address, logistics, logistics_no, create_time, update_time
#{areaNo}, #{name}, #{mobile}, #{address},
#{logistics}, #{logisticsNo}, #{createTime}, #{updateTime}
<sql id="updateFieldSql" >
<if test="areaNo != null">
, area_no = #{areaNo}
<if test="name != null">
, `name` = #{name}
<if test="mobile != null">
, mobile = #{mobile}
<if test="address != null">
, address = #{address}
<if test="logistics != null">
, logistics = #{logistics}
<if test="logisticsNo != null">
, logistics_no = #{logisticsNo}
更新 - 根据id
<update id="updateById">
UPDATE `order_logistics`
<include refid="updateFieldSql" />
WHERE id = #{id}
查询 - 根据 ids
<select id="selectByIds" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderLogisticsDO">
<include refid="FIELDS" />
FROM `order_logistics`
WHERE `id`
<foreach collection="ids" item="id" separator="," open="(" close=")">
查询 - 根据 ids
<select id="selectById" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderLogisticsDO">
<include refid="FIELDS" />
FROM `order_logistics`
WHERE `id` = #{id}
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.order.OrderRecipientMapper">
<sql id="FIELDS">
id, order_id, `area_no`, `name`, mobile, address, `type`,
create_time, update_time
<insert id="insert" parameterType="OrderRecipientDO" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyColumn="id" keyProperty="id">
INSERT INTO `order_recipient` (
order_id, `area_no`, `name`, mobile, address,
`type`, create_time, update_time
#{orderId}, #{areaNo}, #{name}, #{mobile}, #{address},
#{type}, #{createTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP} , #{updateTime}
查询 - 根据 orderId
<select id="selectByOrderId" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderRecipientDO">
<include refid="FIELDS" />
FROM `order_recipient`
WHERE order_id = #{orderId}
查询 - 根据 orderIds
<select id="selectByOrderIds" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderRecipientDO">
<include refid="FIELDS" />
FROM `order_recipient`
WHERE order_id IN
<foreach collection="orderIds" item="orderId" separator="," open="(" close=")">
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dao.order.OrderReturnMapper">
<sql id="FIELDS">
<insert id="insert" parameterType="OrderReturnDO" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyColumn="id" keyProperty="id">
INSERT INTO `order_return` (
service_number, order_id, order_no, order_logistics_id,
refund_price, reason, `describe`,
approval_time, refuse_time, logistics_time, receiver_time, closing_time,
service_type, status,
create_time, update_time)
#{serviceNumber}, #{orderId}, #{orderNo}, #{orderLogisticsId},
${refundPrice}, #{reason}, #{describe},
#{approvalTime}, #{refuse_time}, #{logisticsTime}, #{receiverTime}, #{closingTime},
#{serviceType}, #{status}, #{createTime}, #{updateTime})
更新 - 可更新的字段
<sql id="updateFieldSql">
<if test="orderLogisticsId != null">
, order_logistics_id = #{orderLogisticsId}
<if test="refundPrice != null">
, refund_price = #{refundPrice}
<if test="reason != null">
, reason = #{reason}
<if test="describe != null">
, `describe` = #{describe}
<if test="approvalTime != null">
, approval_time = #{approvalTime}
<if test="refuseTime != null">
, refuse_time = #{refuseTime}
<if test="logisticsTime != null">
, logistics_time = #{logisticsTime}
<if test="receiverTime != null">
, receiver_time = #{receiverTime}
<if test="closingTime != null">
, closing_time = #{closingTime}
<if test="serviceType != null">
, service_type = #{serviceType}
<if test="status != null">
, status = #{status}
<if test="createTime != null">
, create_time = #{createTime}
<if test="updateTime != null">
, update_time = #{updateTime}
更新 - 根据 id 更新
<update id="updateById" parameterType="OrderReturnDO">
UPDATE `order_return`
<include refid="updateFieldSql"/>
WHERE id = #{id}
查询 - 根据id 查询
<select id="selectByOrderId" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderReturnDO">
<include refid="FIELDS"/>
FROM `order_return`
WHERE order_id = #{orderId}
列表查询 - where
<sql id="selectListWhere">
<if test="status != null">
AND status = #{status}
<if test="serviceNumber != null">
AND service_number = #{serviceNumber}
<if test="orderId != null">
AND order_id = #{orderId}
<if test="orderId != null">
AND order_no = #{orderNo}
<if test="startCreateTime != null and endCreateTime != null">
AND create_time >= #{startCreateTime}
AND create_time <= #{endCreateTime}
列表查询 - count
<select id="selectListCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
FROM `order_return`
WHERE 1 = 1
<include refid="selectListWhere" />
列表查询 - queryDTO
<select id="selectList" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderReturnDO">
<include refid="FIELDS"/>
FROM `order_return`
WHERE 1 = 1
<include refid="selectListWhere" />
<bind name="limitIndex" value="pageSize * (index - 1)"/>
LIMIT #{limitIndex}, #{pageSize}
查询 - 根据 id 查询
<select id="selectById" resultType="cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dataobject.OrderReturnDO">
<include refid="FIELDS"/>
FROM `order_return`
WHERE id = #{id}
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.controller.comment;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.enums.MallConstants;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 评论回复模块 Api(user)
* @author wtz
* @time 2019-05-31 18:00
@RequestMapping(MallConstants.ROOT_PATH_USER + "/order_comment_reply")
@Api("用户评论回复模块 ")
public class OrderCommentReplyController {
// @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.provider.OrderCommentService.version}")
// private OrderCommentReplyService orderCommentReplyService;
// @PostMapping("create_order_comment_reply")
// //@RequiresLogin
// @ApiOperation(value = "创建订单回复")
// public CommonResult<OrderCommentReplyCreateBO> createOrderCommentReply(@RequestBody @Validated OrderCommentReplyCreateDTO orderCommentReplyCreateDTO){
// return success(orderCommentReplyService.createOrderCommentReply(orderCommentReplyCreateDTO));
// }
// @GetMapping("order_comment_reply_page")
// //@RequiresLogin
// @ApiOperation(value = "分页获取评论回复")
// public CommonResult<OrderCommentReplyPageBO> getOrderCommentReplyPage(@Validated OrderCommentReplyPageDTO orderCommentReplyCreateDTO){
// return success(orderCommentReplyService.getOrderCommentReplyPage(orderCommentReplyCreateDTO));
// }
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.controller.comment;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.enums.MallConstants;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.PageResult;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment.OrderCommentPageDTO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.service.comment.OrderCommentService;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.convert.comment.UsersOrderCommentConvert;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.request.comment.UsersOrderCommentAddRequest;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.request.comment.UsersOrderCommentPageRequest;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.response.comment.UsersOrderCommentPageResponse;
import cn.iocoder.mall.security.core.context.UserSecurityContextHolder;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* UsersOrderCommentController
* @author xiaofeng
* @version 1.0
* @date 2020/05/12 22:56
@RequestMapping(MallConstants.ROOT_PATH_USER + "/order_comment")
public class UsersOrderCommentController {
private final OrderCommentService orderCommentService;
public UsersOrderCommentController(
OrderCommentService orderCommentService) {
this.orderCommentService = orderCommentService;
@ApiOperation(value = "添加订单评论")
public CommonResult<Boolean> add(
@RequestBody @Validated UsersOrderCommentAddRequest request) {
Integer userId = UserSecurityContextHolder.getContext().getUserId();
return CommonResult.success(orderCommentService.addOrderComment(
@ApiOperation(value = "获取订单评论")
public CommonResult<PageResult<UsersOrderCommentPageResponse>> page(
UsersOrderCommentPageRequest request) {
OrderCommentPageDTO orderCommentPageDTO = UsersOrderCommentConvert.INSTANCE
return CommonResult.success(UsersOrderCommentConvert.INSTANCE
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.controller.order;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 订单退货
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-05-06 21:31
@Api("订单退货(admins api)")
public class AdminOrderReturnController {
// @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.provider.OrderReturnService.version}")
// private OrderReturnService orderReturnService;
// @GetMapping("list")
// public CommonResult<OrderReturnListBO> list(@Validated OrderReturnQueryPO queryPO) {
// OrderReturnQueryDTO queryDTO = OrderReturnConvert.INSTANCE.convert(queryPO);
// return orderReturnService.orderReturnList(queryDTO);
// }
// @PostMapping("agree")
// public CommonResult agree(@RequestParam("id") Integer id) {
// return orderReturnService.orderReturnAgree(id);
// }
// @PostMapping("refuse")
// public CommonResult refuse(@RequestParam("id") Integer id) {
// return orderReturnService.orderReturnRefuse(id);
// }
// @PostMapping("confirm_receipt")
// public CommonResult confirmReceipt(@RequestParam("id") Integer id) {
// return orderReturnService.confirmReceipt(id);
// }
// @PostMapping("confirm_refund")
// public CommonResult confirmRefund(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam("id") Integer id) {
// String ip = HttpUtil.getIp(request);
// return orderReturnService.refund(id, ip);
// }
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.controller.order;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 订单API(admins)
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-24 10:22
@Api(value = "订单 API(admins)")
public class AdminsOrderController {
// @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.provider.OrderService.version}")
// private OrderService orderService;
// @GetMapping("page")
// @ApiOperation("订单列表")
// public CommonResult<OrderPageBO> getOrderPage(@Validated OrderPageQueryPO orderPageQueryVO) {
// OrderQueryDTO orderQueryDTO = OrderConvertAPP.INSTANCE.convert(orderPageQueryVO);
// return orderService.getOrderPage(orderQueryDTO);
// }
// @GetMapping("order_items")
// @ApiOperation("订单列表")
// public CommonResult<List<OrderItemBO>> getOrderItems(@RequestParam("orderId") Integer orderId) {
// return orderService.getOrderItems(orderId);
// }
// @GetMapping("order_recipient_info")
// @ApiOperation("订单收件人信息")
// public CommonResult<OrderRecipientBO> getOrderRecipientBO(@RequestParam("orderId") Integer orderId) {
// return orderService.getOrderRecipientBO(orderId);
// }
// @PostMapping("order_deliver")
// @ApiOperation("订单发货")
// public CommonResult<OrderRecipientBO> orderDeliver(@RequestBody @Validated OrderDeliverPO orderDeliverPO) {
// return orderService.orderDelivery(OrderDeliveryConvert.INSTANCE.convert(orderDeliverPO));
// }
// @PutMapping("update_remark")
// @ApiOperation("更新-更新订单备注")
// public CommonResult updateRemark(@RequestParam("orderId") Integer orderId,
// @RequestParam("remark") String remark) {
// return orderService.updateOrderRemake(orderId, remark);
// }
// @PutMapping("cancel_order")
// @ApiOperation("取消订单")
// public CommonResult cancelOrder(
// @RequestParam("orderId") Integer orderId,
// @RequestParam("reasons") Integer reasons,
// @RequestParam(value = "otherReasons", required = false) String otherReasons) {
// return orderService.cancelOrder(orderId, reasons, otherReasons);
// }
// @PutMapping("order_item/update_pay_amount")
// @ApiOperation("更新-订单item实付金额")
// public CommonResult updateOrderItemPayAmount(@RequestParam("orderId") Integer orderId,
// @RequestParam("orderItemId") Integer orderItemId,
// @RequestParam("payAmount") Integer payAmount) {
// return orderService.updateOrderItemPayAmount(orderId, orderItemId, payAmount);
// }
// @PutMapping("order_item/update")
// @ApiOperation("更新-订单item")
// public CommonResult updateOrderItem(@RequestBody @Validated OrderItemUpdatePO orderItemUpdateVO) {
// OrderItemUpdateDTO dto = OrderConvertAPP.INSTANCE.convert(orderItemUpdateVO);
// return orderService.updateOrderItem(dto);
// }
// @PutMapping("logistics/update")
// @ApiOperation("更新-订单物流")
// public CommonResult updateLogistics(@RequestBody @Validated OrderLogisticsPO orderLogisticsVO) {
// OrderLogisticsUpdateDTO dto = OrderConvertAPP.INSTANCE.convert(orderLogisticsVO);
// return orderService.updateLogistics(dto);
// }
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.controller.order;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 订单API(users)
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-24 11:24
@Api(description = "用户订单") // TODO FROM 芋艿 to 小范,description 已经废弃啦
public class UsersOrderController {
// @PostMapping("confirm_receiving")
// @RequiresLogin
// @ApiOperation("确认收货")
// public CommonResult confirmReceiving(@RequestParam("orderId") Integer orderId) {
// Integer userId = UserSecurityContextHolder.getContext().getUserId();
// return orderService.confirmReceiving(userId, orderId);
// }
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.controller.order;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 订单物流 controller
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-04-12 22:24
@Api(description = "订单物流信息")
public class UsersOrderLogisticsController {
// @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.provider.OrderLogisticsService.version}")
// private OrderLogisticsService orderLogisticsService;
// @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.consumer.DataDictService.version}")
// private DataDictService dataDictService;
// @GetMapping("info")
// @ApiOperation("物流详细 - 物流通用")
// public CommonResult<OrderLogisticsInfoBO> logistics(@RequestParam("logisticsId") Integer logisticsId) {
// return orderLogisticsService.getLogisticsInfo(logisticsId);
// }
// @GetMapping("info_order")
// @ApiOperation("物流详细 - 返回订单所关联的所有物流信息(订单用的)")
// public CommonResult<OrderLogisticsInfoWithOrderBO> logisticsInfoWithOrder(@RequestParam("orderId") Integer orderId) {
// Integer userId = UserSecurityContextHolder.getContext().getUserId();
// CommonResult<OrderLogisticsInfoWithOrderBO> commonResult = orderLogisticsService.getOrderLogisticsInfo(userId, orderId);
// if (commonResult.isSuccess()) {
// OrderLogisticsInfoWithOrderBO orderLogisticsInfoBO = commonResult.getData();
// List<OrderLogisticsInfoWithOrderBO.Logistics> logisticsList = orderLogisticsInfoBO.getLogistics();
// // 获取字典值
// Set<Integer> dictValues = logisticsList.stream().map(o -> o.getLogistics()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
// if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(dictValues)) {
// CommonResult<List<DataDictBO>> dictResult = dataDictService
// .getDataDictList(DictKeyConstants.ORDER_LOGISTICS_COMPANY, dictValues);
// if (dictResult.isError()) {
// // 错误情况
// return ServiceExceptionUtil.error(OrderErrorCodeEnum.DICT_SERVER_INVOKING_FAIL.getCode());
// }
// // 转换结果字典值
// Map<String, DataDictBO> dataDictBOMap = dictResult.getData()
// .stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(o -> o.getValue(), o -> o));
// logisticsList.stream().map(o -> {
// String dicValue = o.getLogistics().toString();
// if (dataDictBOMap.containsKey(dicValue)) {
// o.setLogisticsText(dataDictBOMap.get(dicValue).getDisplayName());
// }
// return o;
// }).collect(Collectors.toList());
// }
// }
// return commonResult;
// }
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.controller.order;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 订单退款/售后流程
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-04-25 22:04
public class UsersOrderReturnController {
// @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.provider.OrderReturnService.version}")
// private OrderReturnService orderReturnService;
// @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.consumer.DataDictService.version}")
// private DataDictService dataDictService;
// @GetMapping("reason")
// @ApiOperation("原因")
// public CommonResult<List<DataDictBO>> orderReturnReason() {
// return dataDictService.getDataDict(DictKeyConstants.ORDER_RETURN_REASON);
// }
// @PostMapping("apply")
// @ApiOperation("订单售后")
// public CommonResult orderReturnApply(@RequestBody OrderReturnApplyPO orderReturnApplyPO) {
// OrderReturnApplyDTO applyDTO = OrderReturnConvert.INSTANCE.convert(orderReturnApplyPO);
// return orderReturnService.orderReturnApply(applyDTO);
// }
// @GetMapping("info")
// @ApiOperation("订单售后详细")
// public CommonResult<OrderReturnInfoBO> orderApplyInfo(@RequestParam("orderId") Integer orderId) {
// CommonResult<OrderReturnInfoBO> commonResult = orderReturnService.orderApplyInfo(orderId);
// // 转换 字典值
// if (commonResult.isSuccess()) {
// CommonResult<DataDictBO> dataDictResult = dataDictService.getDataDict(
// commonResult.getData().getReturnInfo().getServiceType());
// if (dataDictResult.isSuccess()) {
// commonResult.getData().getReturnInfo().setServiceTypeText(dataDictResult.getData().getDisplayName());
// }
// }
// return commonResult;
// }
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.convert.comment;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.PageResult;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.bo.comment.OrderCommentPageBO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment.OrderCommentAddDTO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.dto.comment.OrderCommentPageDTO;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.request.comment.UsersOrderCommentAddRequest;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.request.comment.UsersOrderCommentPageRequest;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.response.comment.UsersOrderCommentPageResponse;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
* UsersOrderCommentConvert
* @author xiaofeng
* @version 1.0
* @date 2020/05/13 0:15
public interface UsersOrderCommentConvert {
UsersOrderCommentConvert INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(UsersOrderCommentConvert.class);
* 保存订单评论参数转换
* @param request
* @return
OrderCommentAddDTO convert(UsersOrderCommentAddRequest request);
* 分页参数转换
* @param request
* @return
OrderCommentPageDTO convert(UsersOrderCommentPageRequest request);
* 分页转换
* @param pageResult
* @return
PageResult<UsersOrderCommentPageResponse> convert(PageResult<OrderCommentPageBO> pageResult);
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.request.admin;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* 订单发货
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-04-05 16:55
@Accessors(chain = true)
@ApiModel(description = "订单发货PO")
public class AdminsOrderDeliverRequest implements Serializable {
* 订单编号
@NotNull(message = "orderId不能为空")
private Integer orderId;
* 物流 (字典)
@NotNull(message = "必须选择商家")
private Integer logistics;
* 物流编号
@NotNull(message = "没有物流单号")
private String logisticsNo;
* 订单 items
@NotNull(message = "没有选择发货的商品")
private List<Integer> orderItemIds;
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.request.admin;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import java.io.Serializable;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* 订单 item 更新
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-24 11:16
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class AdminsOrderItemUpdateRequest implements Serializable {
* 编号
@NotNull(message = "id不能为空!")
private Integer id;
* 商品编号
@NotNull(message = "商品id不能为空!")
private Integer skuId;
* 数量
@NotNull(message = "数量不能为空!")
@Size(max = 9999, min = 1, message = "商品数量 1 ~ 9999")
private Integer quantity;
* 金额(分)
@NotNull(message = "商品金额")
@Size(max = 99999999, min = 0, message = "商品金额 0 ~ 99999999")
private Integer price;
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.request.admin;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import java.io.Serializable;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* 订单物流
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-24 11:01
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class AdminsOrderLogisticsRequest implements Serializable {
* 订单 id
@NotNull(message = "订单id不能为空!")
private Integer id;
* 收件区域编号
@NotNull(message = "区域编号不能为空!")
private String areaNo;
* 收件人名称
@NotNull(message = "收件人姓名不能为空!")
private String name;
* 收件手机号
@NotNull(message = "手机号不能为空!")
@Size(max = 11, min = 11, message = "手机号在11位!")
private String mobile;
* 收件详细地址
@NotNull(message = "收件详细地址不能为空")
@Size(max = 250, min = 5, message = "收件地址应该在 5 ~ 250 个字符之间")
private String address;
* 物流编号
private String logisticsNo;
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.request.admin;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;
* 订单 page 查询 vo
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-24 10:40
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class AdminsOrderPageQueryRequest implements Serializable {
* id
private Integer id;
* 订单号
private String orderNo;
* 用户 id
private Integer userId;
* 付款时间(待发货)
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private LocalDateTime startPaymentTime;
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private LocalDateTime endPaymentTime;
* 创建时间
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private LocalDateTime startCreateTime;
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private LocalDateTime endCreateTime;
* 结束时间
private LocalDateTime startClosingTime;
private LocalDateTime endClosingTime;
* 删除状态
private Integer status;
private Integer deleted;
private Integer pageNo;
private Integer pageSize;
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.request.admin;
import cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.bo.order.OrderBO;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
* 订单分页 vo
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-03-27 21:23
@Accessors(chain = true)
// TODO FROM 芋艿 to jwf1173:命名要改下,rest 以 Admins 和 Users 开头 [DONE]
public class AdminsOrderPageRequest implements Serializable {
* 分页
private Integer pageNo;
* 总条数
private Integer total;
* 订单 list
private List<OrderBO> orders;
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.request.admin;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;
* 订单退货 查询 po
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-05-06 21:36
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class AdminsOrderReturnQueryRequest implements Serializable {
* 订单id
private Integer orderId;
* 订单编号
private Integer orderNo;
* 服务号
private String serviceNumber;
* 创建时间 - 开始
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private LocalDateTime startCreateTime;
* 创建时间 - 结束
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private LocalDateTime endCreateTime;
* 状态
private Integer status;
/// 分页信息
* 分页 index
private Integer index;
* 分页大小
private Integer pageSize;
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.request.comment;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotEmpty;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* 添加订单评论
* @author xiaofeng
* @version 1.0
* @date 2020/05/12 23:02
@ApiModel("用户 - Order 模块 - 添加订单评论")
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class UsersOrderCommentAddRequest {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "订单 id", required = true)
@NotNull(message = "订单 id 不能为空")
private Integer orderId;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "订单编号", required = true)
@NotEmpty(message = "订单编号不能为空")
private String orderNo;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "商品 spu id", required = true)
@NotNull(message = "商品的 spu id 不能为空")
private Integer productSpuId;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "商品 spu name", required = true)
@NotEmpty(message = "商品的 spu name 不能为空")
private String productSpuName;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "商品 sku id", required = true)
@NotNull(message = "商品的 sku id 不能为空")
private Integer productSkuId;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "商品 sku attrs", required = true)
@NotEmpty(message = "商品的 sku attrs 不能为空")
private String productSkuAttrs;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "商品 sku price", required = true)
@NotNull(message = "商品的 sku price 不能为空")
private Integer productSkuPrice;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "商品 sku url", required = true)
@NotEmpty(message = "商品的 sku url 不能为空")
private String productSkuPicUrl;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "用户 id", required = true)
private Integer userId;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "用户头像", required = true)
private String userAvatar;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "用户昵称", required = true)
@NotEmpty(message = "用户昵称不能为空")
private String userNickName;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "评价星级", required = true, example = "1-5")
private Integer star;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "商品描述星级", required = true, example = "1-5")
private Integer productDescriptionStar;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "物流评价星级", required = true, example = "1-5")
private Integer logisticsStar;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "商家评价星级", required = true, example = "1-5")
private Integer merchantStar;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "商家评价内容", required = true, example = "1-5")
private String commentContent;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "评价图片", required = true)
private String commentPics;
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.request.comment;
import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.PageParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* UsersOrderCommentPageRequest
* @author xiaofeng
* @version 1.0
* @date 2020/05/20 23:21
@ApiModel("用户 - Order 模块 - 订单评论分页")
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class UsersOrderCommentPageRequest extends PageParam {
* 商品 sku id
@ApiModelProperty(value = "商品 SKU id", required = true)
@NotNull(message = "商品 SKU id 不能为空")
private Integer productSkuId;
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.mall.order.rest.request.users;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
import java.io.Serializable;
* 订单售后
* @author Sin
* @time 2019-04-25 20:59
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class OrderReturnApplyRequest implements Serializable {
* 订单编号
@NotNull(message = "orderId 不能为空!")
private Integer orderId;
* 退款类型
* - 1、退货退款
* - 2、退款
* / TODO FROM 芋艿 to xiaofeng:可以瞅瞅 @InEnum 注解,直接校验退货类型
@NotNull(message = "退货类型不能为空!")
private Integer returnType;
* 退货原因(字典值)
* {@link cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.constants.OrderReturnReasonEnum}
@NotNull(message = "必须选择退货原因")
private Integer reason;
* 原因(如果选择其他,原因保存在这)
* {@link cn.iocoder.mall.order.biz.constants.OrderReturnReasonEnum#REASON_000}
@Size(max = 200)
private String describe;
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