diff --git a/common/mall-spring-boot-starter-sentry/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/sentry/config/CustomSentryAutoConfiguration.java b/common/mall-spring-boot-starter-sentry/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/sentry/config/CustomSentryAutoConfiguration.java index 05bb03742..771139bea 100644 --- a/common/mall-spring-boot-starter-sentry/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/sentry/config/CustomSentryAutoConfiguration.java +++ b/common/mall-spring-boot-starter-sentry/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/sentry/config/CustomSentryAutoConfiguration.java @@ -35,4 +35,5 @@ public class CustomSentryAutoConfiguration { public SentryExceptionResolver doNothingExceptionResolver() { return new DoNothingExceptionResolver(); } + } diff --git a/common/mall-spring-boot-starter-web/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/web/config/CommonWebAutoConfiguration.java b/common/mall-spring-boot-starter-web/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/web/config/CommonWebAutoConfiguration.java index 29d777b75..1c46dd417 100644 --- a/common/mall-spring-boot-starter-web/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/web/config/CommonWebAutoConfiguration.java +++ b/common/mall-spring-boot-starter-web/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/web/config/CommonWebAutoConfiguration.java @@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ public class CommonWebAutoConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer { // 自定义 FastJson 配置 FastJsonConfig fastJsonConfig = new FastJsonConfig(); fastJsonConfig.setCharset(Charset.defaultCharset()); // 设置字符集 - fastJsonConfig.setSerializerFeatures(SerializerFeature.DisableCircularReferenceDetect); // 剔除循环引用 + fastJsonConfig.setSerializerFeatures(SerializerFeature.DisableCircularReferenceDetect, // 剔除循环引用 + SerializerFeature.WriteNonStringKeyAsString); // 解决 Integer 作为 Key 时,转换为 String 类型,避免浏览器报错 fastJsonHttpMessageConverter.setFastJsonConfig(fastJsonConfig); // 设置支持的 MediaType fastJsonHttpMessageConverter.setSupportedMediaTypes(Collections.singletonList(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); diff --git a/docs/sql/old/mall_admin.sql b/docs/sql/old/mall_admin.sql deleted file mode 100644 index 2fd00ab33..000000000 --- a/docs/sql/old/mall_admin.sql +++ /dev/null @@ -1,554 +0,0 @@ -/* - Navicat Premium Data Transfer - - Source Server : onemall - Source Server Type : MySQL - Source Server Version : 50726 - Source Host : - Source Schema : mall_admin - - Target Server Type : MySQL - Target Server Version : 50726 - File Encoding : 65001 - - Date: 13/03/2020 07:36:17 -*/ - -SET NAMES utf8mb4; -SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for access_log --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `access_log`; -CREATE TABLE `access_log` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '编号', - `trace_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT '链路追踪编号', - `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '用户编号.', - `user_type` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户类型', - `application_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '应用名', - `uri` varchar(4096) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '访问地址', - `query_string` varchar(4096) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '参数', - `method` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'http 方法', - `user_agent` varchar(1024) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'userAgent', - `ip` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'ip', - `start_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '请求时间', - `response_time` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '响应时长 -- 毫秒级', - `error_code` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '错误码', - `error_message` varchar(512) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '错误提示', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=77242 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='admin_access_log'; - - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for admin --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `admin`; -CREATE TABLE `admin` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '管理员编号', - `username` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT '登陆账号', - `nickname` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT '昵称', - `password` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT '密码\n *\n * TODO 芋艿 暂时最简单的 MD5', - `status` tinyint(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '账号状态', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - `deleted` bit(1) DEFAULT NULL, - `deptment_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '部门id', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=29 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='admin_d_o'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of admin --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (1, 'admin', '管理员', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', 1, '2019-02-26 17:18:31', '2019-06-11 22:00:39', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (2, '1881832432', '基哟哟', 'geilia', 2, '2019-03-02 03:03:21', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'1', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (3, '123xx', '123xx', '123', 2, '2019-03-06 07:05:04', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'1', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (4, 'lilizaimu', '我也想变成管理员', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 2, '2019-03-19 02:32:59', '2019-05-15 12:07:07', b'1', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (5, 'mimangxiaodai', '迷茫小呆', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-03-19 02:33:13', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (6, 'gudujianke', '孤独剑客', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-03-19 02:33:27', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (7, 'huibuhui', '敷衍太多', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-03-19 02:40:21', '2019-05-15 00:28:57', b'1', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (8, 'jiangzhende', '各自好好过', '29923fe1b1f7f62110765ac9b11b3491', 1, '2019-03-19 02:40:40', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (9, 'zhishaonengshuo', '哈哈哈哈', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-03-19 02:40:50', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (10, 'xinlangweibo', '新浪微博', '29923fe1b1f7f62110765ac9b11b3491', 1, '2019-03-19 02:41:03', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (11, 'tengxunqq', '腾讯QQ', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-03-19 02:41:15', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (12, '18818818818', '188', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-03-19 02:41:31', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (13, 'duoyubaoqian', '哈哈哈哈', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-03-19 02:42:45', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (14, '18817715513', '基佬', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', 1, '2019-03-19 05:55:14', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (15, 'future', '未来', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-03-21 20:14:05', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (16, 'weilai', '未来君', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-03-21 20:16:41', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (17, '好啊好啊哦啊哦哦', '基佬', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', 2, '2019-03-21 23:39:55', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'1', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (18, '123456', '123456333', '123456', 1, '2019-04-09 15:51:14', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (19, 'kennyhe', 'kenny', '7b04447d33665113f65213385d8ec8fb', 1, '2019-04-29 14:32:42', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (20, 'tianjiji', '田基基', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-05-14 23:52:22', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (21, 'laotian', '老田', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-05-14 23:55:53', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (22, 'wangyunai', '王芋艿', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-05-14 23:57:54', '2019-05-15 00:18:47', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (23, 'doudou', '我是豆豆', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-05-15 00:19:00', '2019-05-15 00:18:59', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (24, 'doudouo', '管理员', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-05-15 00:19:21', '2019-05-15 00:19:20', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (25, 'huibuhui', '会不会', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 2, '2019-05-15 00:28:59', '2019-05-15 12:07:19', b'1', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (26, '15601691300', '小王', '133ff1e10a8b244767ef734fb86f37fd', 1, '2019-05-17 17:07:42', '2019-05-17 17:07:41', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (27, 'yudaoyuanma', '芋道源码(演示账号)', 'A99E3ACDE2A8BB39F858D539FD6419A1', 1, '2019-05-17 17:08:27', '2019-05-17 18:24:49', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES (28, 'zhangxinzhe', '张信哲', '123456', 1, '2019-09-04 22:56:04', '2019-09-08 22:58:46', b'0', NULL); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for admin_role --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `admin_role`; -CREATE TABLE `admin_role` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '编号', - `admin_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '管理员编号(外键:{@link AdminDO}', - `role_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '角色编号(外键:{@link RoleDO}', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', - `deleted` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=44 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='admin_role_d_o'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of admin_role --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `admin_role` VALUES (35, 27, 1, '2019-05-17 17:08:37', '2019-05-17 17:08:37', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `admin_role` VALUES (42, 1, 6, '2019-06-11 15:07:00', '2019-06-11 15:07:00', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `admin_role` VALUES (43, 28, 11, '2019-09-04 22:57:23', '2019-09-04 22:57:23', b'0'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for data_dict --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `data_dict`; -CREATE TABLE `data_dict` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '编号', - `enum_value` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '大类枚举值', - `display_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '展示名', - `sort` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '排序值', - `memo` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '备注', - `value` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '小类数值', - `deleted` tinyint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否删除', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=63 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='data_dict'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of data_dict --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (1, 'gender', '男', 1, '性别 - 男(嗨)', '1', 0, '2019-03-03 13:03:46', '2019-03-15 16:51:45'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (2, 'gender', '女', 2, '性别(女)', '2', 0, '2019-03-03 13:04:00', '2019-03-15 17:19:20'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (3, 'gender', '未知', 10, NULL, '3', 1, '2019-03-02 23:09:19', '2019-03-03 13:11:47'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (4, 'common_status', '开启', 1, '状态 - 开启', '1', 0, '2019-03-15 17:28:08', '2019-03-15 17:28:07'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (5, 'common_status', '禁用', 2, '状态 - 禁用', '2', 0, '2019-03-15 17:28:54', '2019-03-15 17:28:54'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (6, 'test', '测试', 1, '你猜', '1', 1, '2019-03-15 17:36:54', '2019-03-15 17:36:59'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (7, 'test', '测试', 1, '1', '1', 1, '2019-03-15 17:37:13', '2019-03-15 18:46:21'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (8, 'delete_status', '未删除', 0, '正常/未删除', '0', 0, '2019-03-22 21:20:59', '2019-03-22 21:20:59'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (9, 'delete_status', '删除', 1, '删除', '1', 0, '2019-03-22 21:23:20', '2019-03-22 21:23:20'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (10, 'order_status', '等待付款', 1, '订单状态', '1', 0, '2019-03-24 16:17:55', '2019-03-24 16:20:24'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (11, 'order_status', '等待发货', 2, ' 等待发货', '2', 0, '2019-03-24 16:18:39', '2019-03-24 16:20:14'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (12, 'order_status', '已发货', 3, '已发货', '3', 0, '2019-03-24 16:19:14', '2019-03-24 16:20:07'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (13, 'order_status', '已完成', 4, ' 已完成', '4', 0, '2019-03-24 16:19:37', '2019-03-24 16:20:03'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (14, 'order_status', '已关闭', 5, '已关闭', '5', 0, '2019-03-24 16:19:50', '2019-03-24 16:19:50'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (15, 'order_has_return_exchange', '无退换货', 1, '.', '1', 0, '2019-03-24 16:51:27', '2019-03-24 16:51:26'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (16, 'order_has_return_exchange', '退货', 2, '.', '2', 0, '2019-03-24 16:51:36', '2019-03-24 16:51:35'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (17, 'order_has_return_exchange', '换货', 3, '.', '3', 0, '2019-03-24 16:51:45', '2019-03-24 16:51:44'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (18, 'order_has_return_exchange', '退换货', 4, '。', '4', 0, '2019-03-24 16:52:01', '2019-03-24 16:52:00'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (19, 'order_cancel_reasons', '无法联系上买家', 1, '.', '1', 0, '2019-03-30 15:19:18', '2019-03-30 15:19:17'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (20, 'order_cancel_reasons', '买家误拍或重拍了', 2, ',', '2', 0, '2019-03-30 15:19:31', '2019-03-30 15:19:30'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (21, 'order_cancel_reasons', '买家无诚意完成交易', 3, '.', '3', 0, '2019-03-30 15:19:42', '2019-03-30 15:19:41'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (22, 'order_cancel_reasons', '已通过银行线下汇款', 4, '.', '4', 0, '2019-03-30 15:19:56', '2019-03-30 15:19:56'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (23, 'order_cancel_reasons', '已通过同城见面交易', 5, '.', '5', 0, '2019-03-30 15:20:21', '2019-03-30 15:20:21'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (24, 'order_cancel_reasons', '已通过货到付款交易', 6, '.', '6', 0, '2019-03-30 15:20:37', '2019-03-30 15:20:37'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (25, 'order_cancel_reasons', '已通过网上银行直接汇款', 7, '.', '7', 0, '2019-03-30 15:20:48', '2019-03-30 15:20:47'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (26, 'order_cancel_reasons', '已经缺货无法交易', 8, '.', '8', 0, '2019-03-30 15:21:01', '2019-03-30 15:21:01'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (27, 'order_cancel_reasons', '其他', 20, '.', '20', 0, '2019-03-30 17:16:27', '2019-03-30 17:16:27'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (28, 'logistics_company', '顺丰快递', 1, '.', '1', 0, '2019-04-05 16:26:22', '2019-04-05 16:26:22'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (29, 'logistics_company', '顺风速运', 2, '.', '2', 0, '2019-04-05 16:26:40', '2019-04-05 16:27:48'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (30, 'logistics_company', '圆通快递', 3, '.', '3', 0, '2019-04-05 16:26:57', '2019-04-05 16:26:56'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (31, 'logistics_company', '申通快递', 4, '.', '4', 0, '2019-04-05 16:27:14', '2019-04-05 16:27:14'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (32, 'logistics_company', 'EMS', 5, '.', '5', 0, '2019-04-05 16:28:00', '2019-04-05 16:28:00'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (33, 'logistics_company', '申通快递', 6, '.', '6', 0, '2019-04-05 16:28:40', '2019-04-05 16:28:40'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (34, 'logistics_company', '天天快递', 7, '.', '7', 0, '2019-04-05 16:28:51', '2019-04-05 16:28:51'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (35, 'logistics_company', '环球速运', 8, '.', '8', 0, '2019-04-05 16:29:12', '2019-04-05 16:29:12'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (36, 'testOne', 'ttest', 1, '1', 'testO', 0, '2019-04-11 17:48:29', '2019-04-11 17:48:28'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (37, 'order_return_reason', '退货原因', 1, '退货原因', '0', 1, '2019-04-25 23:25:10', '2019-04-25 23:27:02'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (38, 'order_return_reason', '不想要了', 1, '.', '1', 0, '2019-04-25 23:25:55', '2019-04-25 23:25:55'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (39, 'order_return_reason', '多拍重拍', 2, '.', '2', 0, '2019-04-25 23:26:23', '2019-04-25 23:26:23'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (40, 'order_return_reason', '少货', 3, '.', '3', 0, '2019-04-25 23:26:48', '2019-04-25 23:26:47'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (41, 'order_return_return_type', '订单退货类型', 1, '.', '-1', 1, '2019-04-27 11:57:45', '2019-04-27 11:58:16'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (42, 'order_return_return_type', '退货退款', 1, '.', '1', 1, '2019-04-27 11:58:05', '2019-04-27 12:12:01'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (43, 'order_return_return_type', '退款', 2, '.', '2', 1, '2019-04-27 11:58:14', '2019-04-27 12:12:03'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (44, 'order_return_service_type', '退货退款', 1, '.', '1', 0, '2019-04-27 12:12:26', '2019-04-27 12:12:25'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (45, 'order_return_service_type', '退款', 2, '2', '2', 0, '2019-04-27 12:12:36', '2019-04-27 12:12:35'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (46, 'order_return_status', '退货申请', 1, '1', '1', 0, '2019-05-06 22:50:06', '2019-05-06 22:50:05'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (47, 'order_return_status', '2', 2, '2', '2', 1, '2019-05-06 22:50:46', '2019-05-06 22:51:57'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (48, 'order_return_status', '1', 1, '1', '-1', 1, '2019-05-06 22:51:07', '2019-05-06 22:52:00'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (49, 'order_return_status', '0', 0, '0', '0', 1, '2019-05-06 22:51:39', '2019-05-06 22:52:02'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (50, 'order_return_status', '申请成功', 2, '.', '2', 0, '2019-05-06 22:52:13', '2019-05-06 22:52:12'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (51, 'order_return_status', '申请失败', 3, '.', '3', 0, '2019-05-06 22:52:34', '2019-05-06 22:52:34'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (52, 'order_return_status', '退货中', 4, '.', '4', 0, '2019-05-06 22:52:44', '2019-05-06 22:52:43'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (53, 'order_return_status', '已收货', 5, '.', '5', 0, '2019-05-06 22:52:57', '2019-05-09 22:17:35'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (54, 'order_return_status', '退款成功', 6, '.', '6', 0, '2019-05-09 22:17:52', '2019-05-09 22:17:51'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (55, 'sms_platform', '云片', 1, '短信服务云片', '1', 0, '2019-05-26 15:09:37', '2019-05-26 15:09:37'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (56, 'sms_platform', '阿里云', 2, '阿里云短信服务', '2', 0, '2019-05-26 15:09:56', '2019-05-26 15:09:56'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (57, 'sms_apply_status', '审核中', 1, '审核中', '1', 0, '2019-05-26 15:11:27', '2019-05-26 15:11:27'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (58, 'sms_apply_status', '审核成功', 2, '审核成功', '2', 0, '2019-05-26 15:11:40', '2019-05-26 15:11:40'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (59, 'sms_apply_status', '审核失败', 10, '审核失败', '10', 0, '2019-05-26 15:12:10', '2019-05-26 15:12:10'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (60, 'sms_type', '验证码', 1, '验证码', '1', 0, '2019-05-26 23:51:15', '2019-05-26 23:51:15'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (61, 'sms_type', '通知', 2, '通知', '2', 0, '2019-05-26 23:51:29', '2019-05-26 23:51:28'); -INSERT INTO `data_dict` VALUES (62, 'sms_type', '营销', 3, '营销', '3', 0, '2019-05-26 23:51:47', '2019-05-26 23:51:46'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for deptment --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `deptment`; -CREATE TABLE `deptment` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '部门主键id', - `name` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL COMMENT '部门名称', - `sort` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '排序字段', - `pid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '父级部门id', - `create_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', - `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '删除标记', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`), - UNIQUE KEY `deptment_id_uindex` (`id`) -) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for exception_log --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `exception_log`; -CREATE TABLE `exception_log` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '编号', - `trace_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT '链路追踪编号\n *\n * 一般来说,通过链路追踪编号,可以将访问日志,错误日志,链路追踪日志,logger 打印日志等,结合在一起,从而进行排错。', - `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '用户编号.\n *\n * 当管理员为空时,该值为 {@link cn.iocoder.mall.admin.api.dto.AccessLogAddDTO#USER_ID_NULL}', - `user_type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '用户类型', - `application_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '应用名\n *\n * 目前读取 spring.application.name', - `uri` varchar(4096) NOT NULL COMMENT '访问地址', - `query_string` varchar(4096) NOT NULL COMMENT '参数', - `method` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'http 方法', - `user_agent` varchar(1024) NOT NULL COMMENT 'userAgent', - `ip` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ip', - `exception_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '异常发生时间', - `exception_name` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '异常名\n *\n * {@link Throwable#getClass()} 的类全名', - `exception_message` text NOT NULL COMMENT '异常导致的消息\n *\n * {@link cn.iocoder.common.framework.util.ExceptionUtil#getMessage(Throwable)}', - `exception_root_cause_message` text NOT NULL COMMENT '异常导致的根消息\n *\n * {@link cn.iocoder.common.framework.util.ExceptionUtil#getRootCauseMessage(Throwable)}', - `exception_stack_trace` text NOT NULL COMMENT '异常的栈轨迹\n *\n * {@link cn.iocoder.common.framework.util.ExceptionUtil#getServiceException(Exception)}', - `exception_class_name` varchar(512) NOT NULL COMMENT '异常发生的类全名\n *\n * {@link StackTraceElement#getClassName()}', - `exception_file_name` varchar(512) NOT NULL COMMENT '异常发生的类文件\n *\n * {@link StackTraceElement#getFileName()}', - `exception_method_name` varchar(512) NOT NULL COMMENT '异常发生的方法名\n *\n * {@link StackTraceElement#getMethodName()}', - `exception_line_number` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '异常发生的方法所在行\n *\n * {@link StackTraceElement#getLineNumber()}', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=819 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='exception_log'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for oauth2_access_token --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `oauth2_access_token`; -CREATE TABLE `oauth2_access_token` ( - `id` varchar(32) NOT NULL, - `refresh_token` varchar(32) NOT NULL, - `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户编号', - `user_type` tinyint(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户类型', - `valid` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, - `expires_time` datetime NOT NULL, - `create_time` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for oauth2_refresh_token --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `oauth2_refresh_token`; -CREATE TABLE `oauth2_refresh_token` ( - `id` varchar(32) NOT NULL, - `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户编号', - `user_type` tinyint(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户类型', - `valid` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, - `expires_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, - `create_time` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for resource --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `resource`; -CREATE TABLE `resource` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '资源编号', - `type` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '资源类型', - `sort` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '排序', - `display_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '展示名', - `pid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '父级资源编号(外键:{@link ResourceDO#id})', - `handler` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '操作\n *\n * 当资源类型为【菜单】时,handler 配置为界面 URL ,或者前端组件名\n * 当资源类型为【操作】时,handler 配置为后端 URL 。举个例子,如果有一个「创建管理员」的表单,那么前端界面上的按钮可以根据这个 url 判断是否展示,后端接收到该 url 的请求时会判断是否有权限。', - `icon` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '图标', - `permissions` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '权限标识数组,使用逗号分隔', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '添加时间', - `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', - `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=55 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='resource_d_o'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of resource --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (1, 2, -1, '管理员信息', 0, '/admin/admin/info', NULL, NULL, '2019-02-24 09:07:43', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (2, 1, 1, '商品', 0, '', NULL, NULL, '2019-02-24 20:40:23', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (3, 1, 1, '商品管理', 2, '/product/list', NULL, NULL, '2019-02-27 23:34:36', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (8, 1, 1, '测试说明', 1, '123', NULL, NULL, '2019-02-28 09:11:15', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (9, 1, 1, '测试说明1', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-02-28 10:33:57', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (10, 1, 1, '测试说明', 9, '/123', NULL, NULL, '2019-02-28 10:34:09', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (11, 1, 1, '测试', 9, '/admin/test', NULL, NULL, '2019-03-05 07:04:13', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (12, 1, 1, '首页', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-03-10 03:56:58', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (13, 1, 8, '系统管理', 0, NULL, 'desktop', '', '2019-03-10 03:59:07', '2019-05-15 23:48:05', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (14, 1, 0, '员工列表', 13, '/admin/admin-list', 'team', 'system.admin.page', '2019-03-10 03:59:29', '2019-05-16 10:47:59', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (15, 1, 2, '权限列表', 13, '/admin/resource-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-03-10 03:59:56', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (16, 1, 1, '角色列表', 13, '/admin/role-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-03-10 04:00:35', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (17, 1, 1, '测试说明', 9, '/123', NULL, NULL, '2019-03-10 10:54:35', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (18, 1, 3, '角色管理', 13, '/admin/role-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-03-12 23:59:44', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (19, 1, 4, '数据字典', 13, '/admin/dictionary-list', 'select', 'system.dataDict.list', '2019-03-15 19:10:30', '2019-05-16 16:03:01', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (20, 1, 4, '商品管理', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-03-15 19:53:09', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (21, 1, 1, '商品列表', 20, '/product/product-spu-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-03-15 19:55:22', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (22, 1, 2, '展示类目', 20, '/product/product-category-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-03-15 19:56:42', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (23, 1, 7, '营销管理', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-03-30 22:42:13', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (24, 1, 1, '首页广告', 23, '/promotion/banner-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-03-30 22:54:57', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (25, 1, 2, '商品推荐', 23, '/promotion/product-recommend-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-04-01 13:17:28', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (26, 1, 3, '优惠劵', 23, '/promotion/coupon-card-template-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-04-04 16:02:14', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (27, 1, 5, '订单管理', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-04-06 12:53:55', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (28, 1, 1, '订单管理', 27, '/order/order-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-04-06 12:57:17', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (29, 1, 3, '商品品牌', 20, '/product/product-brand-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-04-09 17:58:36', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (30, 1, -99, '发布商品', 20, '/product/product-spu-add', NULL, NULL, '2019-05-01 21:01:38', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (31, 1, 0, '概述', 0, '/home', NULL, NULL, '2019-05-03 00:01:33', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (32, 1, 1, '数据分析', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-05-03 00:02:08', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (33, 1, 2, '店铺资产', 0, NULL, 'money-collect', '', '2019-05-03 00:02:57', '2019-05-15 23:23:20', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (34, 1, 6, '会员管理', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-05-03 00:03:55', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (35, 1, 8, 'test', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-05-03 13:23:46', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (36, 1, 1, '测试', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-05-04 14:28:20', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (37, 1, 2, '测试2', 36, '/http://baidu.com', NULL, NULL, '2019-05-04 14:30:08', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (38, 2, 1, '策士3', 36, '/123213123123', NULL, NULL, '2019-05-04 14:30:37', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (39, 1, 1, 'ceshi', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-05-04 14:41:06', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (40, 1, 1, '测试aa', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2019-05-05 16:09:19', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (41, 1, 24, '限时折扣', 23, '/promotion/time-limit-discount-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-05-07 22:34:30', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (42, 1, 25, '满减送', 23, '/promotion/full-privilege-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-05-08 00:05:20', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (43, 1, 1, '会员资料', 34, '/member/user-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-05-08 11:11:22', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (44, 1, 1, '支付单', 33, '/pay/transaction-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-05-08 14:17:15', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (45, 1, 2, '退款单', 33, '/pay/refund-list', NULL, NULL, '2019-05-08 16:58:05', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (46, 1, 1, '订单售后', 27, '/order/order-refunds', NULL, NULL, '2019-05-09 19:57:23', '2019-05-15 22:57:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (47, 2, 1, '新建员工', 14, '', NULL, 'system.admin.add,system.admin.update', '2019-05-15 23:43:58', '2019-05-15 23:45:12', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (48, 2, 1, '新建字典', 19, '', NULL, 'system.dataDict.add', '2019-05-16 16:00:57', '2019-05-16 16:00:56', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (49, 2, 2, '编辑字典', 19, '', NULL, 'system.dataDict.update', '2019-05-16 16:01:18', '2019-05-16 16:01:18', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (50, 2, 3, '删除字典', 19, '', NULL, 'system.dataDict.delete', '2019-05-16 16:01:36', '2019-05-16 16:01:36', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (51, 1, -1, '短信ss', 0, '', 'user', '', '2019-05-26 12:00:31', '2019-06-03 13:54:54', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (52, 1, 1, '短信签名', 51, '/sms/sign-list', 'user', '', '2019-05-26 12:01:56', '2019-05-26 12:01:56', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (53, 1, 2, '短信模板', 51, '/sms/template-list', 'user', '', '2019-05-26 12:02:19', '2019-05-26 12:02:18', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `resource` VALUES (54, 1, 6, '拼团购', 23, '/promotion/group-buy-list', ' ', '', '2019-07-07 16:51:47', '2019-07-07 16:54:52', b'0'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for role --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `role`; -CREATE TABLE `role` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '角色编号', - `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '角色名', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=13 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='role_d_o'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of role --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `role` VALUES (1, '系统管理员', '2019-02-24 09:03:51', '2019-05-15 15:25:49', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role` VALUES (2, '测试角色', '2019-02-28 19:45:17', '2019-06-11 15:10:50', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role` VALUES (3, '我不是测试', '2019-02-28 19:45:21', '2019-05-15 15:25:49', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role` VALUES (4, '123', '2019-03-06 05:58:32', '2019-05-15 15:25:49', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role` VALUES (5, 'admin,', '2019-03-10 04:06:52', '2019-05-15 15:25:49', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role` VALUES (6, 'admin', '2019-03-11 00:02:41', '2019-05-15 15:25:49', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role` VALUES (7, '系统管理员', '2019-05-16 23:44:20', '2019-05-17 17:07:54', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role` VALUES (8, '测试', '2019-06-11 15:03:19', '2019-06-11 15:11:01', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role` VALUES (9, '商品管理员', '2019-07-12 10:14:58', '2019-07-12 10:14:57', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role` VALUES (10, '测试', '2019-09-02 20:15:05', '2019-09-02 20:15:04', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role` VALUES (11, '老张', '2019-09-04 22:56:33', '2019-09-04 22:56:33', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role` VALUES (12, 'aaa', '2019-09-08 22:06:33', '2019-09-08 22:06:43', b'1'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for role_resource --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `role_resource`; -CREATE TABLE `role_resource` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '编号', - `role_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '角色编号(外键:{@link RoleDO}', - `resource_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '资源编号', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', - `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=719 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='role_resource_d_o'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of role_resource --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (634, 6, 13, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (635, 6, 14, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (636, 6, 15, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (637, 6, 16, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (638, 6, 19, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (639, 6, 20, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (640, 6, 21, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (641, 6, 22, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (642, 6, 23, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (643, 6, 24, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (644, 6, 25, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (645, 6, 26, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (646, 6, 27, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (647, 6, 28, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (648, 6, 29, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (649, 6, 30, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (650, 6, 31, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (651, 6, 32, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (652, 6, 33, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (653, 6, 34, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (654, 6, 41, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (655, 6, 42, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (656, 6, 43, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (657, 6, 44, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (658, 6, 45, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (659, 6, 46, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (660, 6, 47, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (661, 6, 48, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (662, 6, 49, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (663, 6, 50, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (664, 6, 51, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (665, 6, 52, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (666, 6, 53, '2019-05-26 12:03:10', '2019-05-26 12:03:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (667, 1, 14, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (668, 1, 15, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (669, 1, 16, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (670, 1, 20, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (671, 1, 21, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (672, 1, 22, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (673, 1, 23, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (674, 1, 24, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (675, 1, 25, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (676, 1, 26, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (677, 1, 27, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (678, 1, 28, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (679, 1, 29, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (680, 1, 30, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (681, 1, 31, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (682, 1, 32, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (683, 1, 33, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (684, 1, 34, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (685, 1, 41, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (686, 1, 42, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (687, 1, 43, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (688, 1, 44, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (689, 1, 45, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (690, 1, 46, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (691, 1, 47, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (692, 1, 51, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (693, 1, 52, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (694, 1, 53, '2019-06-11 15:02:42', '2019-06-11 15:02:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (695, 8, 20, '2019-06-11 15:03:47', '2019-06-11 15:11:01', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (696, 8, 21, '2019-06-11 15:03:47', '2019-06-11 15:11:01', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (697, 8, 22, '2019-06-11 15:03:47', '2019-06-11 15:11:01', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (698, 8, 29, '2019-06-11 15:03:47', '2019-06-11 15:11:01', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (699, 8, 30, '2019-06-11 15:03:47', '2019-06-11 15:11:01', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (700, 8, 33, '2019-06-11 15:03:47', '2019-06-11 15:11:01', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (701, 8, 44, '2019-06-11 15:03:47', '2019-06-11 15:11:01', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (702, 8, 45, '2019-06-11 15:03:47', '2019-06-11 15:11:01', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (703, 8, 46, '2019-06-11 15:03:47', '2019-06-11 15:11:01', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (704, 11, 32, '2019-09-04 22:57:15', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (705, 11, 34, '2019-09-04 22:57:15', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (706, 11, 43, '2019-09-04 22:57:15', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (707, 11, 13, '2019-09-08 23:00:09', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (708, 11, 14, '2019-09-08 23:00:09', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (709, 11, 15, '2019-09-08 23:00:09', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (710, 11, 16, '2019-09-08 23:00:09', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (711, 11, 19, '2019-09-08 23:00:09', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (712, 11, 32, '2019-09-08 23:00:09', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (713, 11, 34, '2019-09-08 23:00:09', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (714, 11, 43, '2019-09-08 23:00:09', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (715, 11, 47, '2019-09-08 23:00:09', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (716, 11, 48, '2019-09-08 23:00:09', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (717, 11, 49, '2019-09-08 23:00:09', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `role_resource` VALUES (718, 11, 50, '2019-09-08 23:00:09', '2019-09-08 23:00:09', b'0'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for sms_sign --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sms_sign`; -CREATE TABLE `sms_sign` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, - `sign` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '签名 如: 【阿里云】', - `platform` smallint(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '短信平台', - `apply_status` smallint(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '审核状态', - `apply_message` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '审核信息', - `deleted` smallint(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '删除状态', - `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=17 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of sms_sign --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (3, '悦跑运动', 1, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-25 16:15:02', '2019-05-25 16:11:12'); -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (4, '阿里云短信测试专用', 2, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-26 10:23:48', '2019-05-26 10:23:48'); -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (5, 'ggggff', 2, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-26 18:08:56', '2019-05-26 16:25:07'); -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (6, 'asdfasf', 1, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-26 18:14:40', '2019-05-26 16:30:52'); -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (7, 'tttt', 1, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-26 18:14:31', '2019-05-26 16:31:33'); -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (8, '123333', 1, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-26 18:08:51', '2019-05-26 16:35:12'); -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (9, '123', 1, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-26 16:35:40', '2019-05-26 16:35:40'); -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (10, 'tst', 2, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-26 16:44:37', '2019-05-26 16:44:37'); -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (11, 'mid', 2, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-26 17:24:38', '2019-05-26 16:48:41'); -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (12, 'MM', 2, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-26 17:34:12', '2019-05-26 17:34:12'); -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (13, 'gg', 2, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-26 17:48:05', '2019-05-26 17:48:05'); -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (14, 'PP', 2, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-26 17:51:46', '2019-05-26 17:51:46'); -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (15, 'gg', 1, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-26 18:02:39', '2019-05-26 18:02:39'); -INSERT INTO `sms_sign` VALUES (16, 'ga', 1, 2, NULL, 0, '2019-05-26 18:04:12', '2019-05-26 18:04:12'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for sms_template --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sms_template`; -CREATE TABLE `sms_template` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, - `sms_sign_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '短信签名id', - `template_code` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '模板code,第三方 code', - `template` text NOT NULL COMMENT '短信模板', - `platform` smallint(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '平台', - `sms_type` smallint(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '短信类型:通知、验证码、营销', - `apply_status` smallint(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '审核状态', - `apply_message` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '审核信息', - `deleted` smallint(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '是否删除', - `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of sms_template --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `sms_template` VALUES (5, 3, '0000', '您的验证码是#code#,打死也不告诉别人哦。', 1, 1, 2, '', 0, NULL, '2019-05-25 16:34:29'); -INSERT INTO `sms_template` VALUES (6, 4, 'SMS_137110043', '验证码#code#,您正在登录,若非本人操作,请勿泄露。', 2, 1, 2, '', 0, NULL, '2019-05-26 10:26:54'); -INSERT INTO `sms_template` VALUES (7, 4, 'SMS_137110043', '验证码#code#,您正在登录,若非本人操作,请勿泄露。', 2, 1, 2, '', 0, NULL, '2019-05-26 10:39:07'); -INSERT INTO `sms_template` VALUES (8, 6, 'SM_2323', '短信模板#code#测试,不要', 1, 2, 2, '', 1, '2019-05-27 00:11:18', '2019-05-26 23:53:52'); -COMMIT; - -SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; diff --git a/docs/sql/old/mall_product.sql b/docs/sql/old/mall_product.sql deleted file mode 100644 index 21c56dee1..000000000 --- a/docs/sql/old/mall_product.sql +++ /dev/null @@ -1,347 +0,0 @@ -/* - Navicat Premium Data Transfer - - Source Server : onemall - Source Server Type : MySQL - Source Server Version : 50726 - Source Host : - Source Schema : mall_product - - Target Server Type : MySQL - Target Server Version : 50726 - File Encoding : 65001 - - Date: 13/03/2020 07:37:01 -*/ - -SET NAMES utf8mb4; -SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for product_attr --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `product_attr`; -CREATE TABLE `product_attr` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '规格编号', - `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '名称', - `status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态\n *\n * 1-开启\n * 2-禁用', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - `deleted` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='product_attr'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of product_attr --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `product_attr` VALUES (1, '颜色', 1, '2019-03-05 15:40:56', '2019-03-05 15:40:58', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr` VALUES (2, '尺寸', 1, '2019-03-05 17:23:07', '2019-03-05 17:23:07', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr` VALUES (3, '测试规格', 1, '2019-03-06 10:29:58', '2019-03-07 00:29:58', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr` VALUES (4, '厮大牛逼规格', 1, '2019-03-06 10:31:01', '2019-03-07 00:33:53', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr` VALUES (5, '狼哥规格', 2, '2019-03-06 10:31:47', '2019-03-07 00:34:27', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr` VALUES (6, '老徐规格', 1, '2019-03-06 10:48:42', '2019-03-07 00:48:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr` VALUES (7, '徐妈规格', 1, '2019-03-06 10:53:37', '2019-03-07 00:53:37', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr` VALUES (8, '粉色', 1, '2019-05-02 22:05:21', '2019-05-02 22:05:21', b'0'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for product_attr_value --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `product_attr_value`; -CREATE TABLE `product_attr_value` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '规格编号', - `attr_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '规格编号', - `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '名称', - `status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态\n *\n * 1-开启\n * 2-禁用', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - `deleted` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=51 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='product_attr'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of product_attr_value --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (1, 1, '蓝色', 1, '2019-03-05 15:41:09', '2019-03-05 15:41:09', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (2, 1, '绿色', 1, '2019-03-05 15:41:14', '2019-03-05 15:42:58', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (3, 2, 'XL', 1, '2019-03-05 17:23:19', '2019-03-05 17:23:19', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (4, 2, 'L', 1, '2019-03-05 17:23:25', '2019-03-05 17:23:25', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (5, 1, '红色', 1, '2019-03-05 20:59:48', '2019-03-05 20:59:48', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (6, 4, '狼哥规格', 1, '2019-03-06 19:55:38', '2019-03-07 09:55:38', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (7, 4, '狼哥规格1', 1, '2019-03-06 19:56:26', '2019-03-07 09:56:25', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (8, 4, '狼哥规格2', 1, '2019-03-06 19:57:19', '2019-03-07 09:57:19', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (9, 4, '狼哥规格345', 1, '2019-03-06 20:00:02', '2019-03-07 10:01:18', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (10, 9, '狼哥规格34', 2, '2019-03-06 20:00:59', '2019-03-07 10:02:43', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (11, 1, '粉色', 1, '2019-05-02 22:08:22', '2019-05-02 22:08:21', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (12, 1, '黄色', 1, '2019-05-02 22:10:30', '2019-05-02 22:10:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (13, 1, '橙色', 1, '2019-05-02 22:12:20', '2019-05-02 22:12:19', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (14, 1, '青色', 1, '2019-05-02 22:13:12', '2019-05-02 22:13:11', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (15, 1, '海蓝色', 1, '2019-05-02 22:15:47', '2019-05-02 22:15:47', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (16, 1, '浅蓝色', 1, '2019-05-02 22:16:25', '2019-05-02 22:16:25', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (17, 1, '天蓝色', 1, '2019-05-02 22:17:36', '2019-05-02 22:17:35', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (18, 9, '不破不灭', 1, '2019-05-02 22:18:24', '2019-05-02 22:30:29', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (19, 9, '各种浪', 1, '2019-05-02 22:19:17', '2019-05-02 22:30:27', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (20, 9, '测试01', 1, '2019-05-02 22:21:21', '2019-05-02 22:30:27', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (21, 9, '测试02', 1, '2019-05-02 22:23:17', '2019-05-02 22:30:25', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (22, 9, '测试03', 1, '2019-05-02 22:24:13', '2019-05-02 22:30:24', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (23, 9, 'biubiubiu', 1, '2019-05-02 22:24:42', '2019-05-02 22:30:23', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (24, 9, '特特', 1, '2019-05-02 22:35:35', '2019-05-02 22:35:42', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (25, 9, '01', 1, '2019-05-02 22:37:24', '2019-05-02 22:37:56', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (26, 9, 'liubi', 1, '2019-05-02 22:38:02', '2019-05-02 22:38:14', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (27, 9, 'zei6', 1, '2019-05-02 22:38:33', '2019-05-02 22:39:52', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (28, 3, 'niubi', 1, '2019-05-02 22:52:03', '2019-05-02 22:52:03', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (29, 3, 'wocao', 1, '2019-05-02 22:52:27', '2019-05-02 22:52:27', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (30, 3, '666', 1, '2019-05-02 22:54:44', '2019-05-02 22:54:43', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (31, 3, 'gouwazi', 1, '2019-05-02 22:58:52', '2019-05-02 22:58:51', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (32, 3, 'abc', 1, '2019-05-02 22:59:46', '2019-05-02 22:59:46', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (33, 3, 'qilin', 1, '2019-05-02 23:00:06', '2019-05-02 23:00:05', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (34, 3, 'xigua', 1, '2019-05-02 23:00:43', '2019-05-02 23:00:43', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (35, 3, 'zhanxiaolang', 1, '2019-05-02 23:01:07', '2019-05-02 23:01:07', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (36, 1, '333', 1, '2019-05-02 23:33:55', '2019-05-02 23:33:55', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (37, 6, '111', 1, '2019-05-31 18:55:56', '2019-05-31 18:55:55', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (38, 3, '22', 1, '2019-05-31 18:55:59', '2019-05-31 18:55:58', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (39, 2, '112', 1, '2019-05-31 18:56:06', '2019-05-31 18:56:05', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (40, 7, 'kk', 1, '2019-05-31 19:53:01', '2019-05-31 19:53:00', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (41, 7, 'nm', 1, '2019-05-31 19:53:05', '2019-05-31 19:53:04', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (42, 6, 'sss', 1, '2019-06-02 12:22:44', '2019-06-02 12:22:43', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (43, 6, 'sds', 1, '2019-06-02 12:22:46', '2019-06-02 12:22:45', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (44, 2, '3333', 1, '2019-07-02 11:19:32', '2019-07-02 11:19:32', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (45, 2, '123', 1, '2019-07-02 11:33:15', '2019-07-02 11:33:15', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (46, 2, 'a', 1, '2019-07-05 15:40:51', '2019-07-05 15:40:51', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (47, 2, '12312', 1, '2019-08-12 18:48:48', '2019-08-12 18:48:47', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (48, 3, '222', 1, '2019-08-12 18:48:54', '2019-08-12 18:48:53', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (49, 1, '金色', 1, '2019-09-05 10:38:55', '2019-09-05 10:38:55', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_attr_value` VALUES (50, 2, '一克拉', 1, '2019-09-05 10:39:05', '2019-09-05 10:39:04', b'0'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for product_brand --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `product_brand`; -CREATE TABLE `product_brand` ( - `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '品牌编号(主键)', - `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '品牌名称', - `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '品牌描述', - `pic_url` varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '品牌名图片', - `status` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '状态 1开启 2禁用', - `create_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - `deleted` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除 0正常1删除', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of product_brand --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `product_brand` VALUES (1, '安踏更新', '安踏拖鞋更新', 'http://www.iocoder.cn', 1, '2019-05-30 13:43:44', '2019-05-31 13:42:29', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_brand` VALUES (2, '特步', '特步描述', '23232', 1, '2019-05-31 13:42:22', '2019-05-31 13:42:22', b'0'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for product_category --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `product_category`; -CREATE TABLE `product_category` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '分类编号', - `pid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '父分类编号', - `name` varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '名称', - `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, - `pic_url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, - `sort` smallint(4) DEFAULT NULL, - `create_time` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - `status` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '状态', - `deleted` bit(1) DEFAULT b'1' COMMENT '是否删除', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=797 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of product_category --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (90, 0, '电视影音', NULL, NULL, 0, '2019-02-21 18:35:00', '2019-03-03 20:42:01', 1, b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (579, 0, '手机电脑', NULL, NULL, 0, '2019-02-21 18:33:26', '2019-03-03 20:42:03', 1, b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (637, 90, '32-40英寸', NULL, 'https://shop.io.mi-img.com/app/shop/img?id=shop_904483f8aa3bbaaa9f53e4aae2382275.jpeg', 1, '2019-02-21 18:35:20', '2019-03-03 20:42:05', 1, b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (638, 90, '43英寸', NULL, 'https://shop.io.mi-img.com/app/shop/img?id=shop_0f26088b420afbe2c63df02246b94a34.jpeg', 2, '2019-02-21 18:35:41', '2019-03-03 20:42:07', 1, b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (639, 90, '49-50英寸', NULL, 'https://shop.io.mi-img.com/app/shop/img?id=shop_c2c741283b2ce1c4bc8b0abe9ea4f65e.jpeg', 3, '2019-02-21 18:36:01', '2019-03-03 20:42:10', 1, b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (783, 579, '小米系列', NULL, 'https://shop.io.mi-img.com/app/shop/img?id=shop_af3ae1e1444bc54af8b2251dd14aaa6b.jpeg', 1, '2019-02-21 18:33:56', '2019-03-03 20:42:12', 1, b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (784, 579, '红米系列', NULL, 'https://shop.io.mi-img.com/app/shop/img?id=shop_72605808146ee82c9961f9e3be6d8696.jpeg', 2, '2019-02-21 18:34:29', '2019-03-03 20:42:14', 1, b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (785, 0, '测试商品分类', '测试商品描述', NULL, 1, '2019-03-04 02:28:22', '2019-03-04 16:46:05', 2, b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (786, 0, '测试商品分类', '测试商品描述', NULL, 1, '2019-03-04 02:31:46', '2019-03-15 22:08:04', 2, b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (787, 0, '测试商品分类', '测试商品描述', NULL, 1, '2019-03-04 02:31:57', '2019-03-15 22:08:08', 2, b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (788, 0, '测试商品分类', '测试商品描述', NULL, 1, '2019-03-04 02:32:04', '2019-03-25 15:38:38', 2, b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (789, 0, '测试商品分类', '测试商品描述', NULL, 1, '2019-03-04 02:32:39', '2019-03-29 23:40:41', 2, b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (790, 0, '测试商品分类', '测试商品描述', NULL, 1, '2019-03-04 02:32:54', '2019-03-29 23:40:46', 2, b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (791, 0, '测试商品分类', '测试商品描述', NULL, 1, '2019-03-04 02:34:13', '2019-03-29 23:40:49', 2, b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (792, 0, '大保健哟', '哈哈哈哈哈', NULL, 100, '2019-03-15 21:52:23', '2019-03-29 23:40:52', 2, b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (793, 0, '图书', '书是个好东西,可惜看的少。', NULL, 3, '2019-05-05 16:12:39', '2019-05-05 16:12:39', 1, b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (794, 793, 'Java', '半年一更,妥妥的', 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/5fd5709e-988d-4efd-b5d8-54a599ca538f', 1, '2019-05-05 16:35:03', '2019-05-06 23:05:53', 1, b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (795, 793, '测试分类', '测试删除', 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/14a2169d-a2a2-4fc6-9f71-93dba32596c9', 3, '2019-05-05 16:45:51', '2019-05-05 16:47:14', 2, b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_category` VALUES (796, 579, '订单系统设计', 'sss', 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/3fd98e94-ad50-415a-8f17-8bd8a998e508', 5, '2019-06-26 20:28:35', '2019-06-26 20:28:34', 1, b'0'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for product_sku --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `product_sku`; -CREATE TABLE `product_sku` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'sku 编号', - `spu_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '商品编号', - `status` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '状态\n *\n * 1-正常\n * 2-禁用', - `pic_url` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '图片地址', - `attrs` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '规格值({@link ProductAttrDO})数组\n *\n * 数组,以逗号分隔', - `price` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '价格,单位:分', - `quantity` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '库存数量', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=74 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='product_sku'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of product_sku --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (3, 8, 1, NULL, '1', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 02:48:52', '2019-03-05 16:48:52', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (4, 8, 1, NULL, '2', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 02:48:52', '2019-03-05 16:48:52', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (5, 9, 1, NULL, '1', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 02:51:22', '2019-03-05 16:51:21', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (6, 9, 1, NULL, '2', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 02:51:22', '2019-03-05 16:51:21', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (7, 10, 1, NULL, '1', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 02:52:25', '2019-03-05 16:52:25', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (8, 10, 1, NULL, '2', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 02:52:25', '2019-03-05 16:52:25', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (9, 13, 1, NULL, '1', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 03:22:24', '2019-03-05 17:22:26', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (10, 13, 1, NULL, '2', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 03:22:24', '2019-03-05 17:22:26', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (11, 14, 1, NULL, '1', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 03:22:33', '2019-03-05 17:22:40', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (12, 14, 1, NULL, '2', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 03:22:33', '2019-03-05 17:22:40', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (13, 20, 1, NULL, '1,3', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 03:25:39', '2019-03-05 17:25:39', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (14, 20, 1, NULL, '1,4', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 03:25:39', '2019-03-05 17:25:39', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (15, 21, 1, NULL, '1,3', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 03:34:07', '2019-03-05 17:34:06', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (16, 21, 1, NULL, '1,4', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 03:34:07', '2019-03-05 17:34:06', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (17, 22, 1, NULL, '1,3', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 03:34:50', '2019-03-05 17:34:49', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (18, 22, 1, NULL, '1,4', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 03:34:50', '2019-03-05 17:34:49', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (19, 23, 1, NULL, '1,3', 1, 1, '2019-03-05 03:37:03', '2019-03-26 23:51:23', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (20, 23, 1, NULL, '1,4', 2, 10, '2019-03-05 03:37:03', '2019-03-26 23:51:25', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (23, 25, 1, NULL, '1,3', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 03:43:30', '2019-03-05 17:43:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (24, 25, 1, NULL, '1,4', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 03:43:30', '2019-03-05 17:43:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (25, 26, 1, NULL, '1', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 07:00:38', '2019-03-05 21:00:38', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (26, 27, 1, NULL, '1', 1, 100, '2019-03-05 07:01:33', '2019-03-05 21:10:52', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (27, 27, 1, NULL, '2', 21, 200, '2019-03-05 07:01:33', '2019-03-05 21:10:52', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (30, 27, 1, NULL, '3', 3, 300, '2019-03-05 07:10:52', '2019-03-05 21:10:52', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (31, 28, 1, NULL, '1', 100, 100, '2019-03-07 01:34:15', '2019-05-13 14:48:36', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (32, 28, 1, NULL, '2', 200, 200, '2019-03-07 01:34:15', '2019-05-13 14:48:36', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (33, 29, 1, NULL, '1', 10000000, 20, '2019-03-18 17:50:01', '2019-05-05 23:48:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (34, 32, 1, NULL, '1,3', 125000000, 20, '2019-04-16 13:45:13', '2019-05-09 10:43:55', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (35, 32, 1, NULL, '1,4', 1410065408, 30, '2019-04-16 13:45:13', '2019-05-09 10:43:55', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (36, 33, 1, NULL, '3', 10000, 100, '2019-04-22 13:08:27', '2019-04-22 13:08:26', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (37, 33, 1, NULL, '4', 20000, 20, '2019-04-22 13:08:27', '2019-04-22 13:08:26', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (38, 34, 1, NULL, '1', 2000, 100, '2019-04-22 13:11:56', '2019-04-22 13:11:55', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (39, 34, 1, NULL, '2', 3000, 200, '2019-04-22 13:11:56', '2019-04-22 13:11:55', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (40, 35, 1, NULL, '3', 500000, 11, '2019-04-22 13:14:33', '2019-08-12 23:38:32', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (41, 35, 1, NULL, '4', 200000, 22, '2019-04-22 13:14:33', '2019-08-12 23:38:33', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (42, 36, 1, NULL, '3', 5100, 11, '2019-04-22 13:15:15', '2019-04-22 13:15:14', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (43, 36, 1, NULL, '4', 2100, 22, '2019-04-22 13:15:15', '2019-04-22 13:15:14', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (44, 37, 1, NULL, '3,2', 2000, 40, '2019-04-25 15:42:36', '2019-04-25 15:42:35', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (45, 37, 1, NULL, '4,2', 3000, 50, '2019-04-25 15:42:36', '2019-04-25 15:42:35', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (46, 38, 1, NULL, '2', 1000, 20, '2019-04-25 15:44:56', '2019-04-25 15:44:56', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (47, 39, 1, NULL, '1,3', 1000, 20, '2019-05-02 02:20:50', '2019-05-02 02:20:49', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (48, 40, 1, NULL, '1', 1000, 20, '2019-05-02 12:38:00', '2019-05-02 12:37:59', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (49, 40, 1, NULL, '2', 3000, 40, '2019-05-02 12:38:00', '2019-05-02 12:37:59', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (50, 41, 1, NULL, '1', 1000, 20, '2019-05-02 17:44:05', '2019-05-02 17:44:05', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (51, 29, 1, NULL, '2', 30000000, 40, '2019-05-02 18:19:15', '2019-05-05 23:48:10', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (52, 42, 1, NULL, '1', 1000, 20, '2019-05-02 22:17:01', '2019-05-02 22:54:16', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (53, 42, 1, NULL, '18', 3000, 40, '2019-05-02 22:18:57', '2019-05-02 22:23:26', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (54, 42, 1, NULL, '2', 3000, 40, '2019-05-02 22:25:19', '2019-05-02 22:54:16', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (55, 42, 1, NULL, '28', 1000, 20, '2019-05-02 22:54:17', '2019-05-02 22:54:16', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (56, 42, 1, NULL, '35', 3000, 40, '2019-05-02 23:01:17', '2019-05-02 23:01:17', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (57, 43, 1, NULL, '1,3', 111100, 1111, '2019-07-02 11:36:25', '2019-07-02 11:36:25', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (58, 43, 1, NULL, '2,3', 111100, 1111, '2019-07-02 11:36:25', '2019-07-02 11:36:25', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (59, 44, 1, NULL, '1,3', 111100, 1111, '2019-07-02 11:36:39', '2019-07-02 11:36:38', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (60, 44, 1, NULL, '2,3', 111100, 1111, '2019-07-02 11:36:39', '2019-07-02 11:36:38', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (61, 45, 1, NULL, '1,3,6', 11100, 111, '2019-07-02 11:37:53', '2019-07-02 11:37:52', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (62, 45, 1, NULL, '2,3,6', 11100, 111, '2019-07-02 11:37:53', '2019-07-02 11:37:52', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (63, 46, 1, NULL, '46', 1100, 1111, '2019-07-05 15:41:02', '2019-07-05 15:41:01', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (64, 46, 1, NULL, '4', 1100, 111, '2019-07-05 15:41:02', '2019-07-05 15:41:01', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (65, 47, 1, NULL, '3', 21213300, 23123, '2019-07-09 20:29:31', '2019-07-09 20:29:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (66, 48, 1, NULL, '3', 21213300, 23123, '2019-07-09 20:29:40', '2019-07-09 20:29:40', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (67, 49, 1, NULL, '3', 21213300, 23123, '2019-07-09 20:32:27', '2019-07-09 20:32:27', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (68, 50, 1, NULL, '47,48', 1200, 2, '2019-08-12 18:48:58', '2019-08-12 18:48:58', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (69, 51, 1, NULL, '47,48', 1200, 2, '2019-08-12 18:49:03', '2019-08-12 18:49:02', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (70, 52, 1, NULL, '47,48', 1200, 2, '2019-08-12 18:49:19', '2019-08-12 18:49:19', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (71, 53, 1, NULL, '47,48', 1200, 2, '2019-08-12 18:50:48', '2019-08-12 18:50:48', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (72, 54, 1, NULL, '1', 10000, 100, '2019-08-12 23:46:12', '2019-08-12 23:46:11', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_sku` VALUES (73, 55, 1, NULL, '49,50', 10000, 100, '2019-09-05 10:41:24', '2019-09-05 10:41:24', b'0'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for product_spu --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `product_spu`; -CREATE TABLE `product_spu` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'SPU 编号', - `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'SPU 名字', - `sell_point` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '卖点', - `description` text NOT NULL COMMENT '描述', - `cid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '分类编号', - `pic_urls` varchar(1024) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '商品主图地址\n *\n * 数组,以逗号分隔\n *\n * 建议尺寸:800*800像素,你可以拖拽图片调整顺序,最多上传15张', - `visible` tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否上架商品(是否可见)。\n *\n * true 为已上架\n * false 为已下架', - `sort` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '排序字段', - `price` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '价格', - `quantity` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '库存数量', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=56 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='product_spu'; 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-INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (12, '测试商品', '又大又长', '厮大牛逼', 791, 'https://img2.woyaogexing.com/2019/03/15/02c433787860a74a!400x400_big.jpg', 1, 0, 12, NULL, '2019-03-05 03:22:02', '2019-04-24 11:47:48', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (13, '测试商品', '又大又长', '厮大牛逼', 791, 'https://img2.woyaogexing.com/2019/03/15/7ee3855f60009a09!400x400_big.jpg', 1, 0, 13, NULL, '2019-03-05 03:22:24', '2019-04-24 11:47:49', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (14, '测试商品', '又大又长', '厮大牛逼', 791, 'https://img2.woyaogexing.com/2019/03/15/b657f0c288eef296!400x400_big.jpg', 1, 0, 14, NULL, '2019-03-05 03:22:33', '2019-04-24 11:47:50', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (15, '测试商品', '又大又长', '厮大牛逼', 791, 'https://img2.woyaogexing.com/2019/03/15/b657f0c288eef296!400x400_big.jpg', 1, 0, 15, NULL, '2019-03-05 03:23:40', '2019-04-24 11:47:51', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (16, '测试商品', '又大又长', '厮大牛逼', 791, 'https://img2.woyaogexing.com/2019/03/15/b657f0c288eef296!400x400_big.jpg', 1, 0, 16, NULL, '2019-03-05 03:23:50', '2019-04-24 11:47:50', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (20, '测试商品', '又大又长', '厮大牛逼', 791, 'https://img2.woyaogexing.com/2019/03/15/b657f0c288eef296!400x400_big.jpg', 1, 0, 17, NULL, '2019-03-05 03:25:39', '2019-04-24 11:47:55', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (21, '测试商品', '又大又长', '厮大牛逼', 791, 'https://img2.woyaogexing.com/2019/03/15/b657f0c288eef296!400x400_big.jpg', 1, 0, 18, NULL, '2019-03-05 03:34:07', '2019-04-24 11:47:57', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (22, '测试商品', '又大又长', '厮大牛逼', 791, 'https://img2.woyaogexing.com/2019/03/15/b657f0c288eef296!400x400_big.jpg', 1, 0, 19, NULL, '2019-03-05 03:34:50', '2019-04-24 11:47:57', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (23, '测试商品', '又大又长', '厮大牛逼', 791, 'https://img2.woyaogexing.com/2019/03/15/3dd901d0166dddf7!400x400_big.jpg', 1, 0, 20, NULL, '2019-03-05 03:37:03', '2019-04-24 11:47:58', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (25, '测试商品', '又大又长', '厮大牛逼', 791, 'https://img2.woyaogexing.com/2019/03/15/b657f0c288eef296!400x400_big.jpg', 1, 0, 21, NULL, '2019-03-05 03:43:30', '2019-04-24 11:47:59', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (26, '测试商品', '又大又长', '厮大牛逼', 791, 'https://img2.woyaogexing.com/2019/03/15/3dd901d0166dddf7!400x400_big.jpg', 1, 0, 22, NULL, '2019-03-05 07:00:38', '2019-04-24 11:48:00', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (27, '测试商品', '又大又长', '厮大牛逼', 791, 'https://img2.woyaogexing.com/2019/03/15/3dd901d0166dddf7!400x400_big.jpg', 1, 100, 23, NULL, '2019-03-05 07:01:33', '2019-04-24 11:48:00', b'1'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (28, '测试商品', '又大又长', '


', 638, 'https://user-gold-cdn.xitu.io/2019/4/1/169d694b02ef0df7?imageView2/0/w/1280/h/960/format/jpeg/ignore-error/1,http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/49ace70a-bebc-4d1c-b4e7-2115cedbf2a8', 1, 1, 100, 300, '2019-03-07 01:34:15', '2019-05-13 14:48:36', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (29, 'kafka 实战第一版', '最强', '


', 637, 'https://user-gold-cdn.xitu.io/2019/4/1/169d694ae392047b?imageView2/0/w/1280/h/960/format/jpeg/ignore-error/1,http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/ab34d8e5-3b28-4f74-bafa-48aa66b4cf58', 1, 2, 10000000, 60, '2019-03-18 17:50:00', '2019-05-06 15:31:21', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (32, '农夫山泉', '有点甜', '


', 637, 'https://img.1000.com/qm-a-img/prod/000000/68635d48f57444c8a5ffd47a257dc3d7.jpg', 1, 1, 125000000, 50, '2019-04-16 13:45:13', '2019-09-06 10:58:36', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (33, 'Kafka 书籍汇总', '分布式发布订阅消息系统', 'kafka是一种高吞吐量的分布式发布订阅消息系统,她有如下特性:\n\n通过O(1)的磁盘数据结构提供消息的持久化,这种结构对于即使数以TB的消息存储也能够保持长时间的稳定性能。\n\n高吞吐量:即使是非常普通的硬件kafka也可以支持每秒数十万的消息。\n\n支持通过kafka服务器和消费机集群来分区消息。\n\n支持Hadoop并行数据加载。\n\n卡夫卡的目的是提供一个发布订阅解决方案,它可以处理消费者规模的网站中的所有动作流数据。 这种动作(网页浏览,搜索和其他用户的行动)是在现代网络上的许多社会功能的一个关键因素。 这些数据通常是由于吞吐量的要求而通过处理日志和日志聚合来解决。 对于像Hadoop的一样的日志数据和离线分析系统,但又要求实时处理的限制,这是一个可行的解决方案。kafka的目的是通过Hadoop的并行加载机制来统一线上和离线的消息处理,也是为了通过集群机来提供实时的消费。', 783, 'http://static.iocoder.cn/kafka.png', 1, 0, 10000, 120, '2019-04-22 13:08:27', '2019-04-22 13:08:26', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (34, 'MySQL', '数据库服务器', 'MySQL是一个开放源码的小型关联式数据库管理系统,开发者为瑞典MySQL AB公司。目前MySQL被广泛地应用在Internet上的中小型网站中。由于其体积小、速度快、总体拥有成本低,尤其是开放源码这一特点,许多中小型网站为了降低网站总体拥有成本而选择了MySQL作为网站数据库。', 579, 'https://static.oschina.net/img/logo/mysql.png', 1, 0, 2000, 300, '2019-04-22 13:11:56', '2019-04-22 13:11:55', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (35, 'Oracle', '数据库服务器', '

Oracle是一个面向Internet计算环境的数据库。它是在数据库领域一直处于领先地位的Oracle(即甲骨文公司)的产品。可以说Oracle 关系数据库系统是目前世界上流行的关系数据库管理系统,系统可移植性好、使用方便、功能强,适用于各类大、中、小、微机环境。它是一种高效率、可靠性好的 适应高吞吐量的数据库解决方案。

', 639, 'https://static.oschina.net/img/logo/oracle.gif', 1, 0, 200000, 33, '2019-04-22 13:14:33', '2019-08-12 23:38:32', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (36, 'Java', '编程语言', 'Java,是由Sun Microsystems公司于1995年5月推出的Java程序设计语言和Java平台的总称,最初推出的时候提出 “Write Once, Run Anywhere” 的理想愿景。\n\n 用 Java 实现的 HotJava 浏览器(支持Java applet)显示了 Java 的魅力:跨平台、动态的Web、Internet计算。从此,Java被广泛接受并推动了Web的迅速发展,常用的浏览器现在均支持Java applet。', 639, 'https://static.oschina.net/img/logo/java.png', 1, 0, 2100, 33, '2019-04-22 13:15:15', '2019-04-22 13:15:14', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (37, '狼哥很骚', '骚气十足', '狼哥,死于 JVM 之手', 637, 'https://img.1000.com/qm-a-img/prod/000000/68635d48f57444c8a5ffd47a257dc3d7.jpg', 1, 0, 2000, 90, '2019-04-25 15:42:36', '2019-04-25 15:42:35', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (38, '天天吃饭', '不吃不行', '美团外卖饿了么外卖', 783, 'https://static.oschina.net/img/logo/mysql.png', 1, 0, 1000, 20, '2019-04-25 15:44:56', '2019-04-25 15:44:56', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (39, 'admin-server', '测试卖点', '30', 637, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/8702680d-9145-490c-9bc1-13ed3337c4d1', 1, 0, 1000, 20, '2019-05-02 02:20:50', '2019-05-02 02:20:49', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (40, '测试多规格商品', '我是多规格', 'nice', 637, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/d434dc76-3766-4d82-bdb7-229d1db4749c', 1, 0, 1000, 60, '2019-05-02 12:38:00', '2019-05-02 12:37:59', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (41, 'kafka 实战', '很吊', '厮大牛逼', 637, 'https://user-gold-cdn.xitu.io/2019/4/1/169d694ae392047b?imageView2/0/w/1280/h/960/format/jpeg/ignore-error/1', 1, 0, 1000, 0, '2019-05-02 17:44:05', '2019-05-06 13:27:22', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (42, '我和僵尸有个约会', '有点甜', '我就是描述', 637, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/e3904ca3-d37c-47ae-b53f-3b46c5916e41', 0, 0, 1000, 60, '2019-05-02 22:17:01', '2019-05-06 13:27:05', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (43, '111', '111', '


', 784, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/f97c1bce-48ff-4b26-8d34-d38137a306dd', 1, 0, 111100, 2222, '2019-07-02 11:36:25', '2019-07-02 11:36:24', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (44, '111', '111', '


', 784, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/f97c1bce-48ff-4b26-8d34-d38137a306dd', 1, 0, 111100, 2222, '2019-07-02 11:36:39', '2019-07-02 11:36:38', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (45, '111', '111', '


', 784, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/f97c1bce-48ff-4b26-8d34-d38137a306dd', 1, 0, 11100, 222, '2019-07-02 11:37:53', '2019-07-02 11:37:52', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (46, 'aaaa', 'a', '


', 784, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/c7f1a2c8-4015-4c28-bc64-a92ad72fbe12', 1, 0, 1100, 1222, '2019-07-05 15:41:02', '2019-07-05 15:41:01', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (47, '测试', '测试', '


', 784, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/1b4195db-93b9-4f8d-b8bb-3a88df28459d', 1, 0, 21213300, 23123, '2019-07-09 20:29:30', '2019-07-09 20:29:30', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (48, '测试', '测试', '


', 784, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/1b4195db-93b9-4f8d-b8bb-3a88df28459d', 1, 0, 21213300, 23123, '2019-07-09 20:29:40', '2019-07-09 20:29:40', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (49, '测试', '测试', '


', 784, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/124519dc-5b11-4bf1-96e3-ac29d18a603b', 1, 0, 21213300, 23123, '2019-07-09 20:32:27', '2019-07-09 20:32:26', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (50, '', '123', '


', 784, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/a7c70291-3d6e-46c2-90b8-f2b43f134b2b', 1, 0, 1200, 2, '2019-08-12 18:48:58', '2019-08-12 18:48:58', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (51, '', '123', '


', 784, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/a7c70291-3d6e-46c2-90b8-f2b43f134b2b', 1, 0, 1200, 2, '2019-08-12 18:49:03', '2019-08-12 18:49:02', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (52, '', '123', '


', 784, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/a7c70291-3d6e-46c2-90b8-f2b43f134b2b', 1, 0, 1200, 2, '2019-08-12 18:49:19', '2019-08-12 18:49:19', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (53, '', '123', '


', 784, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/a7c70291-3d6e-46c2-90b8-f2b43f134b2b', 1, 0, 1200, 2, '2019-08-12 18:50:48', '2019-08-12 18:50:48', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (54, 'Hadoop', '有点小贵', '


', 794, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/4870d103-1c00-42e1-8eb7-177e227d5e03', 1, 0, 10000, 100, '2019-08-12 23:46:12', '2019-08-12 23:46:11', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_spu` VALUES (55, '金坷垃', '农民伯伯都爱它', '


', 783, 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/8fb41fd6-2ace-4e66-870d-28cff91084ae', 1, 0, 10000, 100, '2019-09-05 10:41:24', '2019-09-05 10:41:24', b'0'); -COMMIT; - -SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; diff --git a/docs/sql/old/mall_promotion.sql b/docs/sql/old/mall_promotion.sql deleted file mode 100644 index dc686c429..000000000 --- a/docs/sql/old/mall_promotion.sql +++ /dev/null @@ -1,214 +0,0 @@ -/* - Navicat Premium Data Transfer - - Source Server : onemall - Source Server Type : MySQL - Source Server Version : 50726 - Source Host : - Source Schema : mall_promotion - - Target Server Type : MySQL - Target Server Version : 50726 - File Encoding : 65001 - - Date: 13/03/2020 07:37:12 -*/ - -SET NAMES utf8mb4; -SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for banner --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `banner`; -CREATE TABLE `banner` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '编号', - `title` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT '标题', - `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '跳转链接', - `pic_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '跳转链接', - `sort` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '排序', - `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '状态', - `memo` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '备注', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='banner'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of banner --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `banner` VALUES (1, '百度是最棒的', 'https://user-gold-cdn.xitu.io/2019/3/30/169cdcbb93d48ff1?imageView2/0/w/1280/h/960/format/jpeg/ignore-error/1', 'https://user-gold-cdn.xitu.io/2019/3/30/169cdcbb93d48ff1?imageView2/0/w/1280/h/960/format/jpeg/ignore-error/1', 0, 1, '哈哈哈哈', '2019-03-30 23:40:25', '2019-06-20 17:01:06', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `banner` VALUES (2, '芋道源码', 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/8d9442ca-f34b-47f0-a4aa-f16e8721b932', 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/c3e1f77d-df16-48dd-8ed5-26950dff3944', 10, 1, '你猜呀哈哈哈哈', '2019-03-31 00:01:25', '2019-05-10 14:30:40', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `banner` VALUES (3, '优惠劵活动', '', 'https://img.youpin.mi-img.com/youpinoper/312b91dbab00d2d8d8aa25ac88532830.jpg?id=&w=1080&h=450', 5, 1, '都挺好牛逼', '2019-03-31 10:13:09', '2019-04-07 21:15:48', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `banner` VALUES (4, '测试', 'https://www.baidu.com', 'http://static.shop.iocoder.cn/099f2870-2341-484c-a417-df23d39e3fdc', 4, 1, '测试', '2019-05-13 20:40:24', '2019-05-13 20:40:23', b'0'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for coupon_card --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `coupon_card`; -CREATE TABLE `coupon_card` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '优惠劵编号', - `template_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '优惠劵(码)分组编号,{@link CouponTemplateDO} 的 id', - `title` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '标题', - `status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '优惠码状态\n *\n * 1-未使用\n * 2-已使用\n * 3-已失效', - `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '用户编号', - `take_type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '领取类型\n *\n * 1 - 用户主动领取\n * 2 - 后台自动发放', - `price_available` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '是否设置满多少金额可用,单位:分\n *\n * 0-不限制\n * 大于0-多少金额可用', - `valid_start_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '生效开始时间', - `valid_end_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '生效结束时间', - `preferential_type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '优惠类型\n *\n * 1-代金卷\n * 2-折扣卷', - `percent_off` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '折扣', - `price_off` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '优惠金额,单位:分。', - `discount_price_limit` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '折扣上限,仅在 {@link #preferentialType} 等于 2 时生效。\n *\n * 例如,折扣上限为 20 元,当使用 8 折优惠券,订单金额为 1000 元时,最高只可折扣 20 元,而非 80 元。', - `used_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '使用时间', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='coupon_card'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of coupon_card --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `coupon_card` VALUES (1, 1, '优惠劵A', 2, 1, 1, 10000, '2019-04-08 00:00:00', '2019-04-10 00:00:00', 1, NULL, 1000, NULL, '2019-05-17 17:46:30', '2019-04-07 21:24:47', '2019-05-17 17:46:30'); -INSERT INTO `coupon_card` VALUES (2, 1, '优惠劵B', 2, 1, 1, 2, '2019-04-08 00:00:00', '2019-04-10 00:00:00', 2, 49, 1000, NULL, '2019-05-17 14:21:17', '2019-04-07 21:25:05', '2019-05-17 14:21:17'); -INSERT INTO `coupon_card` VALUES (3, 1, '优惠劵C', 2, 1, 1, 10, '2019-04-08 00:00:00', '2019-04-10 00:00:00', 1, NULL, 9, NULL, '2019-05-17 17:58:50', '2019-04-07 21:54:47', '2019-05-17 17:58:50'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for coupon_template --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `coupon_template`; -CREATE TABLE `coupon_template` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '模板编号,自增唯一。', - `title` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '标题', - `description` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '使用说明', - `type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '类型\n *\n * 1-优惠劵\n * 2-优惠码', - `code_type` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '码类型\n *\n * 1-一卡一码(UNIQUE)\n * 2-通用码(GENERAL)\n *\n * 【优惠码独有】 @see CouponCodeDO', - `status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '优惠码状态\n *\n * 1-开启中\n * 2-禁用中\n * 3-已过期\n *\n * 当优惠劵(码)开启中,可以手动操作,设置禁用中。', - `quota` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '每人限领个数\n *\n * null - 则表示不限制', - `total` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '发行总量', - `price_available` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '是否设置满多少金额可用,单位:分\n *\n * 0-不限制\n * 大于0-多少金额可用', - `range_type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '可用范围的类型\n *\n * 10-全部(ALL):所有可用\n * 20-部分(PART):部分商品可用,或指定商品可用\n * 21-部分(PART):部分商品不可用,或指定商品可用\n * 30-部分(PART):部分分类可用,或指定商品可用\n * 31-部分(PART):部分分类不可用,或指定商品可用', - `range_values` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '指定商品 / 分类列表,使用逗号分隔商品编号', - `date_type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '生效日期类型\n *\n * 1-固定日期\n * 2-领取日期:领到券 {@link #fixedTerm} 日开始 N 天内有效', - `valid_start_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '固定日期-生效开始时间', - `valid_end_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '固定日期-生效结束时间', - `fixed_start_term` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '领取日期-开始天数', - `fixed_end_term` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '领取日期-结束天数', - `preferential_type` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '优惠类型\n *\n * 1-代金卷\n * 2-折扣卷', - `percent_off` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '折扣百分比。\n *\n * 例如,80% 为 80。\n * 当 100% 为 100 ,则代表免费。', - `price_off` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '优惠金额,单位:分', - `discount_price_limit` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '折扣上限,仅在 {@link #preferentialType} 等于 2 时生效。\n *\n * 例如,折扣上限为 20 元,当使用 8 折优惠券,订单金额为 1000 元时,最高只可折扣 20 元,而非 80 元。', - `stat_fetch_num` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '领取优惠券的次数', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='coupon_template'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of coupon_template --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `coupon_template` VALUES (1, '优惠劵A', '一个有味道的哈哈哈哈', 1, NULL, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10, '', 2, NULL, NULL, 1, 2, 1, NULL, 1000, NULL, 1, '2019-04-05 11:26:23', '2019-05-12 00:37:34'); -INSERT INTO `coupon_template` VALUES (2, '优惠劵B', '优惠劵B', 1, NULL, 1, 2, 10, 1000, 10, '10', 2, NULL, NULL, 3, 5, 1, NULL, 10000, NULL, 0, '2019-04-05 11:40:45', '2019-04-05 21:58:19'); -INSERT INTO `coupon_template` VALUES (3, '优惠劵C', '优惠劵C', 1, NULL, 1, 1, 10, 100, 10, '10', 2, NULL, NULL, 2, 4, 1, NULL, 1000, NULL, 0, '2019-04-05 11:44:57', '2019-04-05 21:58:22'); -INSERT INTO `coupon_template` VALUES (6, '优惠劵C', '优惠劵C', 1, NULL, 1, 1, 1000, 1000, 20, '29,32,36', 2, NULL, NULL, 1, 10, 1, NULL, 500, NULL, 0, '2019-04-05 11:54:01', '2019-05-07 19:20:19'); -INSERT INTO `coupon_template` VALUES (7, '优惠劵D', '优惠劵D', 1, NULL, 1, 2, 10, 2000, 30, '784,637', 1, '2019-04-05 00:00:00', '2019-04-26 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 1000, NULL, 0, '2019-04-05 12:05:36', '2019-05-07 19:29:13'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for product_recommend --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `product_recommend`; -CREATE TABLE `product_recommend` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '编号', - `type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '类型', - `product_spu_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '商品 Spu 编号', - `sort` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '排序', - `status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '状态', - `memo` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '备注', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='product_recommend'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of product_recommend --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `product_recommend` VALUES (1, 1, 29, 1, 2, '牛逼', '2019-04-01 13:50:13', '2019-05-10 20:51:47', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_recommend` VALUES (2, 2, 28, 2, 1, '你猜~', '2019-04-01 13:59:06', '2019-04-01 14:44:19', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_recommend` VALUES (3, 1, 33, 10, 1, '牛逼', '2019-04-22 13:09:19', '2019-04-22 13:09:18', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_recommend` VALUES (4, 2, 34, 30, 1, '木有', '2019-04-22 13:13:00', '2019-04-22 13:13:00', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_recommend` VALUES (5, 1, 35, -1, 1, '13', '2019-04-22 13:16:00', '2019-04-22 13:16:00', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_recommend` VALUES (6, 2, 36, 2000, 1, '哈哈哈哈', '2019-04-22 13:16:15', '2019-04-22 13:16:15', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `product_recommend` VALUES (7, 1, 41, 10, 1, '厮大就是牛逼', '2019-05-07 16:48:19', '2019-05-07 16:48:18', b'0'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for promotion_activity --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `promotion_activity`; -CREATE TABLE `promotion_activity` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '活动编号', - `title` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '活动标题', - `activity_type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '活动类型\n *\n * 参见 {@link cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.enums.PromotionActivityTypeEnum} 枚举', - `status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '活动状态\n *\n * 参见 {@link cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.enums.PromotionActivityStatusEnum} 枚举', - `start_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '开始时间', - `end_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '结束时间', - `invalid_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '失效时间', - `delete_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '删除时间', - `time_limited_discount` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '限制折扣字符串,使用 JSON 序列化成字符串存储', - `full_privilege` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '限制折扣字符串,使用 JSON 序列化成字符串存储', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最后更新时间', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='promotion_activity'; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of promotion_activity --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `promotion_activity` VALUES (1, '老板跑路了', 1, 20, '2019-04-16 15:07:49', '2019-07-25 15:07:49', NULL, NULL, '{\"items\":[{\"preferentialType\":2,\"preferentialValue\":40,\"spuId\":32}],\"quota\":0}', NULL, '2019-04-16 15:07:49', '2019-04-16 15:07:49'); -INSERT INTO `promotion_activity` VALUES (2, '老四赶海', 2, 20, '2019-04-16 16:03:54', '2019-07-25 16:03:54', NULL, NULL, NULL, '{\n \"cycled\": false, \n \"privileges\": [\n {\n \"meetType\": 1, \n \"meetValue\": 20, \n \"preferentialType\": 2, \n \"preferentialValue\": 80\n }\n ], \n \"rangeType\": 20,\n \"rangeValues\": [29],\n}', '2019-04-16 16:03:54', '2019-04-17 20:28:36'); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for undo_log --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `undo_log`; -CREATE TABLE `undo_log` ( - `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, - `branch_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, - `xid` varchar(100) NOT NULL, - `rollback_info` longblob NOT NULL, - `log_status` int(11) NOT NULL, - `log_created` datetime NOT NULL, - `log_modified` datetime NOT NULL, - `ext` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, - PRIMARY KEY (`id`), - UNIQUE KEY `ux_undo_log` (`xid`,`branch_id`) -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=27 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of undo_log --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `undo_log` VALUES (3, 2011282479, '', 0x7B7D, 1, '2019-05-12 01:48:04', '2019-05-12 01:48:04', NULL); -INSERT INTO `undo_log` VALUES (5, 2011282482, '', 0x7B7D, 1, '2019-05-12 01:50:02', '2019-05-12 01:50:02', NULL); -INSERT INTO `undo_log` VALUES (7, 2011282488, '', 0x7B7D, 1, '2019-05-12 01:52:19', '2019-05-12 01:52:19', NULL); -INSERT INTO `undo_log` VALUES (8, 2011282487, '', 0x7B7D, 1, '2019-05-12 01:52:19', '2019-05-12 01:52:19', NULL); -INSERT INTO `undo_log` VALUES (10, 2011282496, '', 0x7B7D, 1, '2019-05-12 01:56:36', '2019-05-12 01:56:36', NULL); -INSERT INTO `undo_log` VALUES (11, 2011282495, '', 0x7B7D, 1, '2019-05-12 01:56:36', '2019-05-12 01:56:36', NULL); -INSERT INTO `undo_log` VALUES (19, 2011404236, '', 0x7B7D, 1, '2019-05-13 00:23:19', '2019-05-13 00:23:19', NULL); -INSERT INTO `undo_log` VALUES (21, 2011404238, '', 0x7B7D, 1, '2019-05-13 00:29:33', '2019-05-13 00:29:33', NULL); -INSERT INTO `undo_log` VALUES (24, 2011404242, '', 0x7B7D, 1, '2019-05-13 00:31:48', '2019-05-13 00:31:48', NULL); -INSERT INTO `undo_log` VALUES (26, 2011404244, '', 0x7B7D, 1, '2019-05-13 00:34:00', '2019-05-13 00:34:00', NULL); -COMMIT; - -SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; diff --git a/docs/sql/old/mall_user.sql b/docs/sql/old/mall_user.sql deleted file mode 100644 index 90fde325d..000000000 --- a/docs/sql/old/mall_user.sql +++ /dev/null @@ -1,683 +0,0 @@ -/* - Navicat Premium Data Transfer - - Source Server : onemall - Source Server Type : MySQL - Source Server Version : 50726 - Source Host : - Source Schema : mall_user - - Target Server Type : MySQL - Target Server Version : 50726 - File Encoding : 65001 - - Date: 13/03/2020 07:37:23 -*/ - -SET NAMES utf8mb4; -SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for mobile_code --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mobile_code`; -CREATE TABLE `mobile_code` ( - `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, - `mobile` varchar(11) NOT NULL, - `code` varchar(6) NOT NULL, - `today_index` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, - `used` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, - `used_user_id` int(20) DEFAULT NULL, - `used_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=399 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for oauth2_refresh_token --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `oauth2_refresh_token`; -CREATE TABLE `oauth2_refresh_token` ( - `id` varchar(32) NOT NULL, - `user_id` int(20) DEFAULT NULL, - `valid` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, - `expires_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, - `create_time` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, - KEY `idx_uid` (`user_id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for user_address --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `user_address`; -CREATE TABLE `user_address` ( - `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, - `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '用户编号', - `area_no` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL COMMENT '区域编号', - `name` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL COMMENT '收件人名称', - `mobile` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL COMMENT '手机号', - `address` varchar(250) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL COMMENT '详细地址', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', - `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间', - `has_default` int(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '是否默认', - `deleted` int(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '删除状态', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=19 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of user_address --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (1, 1, '230102', 'mi', '13302926050', '湖南省深圳市北京去3环', '2019-04-06 17:06:12', '2019-04-06 18:20:11', 0, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (2, 1, '22033', 'sin', '18132019023', '湖南省深圳市北京3环56号', '2019-04-06 17:13:13', NULL, 0, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (3, 1, '110101', '--23', '13302926050', '1231323123213123', '2019-04-06 18:04:29', '2019-04-08 13:53:37', 0, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (4, 1, '220302', 'sin', '18132019023', '湖南省深圳市北京3环56号', '2019-04-06 18:17:16', NULL, 0, 1); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (5, 1, '220302', 'sin', '18132019023', '湖南省深圳市北京3环56号', '2019-04-06 18:17:44', '2019-04-06 18:22:29', 0, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (6, 29, '110101', 'Andy', '13302925934', '中二环,光电大厦11F 前台收', '2019-04-10 19:48:06', '2019-04-11 21:11:42', 2, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (7, 29, '110101', 'md', '19089233321', 'bsdafosabdfasdbfsadfasdfsdfsaf', '2019-04-11 21:11:13', '2019-04-11 21:11:32', 1, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (8, 43, '110113', '李永东', '17610928218', '国测8号A区6号楼2单元', '2019-04-29 14:12:07', NULL, 1, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (9, 43, '110113', '李永东', '17610928218', '国测8号A区6号楼2单元', '2019-04-29 14:12:07', NULL, 1, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (10, 43, '110113', '李永东', '17610928218', '国测8号A区6号楼2单元', '2019-04-29 14:12:07', NULL, 1, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (11, 61, '110101', 'sfasdf', '13124278822', 'asdfasdfsd', '2019-05-07 14:16:17', NULL, 2, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (12, 67, '120101', 'xxx', '18670071886', '2`121`2`12', '2019-05-10 21:05:58', NULL, 1, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (13, 73, '110101', '芋道源码', '15601691388', '北京五环,就是五环啊', '2019-05-17 17:57:35', NULL, 1, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (14, 76, '110101', 'tt', '15977944314', 'ttttttttttt', '2019-05-20 11:48:34', NULL, 2, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (15, 90, '110101', '手', '15555555555', '老婆婆给你信咯lol明您了lol', '2019-05-29 18:33:09', NULL, 2, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (16, 92, '110102', '333', '13511111111', '北京市商城测试地址3335666', '2019-05-30 17:50:55', NULL, 1, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (17, 92, '110101', '测', '13612345678', '测试地址的打对方 13666', '2019-05-30 17:52:53', NULL, 2, 0); -INSERT INTO `user_address` VALUES (18, 197, '110101', '胡家明', '18856655656', '44444444444', '2019-08-12 17:35:00', NULL, 2, 0); -COMMIT; - --- ---------------------------- --- Table structure for user_register --- ---------------------------- -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `user_register`; -CREATE TABLE `user_register` ( - `id` int(20) NOT NULL, - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - `udpate_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP -) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; - --- ---------------------------- --- Records of user_register --- ---------------------------- -BEGIN; -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (10, '2018-09-23 00:16:10', '2018-09-22 06:31:27'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (11, '2018-09-26 19:26:36', '2018-09-24 00:55:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (22, '2019-02-25 16:10:37', '2019-02-23 19:21:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (23, '2019-02-25 16:16:29', '2019-02-23 19:27:31'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (25, '2019-02-25 16:20:54', '2019-02-23 19:31:56'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (26, '2019-02-26 01:35:53', '2019-02-23 20:51:31'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (27, '2019-03-28 14:41:06', '2019-03-28 14:41:06'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (28, '2019-04-04 19:27:00', '2019-04-04 19:27:00'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (29, '2019-04-09 21:44:10', '2019-04-09 21:44:10'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (30, '2019-04-22 19:50:37', '2019-04-22 19:50:37'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (31, '2019-04-22 21:24:35', '2019-04-22 21:24:35'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (32, '2019-04-22 21:26:56', '2019-04-22 21:26:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (33, '2019-04-22 21:27:18', '2019-04-22 21:27:17'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (34, '2019-04-22 21:43:52', '2019-04-22 21:43:51'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (35, '2019-04-22 22:19:18', '2019-04-22 22:19:17'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (36, '2019-04-22 23:22:13', '2019-04-22 23:22:12'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (37, '2019-04-22 23:43:53', '2019-04-22 23:43:52'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (38, '2019-04-22 23:45:24', '2019-04-22 23:45:24'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (39, '2019-04-23 07:53:37', '2019-04-23 07:53:36'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (40, '2019-04-23 09:05:17', '2019-04-23 09:05:16'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (41, '2019-04-24 08:18:03', '2019-04-24 08:18:02'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (42, '2019-04-28 07:54:17', '2019-04-28 07:54:16'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (43, '2019-04-29 14:11:13', '2019-04-29 14:11:12'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (44, '2019-04-29 14:30:14', '2019-04-29 14:30:13'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (51, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (46, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (48, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (45, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (52, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (50, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (53, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (47, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (54, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (49, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (55, '2019-05-01 15:40:19', '2019-05-01 15:40:19'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (56, '2019-05-04 02:38:50', '2019-05-04 02:38:49'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (57, '2019-05-05 15:57:44', '2019-05-05 15:57:44'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (58, '2019-05-05 16:20:06', '2019-05-05 16:20:05'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (59, '2019-05-05 19:11:59', '2019-05-05 19:11:58'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (60, '2019-05-06 17:27:41', '2019-05-06 17:27:41'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (61, '2019-05-07 14:15:52', '2019-05-07 14:15:52'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (62, '2019-05-07 18:12:30', '2019-05-07 18:12:30'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (63, '2019-05-08 09:55:14', '2019-05-08 09:55:13'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (64, '2019-05-08 16:37:46', '2019-05-08 16:37:45'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (65, '2019-05-08 20:16:10', '2019-05-08 20:16:10'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (66, '2019-05-09 19:36:57', '2019-05-09 19:36:57'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (67, '2019-05-10 21:05:25', '2019-05-10 21:05:24'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (68, '2019-05-10 22:10:38', '2019-05-10 22:10:37'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (69, '2019-05-11 00:24:00', '2019-05-11 00:23:59'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (70, '2019-05-12 07:33:22', '2019-05-12 07:33:22'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (71, '2019-05-13 09:53:52', '2019-05-13 09:53:51'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (72, '2019-05-17 00:25:54', '2019-05-17 00:25:53'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (73, '2019-05-17 17:49:25', '2019-05-17 17:49:25'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (74, '2019-05-17 21:52:55', '2019-05-17 21:52:54'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (75, '2019-05-18 15:55:44', '2019-05-18 15:55:43'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (76, '2019-05-20 11:47:51', '2019-05-20 11:47:50'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (77, '2019-05-21 17:32:38', '2019-05-21 17:32:37'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (78, '2019-05-22 15:51:01', '2019-05-22 15:51:01'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (79, '2019-05-23 14:27:45', '2019-05-23 14:27:44'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (80, '2019-05-23 17:55:58', '2019-05-23 17:55:57'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (81, '2019-05-24 11:31:45', '2019-05-24 11:31:45'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (82, '2019-05-24 12:40:53', '2019-05-24 12:40:52'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (83, '2019-05-24 17:47:00', '2019-05-24 17:47:00'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (84, '2019-05-27 09:58:17', '2019-05-27 09:58:16'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (85, '2019-05-28 09:09:18', '2019-05-28 09:09:17'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (86, '2019-05-28 14:10:39', '2019-05-28 14:10:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (87, '2019-05-28 16:18:00', '2019-05-28 16:18:01'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (88, '2019-05-28 16:55:36', '2019-05-28 16:55:36'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (89, '2019-05-28 22:39:22', '2019-05-28 22:39:21'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (90, '2019-05-29 18:31:59', '2019-05-29 18:31:59'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (91, '2019-05-30 09:38:34', '2019-05-30 09:38:33'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (92, '2019-05-30 17:47:12', '2019-05-30 17:47:11'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (93, '2019-05-31 17:10:44', '2019-05-31 17:10:44'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (94, '2019-06-01 08:04:57', '2019-06-01 08:04:56'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (95, '2019-06-01 10:09:17', '2019-06-01 10:09:16'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (96, '2019-06-01 15:58:38', '2019-06-01 15:58:38'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (97, '2019-06-01 18:21:57', '2019-06-01 18:21:56'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (98, '2019-06-01 18:24:07', '2019-06-01 18:24:06'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (99, '2019-06-01 23:56:49', '2019-06-01 23:56:48'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (100, '2019-06-02 18:10:33', '2019-06-02 18:10:33'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (101, '2019-06-02 22:38:28', '2019-06-02 22:38:27'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (102, '2019-06-03 17:12:47', '2019-06-03 17:12:47'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (103, '2019-06-04 10:26:05', '2019-06-04 10:26:05'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (104, '2019-06-04 12:41:14', '2019-06-04 12:41:13'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (105, '2019-06-04 16:31:46', '2019-06-04 16:31:46'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (106, '2019-06-04 20:26:23', '2019-06-04 20:26:22'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (107, '2019-06-04 21:14:13', '2019-06-04 21:14:13'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (108, '2019-06-05 09:31:39', '2019-06-05 09:31:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (109, '2019-06-05 17:42:21', '2019-06-05 17:42:20'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (110, '2019-06-06 14:11:53', '2019-06-06 14:11:52'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (111, '2019-06-07 13:49:30', '2019-06-07 13:49:30'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (112, '2019-06-07 14:30:31', '2019-06-07 14:30:31'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (113, '2019-06-08 22:20:00', '2019-06-08 22:20:00'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (114, '2019-06-08 22:25:01', '2019-06-08 22:25:01'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (115, '2019-06-09 20:15:18', '2019-06-09 20:15:17'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (116, '2019-06-09 22:56:12', '2019-06-09 22:56:11'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (117, '2019-06-11 14:58:04', '2019-06-11 14:58:04'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (118, '2019-06-11 15:52:55', '2019-06-11 15:52:54'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (119, '2019-06-11 17:28:11', '2019-06-11 17:28:10'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (120, '2019-06-11 19:30:48', '2019-06-11 19:30:13'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (121, '2019-06-11 20:13:58', '2019-06-11 20:13:58'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (122, '2019-06-12 16:00:27', '2019-06-12 16:00:27'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (123, '2019-06-12 16:32:42', '2019-06-12 16:32:41'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (124, '2019-06-14 14:33:18', '2019-06-14 14:33:18'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (125, '2019-06-14 19:00:09', '2019-06-14 19:00:09'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (126, '2019-06-18 15:32:21', '2019-06-18 15:32:20'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (127, '2019-06-19 14:30:45', '2019-06-19 14:30:44'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (128, '2019-06-19 14:35:26', '2019-06-19 14:35:26'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (129, '2019-06-20 07:46:15', '2019-06-20 07:46:14'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (130, '2019-06-21 11:51:25', '2019-06-21 11:51:24'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (131, '2019-06-21 14:10:56', '2019-06-21 14:10:56'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (132, '2019-06-21 14:43:21', '2019-06-21 14:43:20'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (133, '2019-06-21 15:39:05', '2019-06-21 15:39:04'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (134, '2019-06-23 19:01:58', '2019-06-23 19:01:57'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (135, '2019-06-23 22:24:30', '2019-06-23 22:24:29'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (136, '2019-06-24 14:10:39', '2019-06-24 14:10:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (137, '2019-06-24 15:08:54', '2019-06-24 15:08:54'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (138, '2019-06-24 17:39:36', '2019-06-24 17:39:35'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (139, '2019-06-25 09:54:06', '2019-06-25 09:54:06'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (140, '2019-06-25 11:27:30', '2019-06-25 11:27:30'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (141, '2019-06-26 14:55:31', '2019-06-26 14:55:30'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (142, '2019-06-27 14:27:14', '2019-06-27 14:27:13'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (143, '2019-06-30 20:28:12', '2019-06-30 20:28:12'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (10, '2018-09-23 00:16:10', '2018-09-22 06:31:27'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (11, '2018-09-26 19:26:36', '2018-09-24 00:55:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (22, '2019-02-25 16:10:37', '2019-02-23 19:21:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (23, '2019-02-25 16:16:29', '2019-02-23 19:27:31'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (25, '2019-02-25 16:20:54', '2019-02-23 19:31:56'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (26, '2019-02-26 01:35:53', '2019-02-23 20:51:31'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (27, '2019-03-28 14:41:06', '2019-03-28 14:41:06'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (28, '2019-04-04 19:27:00', '2019-04-04 19:27:00'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (29, '2019-04-09 21:44:10', '2019-04-09 21:44:10'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (30, '2019-04-22 19:50:37', '2019-04-22 19:50:37'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (31, '2019-04-22 21:24:35', '2019-04-22 21:24:35'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (32, '2019-04-22 21:26:56', '2019-04-22 21:26:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (33, '2019-04-22 21:27:18', '2019-04-22 21:27:17'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (34, '2019-04-22 21:43:52', '2019-04-22 21:43:51'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (35, '2019-04-22 22:19:18', '2019-04-22 22:19:17'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (36, '2019-04-22 23:22:13', '2019-04-22 23:22:12'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (37, '2019-04-22 23:43:53', '2019-04-22 23:43:52'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (38, '2019-04-22 23:45:24', '2019-04-22 23:45:24'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (39, '2019-04-23 07:53:37', '2019-04-23 07:53:36'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (40, '2019-04-23 09:05:17', '2019-04-23 09:05:16'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (41, '2019-04-24 08:18:03', '2019-04-24 08:18:02'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (42, '2019-04-28 07:54:17', '2019-04-28 07:54:16'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (43, '2019-04-29 14:11:13', '2019-04-29 14:11:12'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (44, '2019-04-29 14:30:14', '2019-04-29 14:30:13'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (51, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (46, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (48, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (45, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (52, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (50, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (53, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (47, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (54, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (49, '2019-04-30 20:58:53', '2019-04-30 20:58:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (55, '2019-05-01 15:40:19', '2019-05-01 15:40:19'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (56, '2019-05-04 02:38:50', '2019-05-04 02:38:49'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (57, '2019-05-05 15:57:44', '2019-05-05 15:57:44'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (58, '2019-05-05 16:20:06', '2019-05-05 16:20:05'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (59, '2019-05-05 19:11:59', '2019-05-05 19:11:58'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (60, '2019-05-06 17:27:41', '2019-05-06 17:27:41'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (61, '2019-05-07 14:15:52', '2019-05-07 14:15:52'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (62, '2019-05-07 18:12:30', '2019-05-07 18:12:30'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (63, '2019-05-08 09:55:14', '2019-05-08 09:55:13'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (64, '2019-05-08 16:37:46', '2019-05-08 16:37:45'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (65, '2019-05-08 20:16:10', '2019-05-08 20:16:10'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (66, '2019-05-09 19:36:57', '2019-05-09 19:36:57'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (67, '2019-05-10 21:05:25', '2019-05-10 21:05:24'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (68, '2019-05-10 22:10:38', '2019-05-10 22:10:37'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (69, '2019-05-11 00:24:00', '2019-05-11 00:23:59'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (70, '2019-05-12 07:33:22', '2019-05-12 07:33:22'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (71, '2019-05-13 09:53:52', '2019-05-13 09:53:51'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (72, '2019-05-17 00:25:54', '2019-05-17 00:25:53'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (73, '2019-05-17 17:49:25', '2019-05-17 17:49:25'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (74, '2019-05-17 21:52:55', '2019-05-17 21:52:54'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (75, '2019-05-18 15:55:44', '2019-05-18 15:55:43'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (76, '2019-05-20 11:47:51', '2019-05-20 11:47:50'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (77, '2019-05-21 17:32:38', '2019-05-21 17:32:37'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (78, '2019-05-22 15:51:01', '2019-05-22 15:51:01'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (79, '2019-05-23 14:27:45', '2019-05-23 14:27:44'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (80, '2019-05-23 17:55:58', '2019-05-23 17:55:57'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (81, '2019-05-24 11:31:45', '2019-05-24 11:31:45'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (82, '2019-05-24 12:40:53', '2019-05-24 12:40:52'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (83, '2019-05-24 17:47:00', '2019-05-24 17:47:00'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (84, '2019-05-27 09:58:17', '2019-05-27 09:58:16'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (85, '2019-05-28 09:09:18', '2019-05-28 09:09:17'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (86, '2019-05-28 14:10:39', '2019-05-28 14:10:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (87, '2019-05-28 16:18:00', '2019-05-28 16:18:01'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (88, '2019-05-28 16:55:36', '2019-05-28 16:55:36'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (89, '2019-05-28 22:39:22', '2019-05-28 22:39:21'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (90, '2019-05-29 18:31:59', '2019-05-29 18:31:59'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (91, '2019-05-30 09:38:34', '2019-05-30 09:38:33'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (92, '2019-05-30 17:47:12', '2019-05-30 17:47:11'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (93, '2019-05-31 17:10:44', '2019-05-31 17:10:44'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (94, '2019-06-01 08:04:57', '2019-06-01 08:04:56'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (95, '2019-06-01 10:09:17', '2019-06-01 10:09:16'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (96, '2019-06-01 15:58:38', '2019-06-01 15:58:38'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (97, '2019-06-01 18:21:57', '2019-06-01 18:21:56'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (98, '2019-06-01 18:24:07', '2019-06-01 18:24:06'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (99, '2019-06-01 23:56:49', '2019-06-01 23:56:48'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (100, '2019-06-02 18:10:33', '2019-06-02 18:10:33'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (101, '2019-06-02 22:38:28', '2019-06-02 22:38:27'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (102, '2019-06-03 17:12:47', '2019-06-03 17:12:47'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (103, '2019-06-04 10:26:05', '2019-06-04 10:26:05'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (104, '2019-06-04 12:41:14', '2019-06-04 12:41:13'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (105, '2019-06-04 16:31:46', '2019-06-04 16:31:46'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (106, '2019-06-04 20:26:23', '2019-06-04 20:26:22'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (107, '2019-06-04 21:14:13', '2019-06-04 21:14:13'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (108, '2019-06-05 09:31:39', '2019-06-05 09:31:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (109, '2019-06-05 17:42:21', '2019-06-05 17:42:20'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (110, '2019-06-06 14:11:53', '2019-06-06 14:11:52'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (111, '2019-06-07 13:49:30', '2019-06-07 13:49:30'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (112, '2019-06-07 14:30:31', '2019-06-07 14:30:31'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (113, '2019-06-08 22:20:00', '2019-06-08 22:20:00'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (114, '2019-06-08 22:25:01', '2019-06-08 22:25:01'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (115, '2019-06-09 20:15:18', '2019-06-09 20:15:17'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (116, '2019-06-09 22:56:12', '2019-06-09 22:56:11'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (117, '2019-06-11 14:58:04', '2019-06-11 14:58:04'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (118, '2019-06-11 15:52:55', '2019-06-11 15:52:54'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (119, '2019-06-11 17:28:11', '2019-06-11 17:28:10'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (120, '2019-06-11 19:30:48', '2019-06-11 19:30:13'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (121, '2019-06-11 20:13:58', '2019-06-11 20:13:58'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (122, '2019-06-12 16:00:27', '2019-06-12 16:00:27'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (123, '2019-06-12 16:32:42', '2019-06-12 16:32:41'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (124, '2019-06-14 14:33:18', '2019-06-14 14:33:18'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (125, '2019-06-14 19:00:09', '2019-06-14 19:00:09'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (126, '2019-06-18 15:32:21', '2019-06-18 15:32:20'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (127, '2019-06-19 14:30:45', '2019-06-19 14:30:44'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (128, '2019-06-19 14:35:26', '2019-06-19 14:35:26'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (129, '2019-06-20 07:46:15', '2019-06-20 07:46:14'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (130, '2019-06-21 11:51:25', '2019-06-21 11:51:24'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (131, '2019-06-21 14:10:56', '2019-06-21 14:10:56'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (132, '2019-06-21 14:43:21', '2019-06-21 14:43:20'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (133, '2019-06-21 15:39:05', '2019-06-21 15:39:04'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (134, '2019-06-23 19:01:58', '2019-06-23 19:01:57'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (135, '2019-06-23 22:24:30', '2019-06-23 22:24:29'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (136, '2019-06-24 14:10:39', '2019-06-24 14:10:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (137, '2019-06-24 15:08:54', '2019-06-24 15:08:54'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (138, '2019-06-24 17:39:36', '2019-06-24 17:39:35'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (139, '2019-06-25 09:54:06', '2019-06-25 09:54:06'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (140, '2019-06-25 11:27:30', '2019-06-25 11:27:30'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (141, '2019-06-26 14:55:31', '2019-06-26 14:55:30'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (142, '2019-06-27 14:27:14', '2019-06-27 14:27:13'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (143, '2019-06-30 20:28:12', '2019-06-30 20:28:12'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (144, '2019-07-01 16:46:04', '2019-07-01 16:46:03'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (145, '2019-07-01 18:37:09', '2019-07-01 18:37:09'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (146, '2019-07-01 19:05:10', '2019-07-01 19:05:09'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (147, '2019-07-01 21:43:34', '2019-07-01 21:43:33'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (148, '2019-07-01 23:04:13', '2019-07-01 23:04:12'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (149, '2019-07-02 10:09:14', '2019-07-02 10:09:14'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (150, '2019-07-02 11:14:08', '2019-07-02 11:14:08'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (151, '2019-07-02 11:58:04', '2019-07-02 11:58:04'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (152, '2019-07-02 13:27:55', '2019-07-02 13:27:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (153, '2019-07-02 16:10:07', '2019-07-02 16:10:06'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (154, '2019-07-02 20:25:00', '2019-07-02 20:25:00'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (155, '2019-07-03 11:15:39', '2019-07-03 11:15:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (156, '2019-07-03 11:37:02', '2019-07-03 11:37:01'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (157, '2019-07-05 15:23:13', '2019-07-05 15:23:12'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (158, '2019-07-06 11:32:23', '2019-07-06 11:32:23'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (159, '2019-07-07 17:57:20', '2019-07-07 17:57:20'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (160, '2019-07-08 16:53:50', '2019-07-08 16:53:50'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (161, '2019-07-08 22:37:08', '2019-07-08 22:37:08'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (162, '2019-07-09 14:35:46', '2019-07-09 14:35:46'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (163, '2019-07-09 17:57:59', '2019-07-09 17:57:59'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (164, '2019-07-09 20:49:21', '2019-07-09 20:49:21'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (165, '2019-07-10 19:42:32', '2019-07-10 19:42:32'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (166, '2019-07-11 09:04:59', '2019-07-11 09:04:59'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (167, '2019-07-11 10:57:27', '2019-07-11 10:57:26'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (168, '2019-07-11 11:07:21', '2019-07-11 11:07:20'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (169, '2019-07-11 12:32:56', '2019-07-11 12:32:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (170, '2019-07-16 09:52:56', '2019-07-16 09:52:56'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (171, '2019-07-16 15:04:37', '2019-07-16 15:04:36'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (172, '2019-07-16 18:14:40', '2019-07-16 18:14:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (173, '2019-07-17 07:29:40', '2019-07-17 07:29:40'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (174, '2019-07-17 13:14:09', '2019-07-17 13:14:08'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (175, '2019-07-18 09:41:55', '2019-07-18 09:41:54'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (176, '2019-07-18 15:36:29', '2019-07-18 15:36:29'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (177, '2019-07-19 20:08:56', '2019-07-19 20:08:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (178, '2019-07-20 09:41:00', '2019-07-20 09:41:00'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (179, '2019-07-20 23:56:28', '2019-07-20 23:56:27'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (180, '2019-07-23 14:42:38', '2019-07-23 14:42:38'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (181, '2019-07-26 11:47:54', '2019-07-26 11:47:53'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (182, '2019-07-27 00:45:27', '2019-07-27 00:45:26'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (183, '2019-07-27 23:48:06', '2019-07-27 23:48:06'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (184, '2019-07-30 22:30:36', '2019-07-30 22:30:36'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (185, '2019-07-31 10:41:00', '2019-07-31 10:41:00'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (186, '2019-07-31 16:40:21', '2019-07-31 16:40:20'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (187, '2019-08-01 15:41:15', '2019-08-01 15:41:14'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (188, '2019-08-01 22:17:42', '2019-08-01 22:17:41'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (189, '2019-08-02 16:08:24', '2019-08-02 16:08:23'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (190, '2019-08-02 16:19:46', '2019-08-02 16:19:45'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (191, '2019-08-02 19:28:21', '2019-08-02 19:28:21'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (192, '2019-08-05 13:29:43', '2019-08-05 13:29:42'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (193, '2019-08-07 13:40:20', '2019-08-07 13:40:19'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (194, '2019-08-08 17:34:25', '2019-08-08 17:34:25'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (195, '2019-08-10 15:36:16', '2019-08-10 15:36:17'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (196, '2019-08-12 15:35:59', '2019-08-12 15:35:58'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (197, '2019-08-12 17:28:19', '2019-08-12 17:28:19'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (198, '2019-08-13 15:38:55', '2019-08-13 15:38:55'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (199, '2019-08-13 18:08:35', '2019-08-13 18:08:34'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (200, '2019-08-14 09:44:26', '2019-08-14 09:44:25'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (201, '2019-08-14 11:44:44', '2019-08-14 11:44:43'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (202, '2019-08-14 15:48:47', '2019-08-14 15:48:46'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (203, '2019-08-14 23:01:33', '2019-08-14 23:01:32'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (204, '2019-08-17 10:40:19', '2019-08-17 10:40:18'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (205, '2019-08-17 15:02:01', '2019-08-17 15:02:00'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (206, '2019-08-18 01:07:01', '2019-08-18 01:07:00'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (207, '2019-08-20 12:53:59', '2019-08-20 12:53:58'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (208, '2019-08-20 17:51:36', '2019-08-20 17:51:36'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (209, '2019-08-20 19:15:43', '2019-08-20 19:15:43'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (210, '2019-08-23 09:59:34', '2019-08-23 09:59:33'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (211, '2019-08-24 06:54:18', '2019-08-24 06:54:18'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (212, '2019-08-26 10:24:28', '2019-08-26 10:24:25'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (213, '2019-08-27 15:07:39', '2019-08-27 15:07:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (214, '2019-08-27 15:58:02', '2019-08-27 15:58:01'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (215, '2019-08-30 09:13:12', '2019-08-30 09:13:11'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (216, '2019-08-30 11:35:59', '2019-08-30 11:35:59'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (217, '2019-08-30 15:09:01', '2019-08-30 15:09:00'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (218, '2019-09-03 15:41:56', '2019-09-03 15:41:56'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (219, '2019-09-04 17:46:39', '2019-09-04 17:46:39'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (220, '2019-09-05 10:18:07', '2019-09-05 10:18:07'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (221, '2019-09-05 15:12:28', '2019-09-05 15:12:27'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (222, '2019-09-05 15:13:54', '2019-09-05 15:13:53'); -INSERT INTO `user_register` VALUES (223, '2019-09-05 17:16:11', '2019-09-05 17:16:11'); 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import cn.iocoder.common.framework.enums.CommonStatusEnum; import cn.iocoder.common.framework.validator.InEnum; -import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.PageParam; import lombok.Data; -import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; import lombok.experimental.Accessors; -import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; +import java.io.Serializable; /** * Banner 列表 Request DTO */ @Data -@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true) @Accessors(chain = true) -public class BannerListReqDTO extends PageParam { +public class BannerListReqDTO implements Serializable { /** * 状态 diff --git a/promotion/pom.xml b/promotion/pom.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 870cfb1bd..000000000 --- a/promotion/pom.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ - - - - onemall - cn.iocoder.mall - 1.0-SNAPSHOT - - 4.0.0 - - promotion - pom - - promotion-application - promotion-biz - promotion-biz-api - promotion-rpc-api - promotion-rpc - promotion-rest - - - - - - - - - - cn.iocoder.mall - mall-dependencies - 1.0-SNAPSHOT - pom - import - - - - - diff --git a/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/controller/admins/AdminsProductRecommendController.java b/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/controller/admins/AdminsProductRecommendController.java deleted file mode 100644 index ca6ae48fe..000000000 --- a/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/controller/admins/AdminsProductRecommendController.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.controller.admins; - -import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult; -import cn.iocoder.mall.product.api.ProductSpuService; -import cn.iocoder.mall.product.api.bo.ProductSpuBO; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.ProductRecommendService; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.bo.ProductRecommendBO; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.bo.ProductRecommendPageBO; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.dto.ProductRecommendAddDTO; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.dto.ProductRecommendPageDTO; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.dto.ProductRecommendUpdateDTO; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.convert.ProductRecommendConvert; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.admins.AdminsProductRecommendPageVO; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.admins.AdminsProductRecommendVO; -import cn.iocoder.mall.security.core.context.AdminSecurityContextHolder; -import io.swagger.annotations.Api; -import io.swagger.annotations.ApiImplicitParam; -import io.swagger.annotations.ApiImplicitParams; -import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; -import org.apache.dubbo.config.annotation.Reference; -import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; - -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Map; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - -import static cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult.success; - -@RestController -@RequestMapping("admins/product_recommend") -@Api("商品推荐模块") -public class AdminsProductRecommendController { - - @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.provider.ProductRecommendService.version}") - private ProductRecommendService productRecommendService; - @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.consumer.ProductSpuService.version}") - private ProductSpuService productSpuService; - - @GetMapping("/page") - @ApiOperation(value = "商品推荐分页") - @ApiImplicitParams({ - @ApiImplicitParam(name = "type", value = "推荐类型", example = "1"), - @ApiImplicitParam(name = "pageNo", value = "页码,从 1 开始", example = "1"), - @ApiImplicitParam(name = "pageSize", value = "每页条数", required = true, example = "10"), - }) - public CommonResult page(@RequestParam(value = "type", required = false) Integer type, - @RequestParam(value = "pageNo", defaultValue = "1") Integer pageNo, - @RequestParam(value = "pageSize", defaultValue = "10") Integer pageSize) { - ProductRecommendPageBO result = productRecommendService.getProductRecommendPage(new ProductRecommendPageDTO().setType(type).setPageNo(pageNo).setPageSize(pageSize)); - // 获得商品集合 - List spus = productSpuService.getProductSpuList( - result.getList().stream().map(ProductRecommendBO::getProductSpuId).collect(Collectors.toSet())); - Map spuMap = spus.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(ProductSpuBO::getId, account -> account)); - // 拼装结果 - AdminsProductRecommendPageVO response = ProductRecommendConvert.INSTANCE.convert(result); - response.getList().forEach(recommendVO -> recommendVO.setProductSpuName(spuMap.get(recommendVO.getProductSpuId()).getName())); - return CommonResult.success(response); - } - - @PostMapping("/add") - @ApiOperation(value = "创建商品推荐") - @ApiImplicitParams({ - @ApiImplicitParam(name = "type", value = "推荐类型", required = true, example = "1"), - @ApiImplicitParam(name = "productSpuId", value = "商品编号", required = true, example = "1"), - @ApiImplicitParam(name = "sort", value = "排序", required = true, example = "10"), - @ApiImplicitParam(name = "memo", value = "备注", example = "活动很牛逼"), - }) - public CommonResult add(@RequestParam("type") Integer type, - @RequestParam("productSpuId") Integer productSpuId, - @RequestParam("sort") Integer sort, - @RequestParam(value = "memo", required = false) String memo) { - ProductRecommendAddDTO bannerAddDTO = new ProductRecommendAddDTO().setType(type).setProductSpuId(productSpuId) - .setSort(sort).setMemo(memo); - return success(ProductRecommendConvert.INSTANCE.convert(productRecommendService.addProductRecommend(AdminSecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAdminId(), bannerAddDTO))); - } - - @PostMapping("/update") - @ApiOperation(value = "更新商品推荐") - @ApiImplicitParams({ - @ApiImplicitParam(name = "id", value = "商品推荐编号", required = true, example = "1"), - @ApiImplicitParam(name = "type", value = "推荐类型", required = true, example = "1"), - @ApiImplicitParam(name = "productSpuId", value = "商品编号", required = true, example = "1"), - @ApiImplicitParam(name = "sort", value = "排序", required = true, example = "10"), - @ApiImplicitParam(name = "memo", value = "备注", example = "活动很牛逼"), - }) - public CommonResult update(@RequestParam("id") Integer id, - @RequestParam("type") Integer type, - @RequestParam("productSpuId") Integer productSpuId, - @RequestParam("sort") Integer sort, - @RequestParam(value = "memo", required = false) String memo) { - ProductRecommendUpdateDTO bannerUpdateDTO = new ProductRecommendUpdateDTO().setId(id).setType(type).setProductSpuId(productSpuId) - .setSort(sort).setMemo(memo); - return success(productRecommendService.updateProductRecommend(AdminSecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAdminId(), bannerUpdateDTO)); - } - - @PostMapping("/delete") - @ApiOperation(value = "删除商品推荐") - @ApiImplicitParam(name = "id", value = "商品推荐编号", required = true, example = "1") - public CommonResult delete(@RequestParam("id") Integer id) { - return success(productRecommendService.deleteProductRecommend(AdminSecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAdminId(), id)); - } - -} diff --git a/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/controller/users/UsersBannerController.java b/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/controller/users/UsersBannerController.java deleted file mode 100644 index cdde1f7bd..000000000 --- a/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/controller/users/UsersBannerController.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.controller.users; - -import cn.iocoder.common.framework.enums.CommonStatusEnum; -import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.BannerService; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.bo.BannerBO; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.convert.BannerConvert; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.users.UsersBannerVO; -import io.swagger.annotations.Api; -import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; -import org.apache.dubbo.config.annotation.Reference; -import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; -import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; -import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; - -import java.util.Comparator; -import java.util.List; - -@RestController -@RequestMapping("users/banner") -@Api("Banner 模块") -public class UsersBannerController { - - @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.provider.BannerService.version}") - private BannerService bannerService; - - @GetMapping("/list") - @ApiOperation("获得所有 Banner 列表") - public CommonResult> list() { - // 查询 Banner 列表 - List result = bannerService.getBannerListByStatus(CommonStatusEnum.ENABLE.getValue()); - // 排序,按照 sort 升序 - result.sort(Comparator.comparing(BannerBO::getSort)); - // 返回 - return CommonResult.success(BannerConvert.USERS.convertList(result)); - } - -} diff --git a/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/controller/users/UsersProductRecommendController.java b/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/controller/users/UsersProductRecommendController.java deleted file mode 100644 index 2029fc517..000000000 --- a/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/controller/users/UsersProductRecommendController.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.controller.users; - -import cn.iocoder.common.framework.enums.CommonStatusEnum; -import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult; -import cn.iocoder.mall.product.api.ProductSpuService; -import cn.iocoder.mall.product.api.bo.ProductSpuBO; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.ProductRecommendService; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.bo.ProductRecommendBO; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.convert.ProductRecommendConvert; -import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.users.UsersProductRecommendVO; -import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap; -import com.google.common.collect.Multimap; -import io.swagger.annotations.Api; -import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; -import org.apache.dubbo.config.annotation.Reference; -import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; -import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; -import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; - -import java.util.Collection; -import java.util.Comparator; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Map; -import java.util.stream.Collectors; - -@RestController -@RequestMapping("users/product_recommend") -@Api("商品推荐模块") -public class UsersProductRecommendController { - - @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.provider.ProductRecommendService.version}") - private ProductRecommendService productRecommendService; - @Reference(validation = "true", version = "${dubbo.consumer.ProductSpuService.version}") - private ProductSpuService productSpuService; - - @GetMapping("/list") - @ApiOperation("获得所有 Banner 列表") - public CommonResult>> list() { - // 查询商品推荐列表 - List productRecommends = productRecommendService.getProductRecommendList( - null, CommonStatusEnum.ENABLE.getValue()); - // 获得商品集合 - List spus = productSpuService.getProductSpuList( - productRecommends.stream().map(ProductRecommendBO::getProductSpuId).collect(Collectors.toSet())); - Map spuMap = spus.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(ProductSpuBO::getId, account -> account)); - // 组合结果,返回 - Multimap result = HashMultimap.create(); - productRecommends.sort(Comparator.comparing(ProductRecommendBO::getSort)); // 排序,按照 sort 升序 - productRecommends.forEach(productRecommendBO -> result.put(productRecommendBO.getType(), - ProductRecommendConvert.INSTANCE.convert(spuMap.get(productRecommendBO.getProductSpuId())))); // 将 ProductSpuBO 添加到 results 中 - return CommonResult.success(result.asMap()); - } - -} diff --git a/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/vo/admins/AdminsProductRecommendVO.java b/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/vo/admins/AdminsProductRecommendVO.java deleted file mode 100644 index 80f0007c7..000000000 --- a/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/vo/admins/AdminsProductRecommendVO.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.admins; - -import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel; -import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; -import lombok.Data; -import lombok.experimental.Accessors; - -import java.util.Date; - -@ApiModel("商品推荐 VO") -@Data -@Accessors(chain = true) -public class AdminsProductRecommendVO { - - @ApiModelProperty(value = "编号", required = true, example = "1") - private Integer id; - @ApiModelProperty(value = "推荐类型", required = true, example = "1") - private Integer type; - @ApiModelProperty(value = "商品编号", required = true, example = "1") - private Integer productSpuId; - @ApiModelProperty(value = "排序", required = true, example = "10") - private Integer sort; - @ApiModelProperty(value = "状态", required = true, example = "1") - private Integer status; - @ApiModelProperty(value = "备注", required = true, example = "这个活动很牛逼") - private String memo; - @ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间", required = true, example = "时间戳格式") - private Date createTime; - - // ========== 基本信息 ========= - @ApiModelProperty(value = "SPU 名字", required = true, example = "厮大牛逼") - private String productSpuName; - -} diff --git a/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/vo/users/UsersProductRecommendVO.java b/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/vo/users/UsersProductRecommendVO.java deleted file mode 100644 index 351b6f4a1..000000000 --- a/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/vo/users/UsersProductRecommendVO.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.users; - -import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel; -import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; -import lombok.Data; -import lombok.experimental.Accessors; - -import java.util.List; - -@ApiModel(value = "商品推荐 VO", description = "不包括 SKU 信息 VO") -@Data -@Accessors(chain = true) -public class UsersProductRecommendVO { - - @ApiModelProperty(value = "商品 SPU 编号", required = true, example = "1") - private Integer id; - - // ========== 基本信息 ========= - @ApiModelProperty(value = "SPU 名字", required = true, example = "厮大牛逼") - private String name; - @ApiModelProperty(value = "卖点", required = true, example = "各种 MQ 骚操作") - private String sellPoint; - @ApiModelProperty(value = "商品主图地址的数组", required = true, example = "http://www.iocoder.cn") - private List picUrls; - - // ========== Sku 相关字段 ========= - /** - * 价格 - * - * 目前的计算方式是,以 Sku 最小价格为准 - */ - private Integer price; - -} diff --git a/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/controller/promotion/BannerController.java b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/controller/promotion/BannerController.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..58785ee6c --- /dev/null +++ b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/controller/promotion/BannerController.java @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +package cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.controller.promotion; + +import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult; +import cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.controller.promotion.vo.brand.BannerRespVO; +import cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.manager.promotion.BannerManager; +import io.swagger.annotations.Api; +import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; +import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; + +import java.util.List; + +import static cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult.success; + +@RestController +@RequestMapping("/promotion/banner") +@Api(tags = "Banner API") +@Validated +public class BannerController { + + @Autowired + private BannerManager bannerManager; + + @GetMapping("/list") + @ApiOperation("获得所有 Banner 列表") + public CommonResult> listBanners() { + return success(bannerManager.listBanners()); + } + +} diff --git a/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/controller/promotion/ProductRecommendController.java b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/controller/promotion/ProductRecommendController.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b17a39e2a --- /dev/null +++ b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/controller/promotion/ProductRecommendController.java @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.controller.promotion; + +import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult; +import cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.controller.product.vo.product.ProductSpuRespVO; +import cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.manager.promotion.ProductRecommendManager; +import io.swagger.annotations.Api; +import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; +import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; + +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.Map; + +import static cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult.success; + +@RestController +@RequestMapping("/promotion/product-recommend") +@Api(tags = "商品推荐 API") +@Validated +public class ProductRecommendController { + + @Autowired + private ProductRecommendManager productRecommendManager; + + @GetMapping("/list") + @ApiOperation("获得所有商品推荐列表") + public CommonResult>> list() { + return success(productRecommendManager.listProductRecommends()); + } + +} diff --git a/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/vo/users/UsersBannerVO.java b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/controller/promotion/vo/brand/BannerRespVO.java similarity index 77% rename from promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/vo/users/UsersBannerVO.java rename to shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/controller/promotion/vo/brand/BannerRespVO.java index a056b79de..5ccb2cac8 100644 --- a/promotion/promotion-start/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/promotion/application/vo/users/UsersBannerVO.java +++ b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/controller/promotion/vo/brand/BannerRespVO.java @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -package cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.application.vo.users; +package cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.controller.promotion.vo.brand; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; import lombok.Data; import lombok.experimental.Accessors; -@ApiModel("Banner VO") +@ApiModel("Banner Response VO") @Data @Accessors(chain = true) -public class UsersBannerVO { +public class BannerRespVO { @ApiModelProperty(value = "跳转链接", required = true, example = "http://www.baidu.com") private String url; diff --git a/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/convert/promotion/BannerConvert.java b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/convert/promotion/BannerConvert.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c0868fa9a --- /dev/null +++ b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/convert/promotion/BannerConvert.java @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +package cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.convert.promotion; + +import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.rpc.banner.dto.BannerRespDTO; +import cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.controller.promotion.vo.brand.BannerRespVO; +import org.mapstruct.Mapper; +import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers; + +import java.util.List; + +@Mapper +public interface BannerConvert { + + BannerConvert INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(BannerConvert.class); + + List convertList(List list); + +} diff --git a/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/convert/promotion/ProductRecommendConvert.java b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/convert/promotion/ProductRecommendConvert.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4494df723 --- /dev/null +++ b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/convert/promotion/ProductRecommendConvert.java @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +package cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.convert.promotion; + +import cn.iocoder.mall.productservice.rpc.spu.dto.ProductSpuRespDTO; +import cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.controller.product.vo.product.ProductSpuRespVO; +import org.mapstruct.Mapper; +import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers; + +@Mapper +public interface ProductRecommendConvert { + + ProductRecommendConvert INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(ProductRecommendConvert.class); + + ProductSpuRespVO convert(ProductSpuRespDTO bean); + +} diff --git a/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/manager/promotion/BannerManager.java b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/manager/promotion/BannerManager.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..acc6599ec --- /dev/null +++ b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/manager/promotion/BannerManager.java @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +package cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.manager.promotion; + +import cn.iocoder.common.framework.enums.CommonStatusEnum; +import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult; +import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.rpc.banner.BannerRpc; +import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.rpc.banner.dto.BannerListReqDTO; +import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.rpc.banner.dto.BannerRespDTO; +import cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.controller.promotion.vo.brand.BannerRespVO; +import cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.convert.promotion.BannerConvert; +import org.apache.dubbo.config.annotation.DubboReference; +import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; +import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; + +import java.util.Comparator; +import java.util.List; + +/** + * Banner Manager + */ +@Service +@Validated +public class BannerManager { + + @DubboReference(version = "${dubbo.consumer.BannerRpc.version}") + private BannerRpc bannerRpc; + + public List listBanners() { + // 获取 Banner 列表 + CommonResult> listBannersResult = bannerRpc.listBanners( + new BannerListReqDTO().setStatus(CommonStatusEnum.ENABLE.getValue())); + listBannersResult.checkError(); + // 排序返回 + listBannersResult.getData().sort(Comparator.comparing(BannerRespDTO::getSort)); + return BannerConvert.INSTANCE.convertList(listBannersResult.getData()); + } + +} diff --git a/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/manager/promotion/ProductRecommendManager.java b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/manager/promotion/ProductRecommendManager.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cf11ae8a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/shop-web-app/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/mall/shopweb/manager/promotion/ProductRecommendManager.java @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +package cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.manager.promotion; + +import cn.iocoder.common.framework.enums.CommonStatusEnum; +import cn.iocoder.common.framework.util.CollectionUtils; +import cn.iocoder.common.framework.vo.CommonResult; +import cn.iocoder.mall.productservice.rpc.spu.ProductSpuRpc; +import cn.iocoder.mall.productservice.rpc.spu.dto.ProductSpuRespDTO; +import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.rpc.recommend.ProductRecommendRpc; +import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.rpc.recommend.dto.ProductRecommendListReqDTO; +import cn.iocoder.mall.promotion.api.rpc.recommend.dto.ProductRecommendRespDTO; +import cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.controller.product.vo.product.ProductSpuRespVO; +import cn.iocoder.mall.shopweb.convert.promotion.ProductRecommendConvert; +import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap; +import com.google.common.collect.Multimap; +import org.apache.dubbo.config.annotation.DubboReference; +import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; +import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; + +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.Comparator; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +/** + * 商品推荐 Manager + */ +@Service +@Validated +public class ProductRecommendManager { + + @DubboReference(version = "${dubbo.consumer.ProductRecommendRpc.version}") + private ProductRecommendRpc productRecommendRpc; + @DubboReference(version = "${dubbo.consumer.ProductSpuRpc.version}") + private ProductSpuRpc productSpuRpc; + + public Map> listProductRecommends() { + // 查询商品推荐列表 + CommonResult> listProductRecommendsResult = productRecommendRpc.listProductRecommends( + new ProductRecommendListReqDTO().setStatus(CommonStatusEnum.ENABLE.getValue())); + listProductRecommendsResult.checkError(); + listProductRecommendsResult.getData().sort(Comparator.comparing(ProductRecommendRespDTO::getSort)); // 排序,按照 sort 升序 + // 获得商品集合 + Map spuMap = this.getProductSkuMap(listProductRecommendsResult.getData()); + // 组合结果,返回 + Multimap result = HashMultimap.create(); + listProductRecommendsResult.getData().forEach(productRecommendBO -> result.put(productRecommendBO.getType(), + ProductRecommendConvert.INSTANCE.convert(spuMap.get(productRecommendBO.getProductSpuId())))); + return result.asMap(); + } + + private Map getProductSkuMap(List productRecommends) { + CommonResult> listProductSpusResult = productSpuRpc.listProductSpus( + CollectionUtils.convertSet(productRecommends, ProductRecommendRespDTO::getProductSpuId)); + listProductSpusResult.checkError(); + return CollectionUtils.convertMap(listProductSpusResult.getData(), ProductSpuRespDTO::getId); + } + +} diff --git a/shop-web-app/src/main/resources/application.yml b/shop-web-app/src/main/resources/application.yml index adf0fdd8b..f0fed3e03 100644 --- a/shop-web-app/src/main/resources/application.yml +++ b/shop-web-app/src/main/resources/application.yml @@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ dubbo: version: 1.0.0 CouponTemplateRpc: version: 1.0.0 + BannerRpc: + version: 1.0.0 + ProductRecommendRpc: + version: 1.0.0 # Swagger 配置项 swagger: diff --git a/user-web-app/pom.xml b/user-web-app/pom.xml index d9acaa42a..75933cdfe 100644 --- a/user-web-app/pom.xml +++ b/user-web-app/pom.xml @@ -72,6 +72,12 @@ spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery + + + org.springframework.boot + spring-boot-starter-actuator + + org.projectlombok @@ -89,4 +95,16 @@ + + + ${project.artifactId} + + + + org.springframework.boot + spring-boot-maven-plugin + + + + diff --git a/user-web-app/src/main/resources/application.yml b/user-web-app/src/main/resources/application.yml index aba33d1f5..7ce01ad3d 100644 --- a/user-web-app/src/main/resources/application.yml +++ b/user-web-app/src/main/resources/application.yml @@ -44,3 +44,8 @@ swagger: description: 提供用户注册、登陆、信息等等 API version: 1.0.0 base-package: cn.iocoder.mall.userweb.controller + +# Actuator 监控配置项 +management: + server.port: 38086 # 独立端口,避免被暴露出去 + endpoints.web.exposure.include: '*' # 暴露所有监控端点